Finnster's Alternative Net Pursuits
Why not take a break from all this laborious Web surfing and
try something else?
A fulfilling diversion, The IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Live, fully
interactive text conversation with thousands of people all over the world.
No waiting for your Newsgroup posting to be posted, read and replied to,
get a response right away. The subjects range from Computer related themes
to the perverse (ahem) and all you need is the IP connection you are using
now and some client software
To get the above mentioned client software (the application that allows
you to Join in with the chats or 'log on') there are many good shareware
examples, the ones I have used are;
Ircle (Macintosh), MIRC (Windoze)
Click here to download
Clients are also available for UNIX and other popular platforms, you
can also Telnet or PAD in if you so wished but you miss out on multiple
chats and the handy automation of private messaging and much more.
The Undernet's
Web page where you will find more detailed information of the Undernet
Servers and general IRC topics
A strange efnet 'chatroom' web page...
see the geeks (arrrrrrgh)
Here's another...
CU-seeme... Wow what a coolarama thing this is. Live video & Audio connections
and you don't even need a camera to watch the other users.
Download the software (Mac
or PC) Log onto a mirror site (a computer dedicated to relaying the
video to all users) and have goggle at babes, school kids and I even saw
a man get his willy out once (gotta be worth a glance).
Here is the CU seeme home page
Reflector sites for CU-Seeme (Mirrors);
- Internet TV
- ICU1
- ICU2
- White Pine
- TerraNet
- Cornell (The Original CU-SeeMe Site)
- Artifact
- t@p online
Other Favorite Sites of Mine (most are sick, some are handy...
The links marked with a ! should not be used by people with high morals.)

Thats all folks!