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Subject: solstice celebrations 1981
Date: 25 June 2001 20:12
Stonehenge Polytantric Stage 1981 8 days of music and fun and two very black eyes where two hippies dropped an 18ft scaffold pole on the third eye...drongoed from day one .

8 days and nights of music Red Ice, Selector, Theatre of hate, Sugar Minott ,Doll by Doll, Thompson Twins, Night Doctor, Merger, Androids of Mu, Deaf Aids Killer Hertz, The Raincoats, Thandoy, Foxes and Rats, ICU Lightning Raiders, Psycho Hampster, Misty in Roots, Andy Allens future,Inner Visions, Red Beat, Man to Man Triumphant, Stolen Pets,Seeds of Creation, Coxone Sound System Black Widow, Here and Now, Hawkwind, Steel and Skin, The Lines, Play Dead, Lighting by Shoe, Flux of Pink Indians, The Mob, Treatment, Popular History of Signs, The Wystic Mankers, Elsie Steer and Cosmic Dave. Lighting by Shoe to name but a few and Sid Rawles and Golly for the site newsletter........

big steve.

 Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 10:40 AM
 Subject: Re: huge pic

(Original message) Dear Dice George,

My regards and best wishes, how I wish I was with you all at stonehenge to celebrate the solstice and the gig at Glastonbury with my two old bands but alas working and far far away however I send you a picture of the stonehenge stage 1981 where the likes of not only Inner City Unit and Here OM Now entertained the solstice pilgrims but also Misty in Roots, The Thompson Twins and Ruts DC on a stage hosted by the polytantric circle.

Solstice celebrations provided for free to facilitate the enjoyment of the solstice celebrations in difficult circumstances.

It was 20 years ago today, Sgt Pepper on looking back to the future of more innocent days.

Stay in touch Love and Peace big steve

[hr] From: "stephen langdon" []
To: []
Subject: Re: white auras and Japanese tourists???
Date: 31 December 2001 13:16

A copy for you Hi wolfgang,

Stonehenge free festival was banned in 1985 and yes their were sound systems primarily reggae eg Coxsone and some hip hop PAs with the likes of Keith Leblanc of grandmaster flash and the furious five. At its height 83/84 stonehenge free festival attracted 60,000-80,000 people with bands and DJ�s playing for six days and nights.

The crackdown by the authorities in 1985-1986 gave birth to the big raves with the likes of the mutoid waste company and the remenants of the convoy organising huge squat parties in London and the famous outdoor rave at Castle Morton which unfortunately led to rectionary criminal justice bill The year before Stonehenge freaks organised the first ever nights of ecstacy parties with the likes of the Shamen, The James Taylor quartet, Psychic TV,Dave Ball of Soft Cell, Gaye bikers on Acid, Nik Turner, an early formation of Portishead and Nasty suicide of Hanoi rocks, to name a few. The music was a mix of 60�s psychedelia, 80�s industrial and Chicago house which gave birth to the whole acid house movement. Seminal cuts were things like Steinski and Mass media, We�ll be right back,Jack the Tab, Superman and Mr fingers, Can you feel it.

The idea was to generate the same kind of head space as the free festivals combining distinct enviroments musically and artistically mixing, music, lazers lights, spaces, sculptures, painting, fashion dance and culture into a heady mix where the audience would be transported to a euforical state of utopian frenzy. These parties were at the vanguard and therefore exclusive and sporadic because of the intensive and improvisational nature of the events. Highly praised but irrepeatable and unimitateable It is true to say they set the stamp of quality by which all subsequent raves were judged and inspired to emulate.

Peter the rodie sorry doesn�t ring a bell.

Perhaps you can send me a copy of your article?

hope this of some help stephen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Sterneck" []
To: []
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 11:51 PM
Subject: 2 Questions

Hello Big Steve,
I got your adress by dice-george.
Two questions for a artcile about underground-techno etc.

- Was there in the nineties Techno at the Stonehenge Festivals (DJs /
Soundsystems / Live-Acts ... )
- I'm looking for infos or for someine who can tell me how the Criminal
Justice Bill effected the free festivsl / free rave / free party scene ...
Less free events by the people? Did the police stop if people do them? ...

Oh, a third question - Do you know Pete the Roadie? Any email-adress of him?

Thanks anyway

Rhythm and Change

Wolfgang Sterneck
(Frankfurt / Germany)
- Cybertribe-Archiv
- Archiv Musik und Ver�nderung
- Alice - The Drug- and Culture-Project
- Alive - Assoziation Linker Verlage
- KomistA - Kultur und Konsequenz
- Moksha - For A Psychoactive Culture
- Soluna - Rhythmus und Bewu�tsein
- Sonics - Cybertribe-Netzwerk
- Freiheit f�r Mumia Abu-Jamal

----- Original Message -----
From: "" []
To: "stephen langdon" []
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2001 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: white auras and Japanese tourists???

] what did you reply to wolfgang,
] please forward me a copy
] from your sent folder
] if its for the stonehenge webpages
] which i guess bits may well be.
] stonehenge was good,
] and my bus got there and back
] g
] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
] ~ george ~~ ~
] ~ Stonehenge Campaign~~ Tribal Voices ~
] ~~~~~~~~~   ~
] ~~~~~~~~ (emails collected weeklyish)   ~
] ~
] (if after 7pm I'll phone you back cheaprate)
] ~ orange phone 07970 378572 ~ george ~
] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stonehenge Polytantric Stage 1981
end of

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