I rely 100% on external sources for all information and news on Dana International. Please send me an e-mail if you know anything that could be of interest to Dana's fans. I always mention the sources of the information I present on my site – that way you know where it's coming from, and the right person gets the credit for bringing it to you!

It's a small miracle! Finally, after four years of silence release-wise, a new Dana single is available! The new single is called Ha-kol ze le-ṭōvá ("It's all for the best" הכל זה לטובה), and it's released on the important Israeli label Hed artzi. You can listen to it on Dana's relaunched official website, which you will find at www.danainternational.co.il. Enjoy, you won't be disappointed!
Since Dana's career is back on track again, I will update this site over the coming weeks.


Old news (from back in 2002) can be found here.