LINK2STG.HTM Thu21Nov1996

Please link your page to the STONEHENGE CAMPAIGN's websites

(note many filenames are in UPPERCASE )

There are now (at least) 4 sites with Stonehengy information:
Stonehenge 2: new site with latest news, calendar and contacts list.

"" World Peace Builders` Trust Stonehenge page.
Stonehenge Campaign homepage at Kingsway College (may be cancelled by the college, hence other sites under development)

Stonehenge Campaign at GeoCities

Tash's pics of Stonehenge, festivals, etc

Please link your webpages to these pages, perhaps using the link above.

Use Netscape/File/SaveAs/Source/LINK2STG.HTM
to download this file,
then edit it using your favourite editor.

Stonehenge Campaign, c/o 99 Torriano Av, London NW5 2RX (UK)
Calendar ; Datelist ; Contacts ; Findex; WebLinks ;
Newbury; Footballers ; AntiCJA; MN; SchNEWS ; J'sGaia; Search . DiceGeorge

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Contact us: :-) [email protected]
....Or try Paul :-) [email protected]

(End of link2stg.htm)

Thanks for these webpages.
george @ (c) 1995-2002 ©