in both formats - download Free! |
Belief System: |
outstanding short novel by DebE, a story of mental health
based on 'real life' situations!"
- Ernie Fairchild (London
FM ) |
Truth : |

only! |
brief philosophical look at the findings of John Allegro,
that Jesus was a mushroom & that God was a penis,
eg - Joseph, translated from hebrew means' god is penis'...ponder
second coming’ : |

only! |
awareness of the truth about Jesus
Having read
this book, i recomend it!.
last book? available online...just click the book!
On 8th of march 2003,
i was in London looking for Allegro books - inparticulally
'the Dead Sea scrolls & the Christian Myth' (above)
published in 1994. Watkins book shop said it had been discontinued
some time ago the only place you might get a copy is on the
internet, however if you look in the second hand depatment they
might have some thing and they did. On your left is the book
i bought 'The Shapira Affair'. It is a real eye opener
as i had no knowledge of its contents or exsistance.The thing
that also amazed me was that inside, it was signed by john Allegro
what a find. I am looking out for a copy of 'the sacred
mushroom and the cross', and as for the dead sea scrolls
and the christian myth, well i popped into foyles and they
have orderd me a copy. As for everything else, he has ever done,
it has been discontinued.
I think that says a lot when you raise the question why?
J M Allegro
- the man who when working on deciphering the 'Dead sea scrolls'
, discovered the TRUE origins of the meaning of Jesus &
of a tribe of peoples who partook of the Jesus mushroom. They
worshiped natue & sex, believing 'Rain' to be the sperm
of God!.

To the suppressors, Fuck you!

Real Da vinci Code
1987 my husband David & I started to read the holy blood and
the Holy Grail we were fascinated with the whole book and for
many years pondered its contents. About 2 years later we were
talking about it with our friend Jamie Gray who was telling us
about John Allegro who was briefly mentioned in the book. Jamie
said Allegro had written some interesting books on the subject
of the scrolls. In 1947 John Allegro was commissioned by the Vatican
to decipher the contents of the Dead Sea scrolls found in large
earth wear jars in the Quamran by a shepherd boy in the early
1800. John Allegro was a learned scholar he was born in 1923.
After taking a BA in Oriental studies and an MA at Manchester
University he spent a year researching in Hebrew dialects at Oxford
before being appointed a lecturer in comparative Semitic philology
at Manchester University. His findings shocked the church and
they discredited him saying he was writing books for the money
deliberately trying to damage the reputation of the church. Allegro
spent his whole life writing books about his findings. He goes
into great detail in all his books, but the points that he has
made have gone largely unnoticed, that’s why I want to tell
you that the code that counts is the Allegergorical picture about
Jesus. In the Da Vinci Code they seem to point towards Jesus being
a man that got a whore pregnant and she carried his blood line
the baby of Jesus to France who then mixed with the French to
make them descendants of the holy Jesus and there for better than
the rest of the human race, and this is meant to be the holy Grail?.
Now that’s even funnier than Jesus was a mushroom.
That’s what Allegro discovered, that Jesus was a mushroom
that was seen as sacred and the first Christians were like Shaman
or doctors that would help others by giving them the sacred mushroom
to partake of. They would make mushroom tea or bread known as
the blood and body of Jesus. They created the blue print for the
church as it is today, they created the first banks and it seems
like they collaborated with the Romans to create the Christian
religion we all Know. In Allegros last book the Christian Myth
he talks about Joshua son of Nun I think he is saying that Joshua
was also a mushroom before Jesus and that the story of the sacred
mushroom being a man is a code to hide the truth about the sacred
mushroom as it was forbidden in some places. But it was highly
important to pass on the truth about how a magic mushroom could
save the world. I don’t think there is any conspiracy to
hide this truth I think it is just knowledge we have lost and
lost the value of in this modern day and age.