Motorola pill Clubbers Guide to Ecstasy (MDMA) Motorola pill

Welcome to the Caned In Totnes Clubbers Guide to Ecstacy (MDMA). On these pages you will find information about 'The Love Drug', pill pics and our very own Caned In Totnes guide to MDMA.

A brief history of ecstasy
The effects of ecstasy
Ecstasy tips
Pill guide
Ecstasy glossary
What goes up must come down ...
Ecstasy quotes
Ecstasy links
Ecstasy opninion poll
Legal ecstasy and herbal highs

Ecstasy pillA brief history of ecstasy (MDMA) 

Ecstasy first appeared on the streets in the 60s, but it wasn't really until the late eighties that it took off in a big way and has clearly influenced contemporary popular music.

Conservative estimates reckon over half a million pills are consumed in the UK every week and in Britain we are considered to be the fastest pill poppers in the west.

On the whole, people who take ecstasy have a good time time during the experience and do not die, though there are almost certainly long term health risks that are not fully known. Some people have been doing pills for over a decade with little or no ill-effect, however some of them are really fucked up.

MDMA (the chemical name for ecstasy) was invented in the early 1900's by a pharmaceutical company called E.MERCK and was originally intended as a dietary supplement until its more pleasent effects became evident. If you have ever tried eating a peanut butter sandwhich when on E - then you will understand why it was originally intended as a slimming pill.

As soon as our killjoy politicians found out that people were actually enjoying themselves and having a good time on ecstasy - they went ahead and banned it. (Presumably, they did this some time in-between dumping nuclear waste into the Irish Sea and shagging their secretaries in Parliament while securing an arms deal selling land mines to some tin-pot dictator in the Middle East.) As a result of making ecstasy illegal, it has made the pills more dangerous and has put the supply into the hands of organised criminals.

 The effects of ecstasy

Ecstasy can make you feel good at the time. Chemically induced Happiness. 'E' makes you happy while you are high! You may experience feelings of love, empathy, belonging and closeness to others.

Ecstasy increases awareness and appreciation of music - it goes particularly well with banging tunes, which explains why it is known as the clubbers' drug of the 90s. For some people it can bring about profound life-changing spiritual experiences that open up their mind to new thoughts and ideas, though regular usage can also bring about long term depression, mood swings and bad health. It can also give you an urge to hug and kiss people - so be warned!

Ecstasy pill Ecstasy tips

If you are planning to take ecstasy - it is a good idea to get a good nights sleep the night before. Also, eat plenty of fruit during the day and perhaps take vitamin supliments. Eat a good meal before and not after you take your first pill. Also drink a moderate and regular amount of water while pilling (but not too much!) If you have never taken E before, consider just dropping half a pill and be with friends who are aware that you have taken some E. Make sure you have a reliable dealer, as there are some crap pills around and if in doubt about any of the above - don't take it at all!

Don't drop too many pills in one night, in fact, don't drop any at all, as good one's cost more. Always keep them hidden and make sure that they get in your mouth safely. There are supplements that you can take, if you feel that your serotonine levels are low (this could be the feeling of depression and out-of-touchness that sometimes occurs). Do not take MDMA if you are currently taking anti-depressants and it is not a good idea to get pilled up if you are suffering from a cold or feeling under the weather.

Smoking marijuana while you are pilling your socks off is particularly nice!

 Pill guide

Caned in Totnes - guide to ecstasy.
Pic Name of pill Description Rating
Crown Crown White pills with a crown on them, usually quite good.   8/10
Euro Euro Though Britain has opted out of the single currency, many people saw the year 2002 in with quite a few of these.   8/10
Mitsubishi Mitsubishi One of the most common Es found in the UK. Some are nicer than others - beware of crap Mistubishis laced with ketamine and/or speed. Ketamine is for horses - not for Clubbers!   7/10
Medusas / Versace Medusa Sometimes known as Versace. Not so good and possibly laced with K and speed. However, not all branded pills are necessarily the same.   5/10
Motorola Motorola A bit too chemically.   4/10
VW - Volkswagon VW Seem to be popular.   8/10

Black market ecstasy tablets generally bear an imprint designed to identify and distinguish a particular 'brand' from other pills. Imprinting the logo of a popular or well-known company is very common. The above guide is only a bit of humour and nobody should ever rely on the logo marked on an ecstasy tablet, as they are produced on the unregulated black market. If you have any comments or suggestions please e-mail them to [email protected]

