Lost in Space played The Green Party, Party - 14/10/2007
did it go? The LOST IN SPACE first gig in 12 years
Well it was very
lost in space with belligerence being the fun attitude of the day. It
all started when Our Bob turned off the DJ(I let him). During our first
song Totentanz the drums kept moving away from Bob, he had to stop,
he was unhappy & had a BF at the sound man lol but this only added
to the angry tribal music we were creating & Bobs drumming was taking
us there to new skull rock spaces. I turned it into an even stickier
vibe by shouting FUCK OFF! We then launched into Inch by Inch, Towering
over the handsome long hairdo tartan bondage trouser wearing David,
as he played guitar like only he can. I was standing on chairs, looking
scary with my red & black make up face mask. The audience was pinned
against the back end of the room seemingly enjoying the ghost train
set by us LOST IN SPACE. Well now I have sussed out why we are lost
in space, because we do have lots of space in our songs to get lost
in. It really was an awesome first gig at the JAMM the sound is big
and we are looking forward to playing there again on Wednesday 7th November.
So do come & help us fill up the space its going to be a RIOT.

Lost in Space played Halloween fancy dress party @ Antenna Studios - 3/11/2007
Antenna arrival 10.30pm Party in full swing most people converging In
the small courtyard entrance, a few in scary fancy dress A lot came as
aging hippies. Bob went as Bob his usual Chung self in a black suit white
trainers & just a thin black line of eye liner. We spotted Jo the
main man had also come as Bob in black suit white trainers too & Stephen
our recording Wizard could have been Noggin the Nod or Harry Potter. We
went on at 2.30am in our home ground rehearsal studio feeling very good.
Totentanz the fist song, I sang in a stunning black skull mask with moving
jaw & gold teeth, fuck knows how scary that looked but I was being
told it was, all night, by grown men & women. In fact some girl thought
I was a bloke till I did a Moonie at the end of Totentanz. We played 8
songs including the new wild Children of the Sillysybin every song went
well. David looked like night breed he was a legend last night (see pics)
he had been suffering with toothache for a few days so was subsequently
dosed up on nurofen & well have you ever seen some one jump around
like a wiled manic laughing killer guitarist before? I bet they were on
nurofen. like this was a true intermit south London vibe the audience
was pucker those that were brave enough to come in the room & get
into it got a lot out of it & so did we. Bob played a faultless set.
I love the most his unique skull rock style of heavy toms with a rhythmical
chant that drives the songs. It was our second gig & it was so good
this was down to a great response from a great audience. Bob asked his
mate what he thought of the gig the mate replied “You played well
& you’re right she is a nutter.” We even made some new
friends that we look forward to seeing again on Wednesday 7th November
at the JAMM in Brixton. The World IS ready for Lost in Space Now! |
