the CHIC website at has disappeared, this webpage is a backup of some of the information about Free Rob Cannabis and his campaigns to save the planet,
and checkout ciavalon.htm :
Cannabis In Avalon
Since September 1996, Free Rob Cannabis has been marking the anniversary of Cannabis Prohibition (September 28th 1928) with the distribution of Free Cannabis from Hyde Park, Speakers Corner.
This year he will be giving out Free Hash cakes and then heading up Marylebone Police Station with a live Cannabis plant.
Background to event; In �96 and �97 this was combined with a �Turn Yourself in Day� (Offering oneself for arrest at a police station). The police at Marylebone declined arresting Free on both occasions. Following the police�s refusal to arrest, Fully Liberated Cannabis picnics were held in �97,�98 and � 99. In September 2000 a public Cannabis auction was held to raise money for the Free Medical Marijuana Foundation (The FMMF was set up in May �97 to distribute Cannabis to medical users). So popular was this auction that the organisers of the May Day Cannabis march decided to hold a march to coincide with next years event. On September 29th 2001, several thousand people and several hundred police turned up to Hyde Park speaker�s corner. Free had decided to hold a public Cannabis auction and raffle, but was arrested before he had finished the auction. This led to Free being imprisoned for one Month at HMP Bellmarsh.
In 2002, a rather low-key event was organised by members of the Cannabis Coalition. In September 2003 no event was held, but Free is keen to come back to Hyde Park.
On September 25th 2004 Free will be distributing Free Hash Cakes from Speakers Corner. He will then be heading up to Marylebone Police Station with a live Cannabis plant, and placing it on the Front counter with some of the Hash Cakes.
If arrested, he will refuse a caution and asking for a Trial by Jury. At his first trial for the Cannabis auction, Free got a hung jury. Free is keen to fully expose the illegality and criminality of Cannabis prohibition, and believes that a Crown court trial is an ideal opportunity to do this.
If you are keen to see an end to the illegal Cannabis laws, please come to Hyde Park on September 25th, and better still bring a Cannabis plant with you. The sight of Marylebone police station surrounded by Cannabis plants would be quite something.
On Saturday 19th September Free Cannabis was awarded with a first prize in the Glastonbury In Bloom Competion by the Mayor of Glastonbury.
In a statement issued to Yeovil Police on Monday 21st September Free Cannabis asserted his right to the cultivation of Cannabis under article 18 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. At trial Free Cannabis intends to fully expose the Crime of Cannabis Prohibition.
At a Pre Trial Review hearing on Friday 5th February 1999 a provisional date for trial was set for the week comencing
For more details please contact CANNABIS IN AVALON at CIA HQ, 10 St John's Sqr, Glastonbury. Tel 01458 833 713 E-Mail : [email protected]
CIA Cannabis In Avalon PO Box 2223, Avalon, BA6 9YU Tel : 01458 833 236 E-Mail: [email protected] Dear Friend
Thank you for your enquiry regarding CHIC/FMMF or the soon to be launched CIA (Cannabis in Avalon).
CHIC was formed in 1995 with the aim of raising peoples awarness about Cannabis. CHIC was originally based at the House Of Hemp in East London where a Cannabis Museum and information centre was opened in April '96. While in London CHIC also helped organise two Cannabis conferences.
On September 28th 1996, to mark the 68th Anniversary of Cannabis Prohibition in the UK, Howard Marks and I distributed free hash cookies from Speakers Corner and then made our way to Marylebone Police station to offer ourselves for arrest. The police however refused to arrest anyone and so in May 1997 the Free Medical Marijuana Foundation was launched with the aim of distributing free Cannabis to anyone who would benifit from it for mediical use. At the time of the launch it was clearly stated that this would only happen if sponsors came forward to help finance such an organisation. Unfortuenetly this has not been quite the case. Though over a thousand pounds was raised when I went to prison early last year, much of this went towards the cost of overheads. The FMMF and CHIC are both very low on funds and cost money to run. Every CHIC enquirey costs money to deal with as it costs me 7p for each A4 photocopy and stamps for those who don't enclose an SAE (Please always enclose an SAE). Despite numerous please for help and finance I find myself still pretty much doing and paying for everything within CHIC and FMMF. Well I'm pretty much out of money now and this is the reason why I have had to focus more time on the Hemp Shop "In Harmony With Nature" that is making money.