Ecstasy pill Ecstasy glossary

Caned in Totnes - ecstasy glossary.
Banging tunes Very loud tunes with a good beat that sound particulary good when on ecstasy.
Cheeky litte one An ecstasy tablet.
Chilled tunes Tranquil music that sounds particularly good when on ecstasy - usually put on later in the early hours of the morning.
Coming up Starting to feel the effects of taking an ecstasy pill.
Come down The next day when the effects are wearing off. What goes up must come down, though this can be softened by drinking lots of alcohol and smoking pot.
Double drop To take two ecstasy pills in one go.
Go half To divide a pill in half and share with a friend.
Luvdup Wanting to love/ hug everyone as a direct result of taking ecstasy.
Lush What you may feel when you take ecstasy.
Mashed /muntered State of mind when you have taken a few pills.
Mental Something a raver shouts when dancing their tits off after consuming some ecstasy pills.
MDMA Methylenedioxy-n-methylamphetamine (C11H15NO2)
- commonly known as E or ecstasy.
On a mission To go in search of ecstasy tablets.
Pilling one's socks off Taken a lot of E.
Pill head A person who takes a lot of ecstacy regularly.
Popped / necked Taken an ecstasy pill.
Shit pills Pills that contain little or no MDMA often sold three for a tenner; usually made in the North West of England and usually sold by dodgy Scousers on the black market from Torquay to John O' Groats.
Sorted Arranged the purchase of your ecstasy pills in time for the weekend.

The above table defines many of the terms commonly heard when indulging in the practice of taking ecstasy. This may be useful for Mums and Dads wondering what the fuck their kids are going on about when they return from university in the summer.

Ecstasy pill What goes up must come down ...

While our politicians grossly exaggerate the dangers of taking ecstasy, by implying you will probably die if you take it when you almost certainly will not, there are certainly long term health implications you may wish to consider. In the immediate aftermath of taking ecstasy you will feel the notorious comedown; this can be negated by vitamins, water or E comedown remedies, but generally you will feel shit for a few days (or weeks) once the effects have worn off.

Research suggests MDMA can damage serotonin-releasing neurons and lead to serotonin deficiency. This will mean depression, mood swings which may or not get better after discontinued usage, depending on who you are. As is the case with all toxins that regularly enter your body; persistent usage of ecstasy will impair your immune system, which will mean susceptibility to recurring colds and other illnesses.

Deaths from ecstasy use have been widely reported in the media, even of first time users. According to the UK's Police Foundation, who made a thorough evaluation risk, 'although deaths from ecstasy are highly publicised, it probably kills fewer than 10 people each year, which though deeply distressing for the surviving relatives and friends, is a small percentage of the many thousands of people who use it each week'. It's not always clear what killed these unfortunate few, although the vast majority of deaths are caused by dehydration. This is because people on ecstasy dance for hours and are too high to realise they need to drink water to replace lost fluids and cool down. More than half of all ecstasy related deaths also involve other drugs, the most common being alcohol, so far there is no clear case of death actually caused by MDMA, except for the case of an unfortunate dog that died shortly after being given a massive amount of MDMA. Having said that, very high doses of MDMA in some people may cause serotonin overload, which can be fatal. This suggests it would be exceedingly unwise to take MDMA with an antidepressant that breaks down serotonin.

In addition, to illegal MDMA or ecstasy, in recent years there has been an increasing number of legal ecstasy alternatives availalbe to buy online or in head shops - click here to find out more about legal highs and legal ecstasy.

Ecstasy pill And I quote ...

"Psychedelics, used responsibly and with proper caution, would be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology and medicine or the telescope is for astronomy." - Stan Grof, M.D.

"No cunts on me drugstable " - Trogg.

When Napoleon invaded Vienna, Beethoven said: "If I were a General and I knew as much about war as I do about music, then Napoleon wouldn't even be here."

"Oh my God, somebody has spiked the pills with ecstasy!" - Craig.

"There is a note, if you hear that note take it down to Earth and share it with your family." - Leonard Bernstein.

"What the fuck was I just talking about?" - Universal amongst caners.

"I had a great time on drugs, ... sorry!" - Bill Hicks.

"Here I stand and here I rest, And this place shall be called Totnes." - Brutus of Troy 1170 BC.

Legal ecstasy and herbal highs

Caned in Totnes Pot pics
Magic mushrooms Dr Hemp
Bibliography Ecstasy links

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[DISCLAIMER:The authors of this web site do not encourage anyone in the UK to feel totally empathic and at one with the world by taking ecstasy, as Tony Biar says it is illegal to do so!]