:: six inch killaz have gone to the great cathouse in the sky ::
:: listen ::
:: Listen to full length tracks at Six Inch Killaz' last.fm ::
:: Luis' fun filled new site contains plenty of Killaz material and merchandise! ::
:: Simon Murphy on soundclick ::
:: Mona Compleine on six inch killaz ::
:: The Six Inch Killaz story (serial) by Miss K ::
:: Miss K interviewed (Charlotte Cooper) ::
:: Miss K interviewed (Vicki René) ::
:: the draGnet (Miss K's weblog) ::
:: Mona's guitar site ::
:: The King Cheetah, our great friends, a great band ::
:: Deathline, Miss K's current band ::
:: images ::
:: Miss K's Photos (Flickr) ::
:: Luis' Photos (Flickr) ::
:: video ::
Six Inch Killaz (by The King Cheetah)
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