As far as CHIC is concerned I have decided enough is enough, if after over 3 years of trying to get people involved I'm still left pretty much to do things on my own then then that's it, I've had enough, I no longer wish to run CHIC anymore. Instead I aim to launch a Glastonbury based organisation called CIA (Cannabis in Avalon). If you would like to receive details about the CIA please write to our PO Box Address and enclose an SAE and some stamps to cover printing costs.
As far as the FMMF is concerned I still very much want to continue to distribute Free Cannabis to people who use it therapeutically. The problem is finance. To do a mail out will cost around about �1,000. If you, or someone you know can afford to make a donation this would be most greatfully received. Please note the only bank account we have is in the name of CHIC, (NOT FMMF or "In Harmony with Nature") so please make cheques out to Cannabis Hemp Information Club or CHIC.
Love And Light Free Rob Cannabis Dates for Your Diary: The Queen V. Free Cannabis @ Taunton Crown Court. 15th March 1999(TBC) May Day is Cannabis Day. Cannabis events worldwide. Sat 1st May 1999 CIA Cannabis Day. Assembley Rooms, Glastonbury. Sat July 3rd 1999.
There is a plant that could replace all fossil fuel consumption, help prevent the destruction of the Rainforests, give medicine to the ill, reclaim barren wasteland and provide food for all.
Today Mr Cannabis was jailed for seven days to Horfield jail, (Gloucester Rd Bristol, 0117980-8100) for "wilfully refusing to pay a fine" for possession of 1.57 grams of cannabis.
Below is the statement that Mr Cannabis read to the magistrates this morning:
(Friday 9th January 1998)
Last time I was here I was told that magistrates have to uphold the law. But when it comes to the prohibition of cannabis this law is based on lies.
All I have done since the moment I was violently assaulted by a Brunel security guard last spring is tell the truth.
And now I am due to be sent to prison for telling the truth and harming no one. Is this justice?
No. This is control through fear. The state uses fear to control its subjects. Fear of arrest, fear of court, and fear of prison.
I have no fear because I know the truth, the real reason that led to the worldwide prohibition of cannabis.
Cannabis is a plant that has served humanity for thousands of years, providing us with our four basic needs of food, fibre, fuel and medicine.
I cannot pay this fine as this would show my support for this physically and morally harmful law. Who is the victim of my crime? I have committed no offence because I have harmed no one.
Prosecuting innocent people for the possession of a safe, benign natural herb is just a smokescreen for the real crime that is being committed; the rape and pillage of Mother Earth by multinational corporations whose only motivation appears to be greed.
Why are we burning fossil fuel when we could be using eco-friendly ethanol made from cannabis?
Why are we cutting down trees to make paper when we could be using the strongest natural fibre provider, cannabis?
Why are we polluting our environment with all manner of toxic chemicals when we could all be living in total harmony with nature?
Why? I'll tell you why, because governments are more concerned about protecting the vested interests of large multinational corporations rather than caring for the health and welfare of the people who they are supposed to represent.
I am here to take a stand against the Babylonian State for I am deeply concerned about our environment and the health and welfare of my brothers and sisters.
The last time I was here I suspected that you didn't want to send me to prison. Well I certainly don't hold it against you for my heart is overflowing with love and this I freely give.
Not only that but by sentencing me to prison you will help raise over one thousand pounds for the FMMF (Free Medical Marijuana Foundation)
This money will then be used to buy cannabis which will be freely distributed to medical users.
So sentence and be praised.
