1. PADRAS MISSION STATEMENT1. To explore the spiritual roots of Paganism and Druidry and to seek to ensure the full and appropriate representation of Pagan and Druid values and perspectives in all official legal, political and inter-religious fora. 2. To explore the moral legal and philosophical nature of our relationship to sacred sites and to the land in general, and to assist Pagans and Druids to gain responsible access to, and make a contribution to the management of, sacred sites with which they are, or wish to be, associated. 3. To assist the work of dialogue, reconciliation and peacemaking on behalf of the wider Pagan, Druid and related communities. 4. To advance research and educational work into the philosophy and practice of Pagan and Druid traditions in harmony with other existing projects and initiatives 5. To undertake general legal and healing services of benefit to the Pagan and Druid community and for the benefit of the public at large. 6. To raise the public profile of paganism and druidry is the media and public fora.
2. DEFINITIONS:Definitions are invidious but it may be approximately and provisionally stated for guidance only that Pagans are "those who honour and celebrate the spirits of the land" and Druids are defined by their own self-reference to a Celtic historical tradition which they each rediscover and interpret for themselves, but which includes the pursuit of truth, justice, love and harmony with the cosmos.
A. To assist the work of dialogue, reconciliation and peacemaking on behalf of the
wider Pagan, Druid and related communities; B. To encourage research and educational work into the available models of conflict resolution and peacemaking from within Pagan and Druid traditions. C. To encourage a spirit of celebration and joy in the land through the engagement of pagan and druid spirituality with the living arts, and to campaign for the rights of Pagan and druid artists to perform at sacred sites. D. To explore the practice of pagan and Druid healing arts and to advance knowledge and research into the ancient wisdom of herbalism, tree-lore, and natural therapies in all their complexity and profundity as retained by pagan and indigenous peoples throughout the British Isles and worldwide, and to join with complimentary and alternative therapy organisations in campaigning for the responsible development of these ancient practices. E. To encourage alternative pagan dating services (Wisdom Lovers) for sacred wisdom affairs based on advanced esoteric knowledge of sexuality and love conducted in the spirit of ancient pagan and indigenous wisdom concerning these matters. F. Through The Stonehenge Peace Process, and the setting up of a Truth & Reconciliation Commission for Stonehenge and by other means, to work towards solving the problems at that ancient site, particularly of the access for ALL to some kind of Summer Solstice celebrations. G. To collaborate co-operatively with other related organisations with similar goals, including for example Robin's Greenwood Gang, the Multifaith and Multicultural Mediation Service, the International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy (and its Pagan Academic Network), the Council of British Druid Orders, the Pagan Federation, the Interfaith Community, Regional Conferences of the Faith Communities, Pagan Student societies etc. H. To undertake such other activities and services as may from time to time arise conducive to the long term advancement of these overall goals I. As far as possible, to pursue these objects all over the world, e.g. including the religious rights of indigenous peoples. J. To contribute from a Pagan and Druid perspective towards the long term achievement of world peace and sustainable prosperity for all earth's citizens, and to advance alternative economic models for full employment, prosperity and wealth based on the full actualisation of each person�s potential in the community. K. To raise funds to achieve these objectives.
A. To organise ritual events, meetings and conferences around the themes of
4. OFFICERS:1. Chairman: The Chairperson is responsible for the overall vision and direction of PADRAS and for ensuring that its affairs are maintained in smooth working order 2. Secretary; the secretary is responsible for ensuring day to day co-ordination of activities 3. Treasurer: the Treasurer is responsible for maintaining accurate accounts and for ensuring the smooth running of the finances of PADRAS 4. Legal affairs and Mediation Officer; the legal affairs officer is responsible for advice concerning the legal rights of pagans and druids 5. Project Officers: These have responsibility for developing specific areas of work as appropriate, and as directed by the Chairman and Secretary 6. Development Officer and fundraiser: This person has responsibility for fundraising
5. MEMBERS:Membership of PADRAS is open to anyone agreeing with its overall aims, objectives and practices.
6. BANK ACCOUNT:To have to hold and to cherish wisely
7. DISSOLUTION:By mutual agreement but only in a last resort, or in case of disagreement, after due mediation intervention by outside parties. |
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