I love you all.
One and All.
Thank You.
Free Rob Cannabis 9th January 1998
mobile phone: 0966-396444 (Mr Free Rob Cannabis)
mobile phone: 0966-443145 (Nic SpiralEye)
shop 01458-835769 In Harmony With Nature,
1a Market Square, Glastonbury High Street.
e-mail: [email protected]
On Friday 5th December, Free Rob Cannabis, founder of CHIC, appeared before Wells Magistrates for the non payment of a �140 fine. The fine had been imposed upon him by Reading magistrates court who found him guilty of possessing 1.57 grams of herbal Cannabis on September 4th 1997 (Rob's 30th Birthday).
Free Cannabis refused to pay the fine as this would show support for this physically and morally harmful law. As he refused to pay the fine he told the magistrates they could either dismiss the case or imprison him. He also volunteered to do community service in Glastonbury.
The magistrates told him that they could not dismiss the case or offer community service. They then asked Free Cannabis to seek legal advise before final judgment is made. Free Cannabis agreed to this request and the case has been adjourned to the morning session on Friday 9th January 1998 at Wells Magistrates Court, The Town Hall, Wells, Somerset.
Free Cannabis and his supporters will be giving out free Cannabis food on the day. Please come along and show your support.
Free Rob Cannabis will under no circumstances be paying this fine and is willing to go to prison.
Free Cannabis has decided to launch a sponsorship campaign.
You can sponsor Rob for each day that he spends in jail.
All money raised will go the Free Medical Marijuana Foundation.
The Free Medical Marijuana Foundation has been supplying Cannabis to medical users since May 1997.
The police, who are fully aware of the activities of the FMMF and have decided to take no action against them, saying that it is not within the public interests to do so.
Rather than sponsoring for each day spent in jail you could also make a single donation.
If you would like to sponsor Free Cannabis through jail then please send your details and or a donation (Made out to CHIC) to Jailed Cannabis, PO Box 2223, Glastonbury BA6 9YU. Please give generously.
The 3rd CHIC Cannabis Hemp Conference will be taking place on Saturday 4th July 1998 at the Glastonbury Assembly Rooms.
The afternoon talks will cover the following subject areas: The Environmental Benefits of Cannabis; The Medical Benefits of Cannabis; Cannabis and Spirituality; Legalising Cannabis
The evenings entertainment will start with a Hemp Fashion show followed by live music. The event will close with a group meditation focusing on a future free of prohibition.
A wide range of Vegan Organic Hemp seed foods will be available from the Assembly Rooms Cafe.
Tickets will be sold in advance.
For Ticket applications please send an SAE to:
CHIC CONF. PO Box 2223, Glastonbury, BA6 9YU.
Day 2 - Tuesday 7th July Hemp for Health Leafletting of information relating to the medical benefits of hemp seeds and the therapeutic potential of the flowers and resins of the plant. Free distribution of Cannabis food.
Day 3 - Wednesday 8th July Marijuana Not Motorways Introducing the concept of sustainable living with Cannabis.
Day 4 - Thursday 9th July Hemp and the Higher Consciousness. Legend has it that Lord Shiva brought Cannabis to the people for their enjoyment and enlightenment. Share in the celebrations as we give Puja to Shiva by ingesting Bhang.
Day 5 - Friday 10th July "Your Law is Illegal" Protest in Whitehall and Westminster against the illegal laws of Cannabis prohibition.
HEALING WITH HEMP :(Sun 18th Jan - Glastonbury, Venue TBC)
An evening of talks discussing the many healing properties of Cannabis. Networking opportunity for people who would like to get involved with future CHIC events. Hemp Expo, Conference, Etc.
Promotion and seed distribution on weekend of 9th-10th May with mass plantings under the Full Moon on Monday 11th May.
or phone: 01458 835769
email: [email protected]
end of
here ends the backup copy of the CHIC webpage here at
dice george's website
Thanks for these webpages.