MEETING 28/01/01

Minutes of the meeting held on 28th January 2001 at the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy Centre, University of Exeter, Glenthorne Road, Exeter by kind invitation of Fr.David Friend.

1. Present: John Bradley (Methodist), Annette Burkitt (Pagan Federation), Bishop Michael Doe (C of E - D.of Bristol), George Firsoff (Independent Pagan), David Friend (RC), Aubrey Hill (S of F & SWRAssembly), Jill Hopkins (S of F), Jan Mughrabi (Bahai), Heather Pencavel (SW Churches), David Raynor (DETR/ICRC), Heather Savini (Methodist),Kevin Tingay (C of E - D.of Bath & Wells).

Apologies were received from a number of persons who were unable to attend.

2. Bishop Michael Doe agreed to chair the meeting and Kevin Tingay to be the minute secretary.

3. Aubrey Hill reported on matters with which he had been involved as Representative in the Regional Assembly.
He distributed copies of the membership of the list of Social and Economic Partners. Copies of the Constitution of the assembly and of the S & E Partners are available on request.
He reported on a meeting of the Social Inclusion Sub-group of the S & E P; on changes that had been suggested to the Regional Sustainable Development Framework (A Sustainable Future for the South West) with particular reference to - Health and well-being, Regional inequality and access to services, sustainable communities, culture and heritage; on a meeting of the Regional Development Agency, minutes and papers of which can be accessed on Click here
He drew attention to a report by the Social Exclusion Unit - A New Commitment to Neighbourhood Renewal A National Strategy Action Plan.

4. David Rayner addressed the meeting on the work of the Inner Cities Religious Council, a forum set up under the auspices of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.
He spoke on the involvement of the Faith Communities in public life. Responses from public bodies varied greatly and was often dependent on the attitudes of individual functionaries. There was no clear attitude from Central Government and no consistency between the Regions of the UK. In London, under the GLA Act, regional institutions have discretion to consult. If they do so then faith communities (described as religious groups in the Act) must be included. The ICRC were asked to suggest a means to do this. They advised that the leaders of nine faith might be so consulted. This resulted in the establishment of the Pan London Consultation Group on Faiths. This experience may have implication for the Regions.
The London Civic Forum is a grass roots response from many groups in the Voluntary Sector. Individual and/or groups from the Faith Communities can join this.
Attempts to set up a West Midland Forum were frustrated by difficulties raised by civil servants.
David saw possibilities for for the Faith Communities to co-operate with Local Authorities in 'Local Strategic Partnerships', but local and regional initiative were likely to be at the mercy of the apparent arbitrariness of decisions by public bodies. Faith Communities can sometimes act as 'honest brokers' in community development projects.
He drew attention to the report of the Conference held in Birmingham on 12th June 2000 on Interfaith Co-operation, Local Government and the Regions. Published by the Interfaith Network at �3.50 + �1.25 pp.
A guide to good practice in relationships with Local Authorities and public bodies was in the course of preparation. All LA Chief Executives had been asked by the Local Government Association to respond. The Community Development Foundation web site will have the draft text.
A document setting out relationships between Central Government and the Community and Voluntary Sector. It can be found on the web at
Click here
Opportunities for faith groups to link themselves with developing networks can be found on the web. A list of some web sites is appended to these minutes.
In the North West proposals for an Inter Faith Tourism project were in the course of consideration as a sustainable business project.
A discussion followed on the implications of David's presentation, in particular on the function of Faith Communities in injecting moral and ethical concerns on to the agenda of Local and Regional Public Bodies. David was thanked for making the journey to Exeter and giving the meeting so much information. Further information can be had Here

5. Heather Pencavel initiated a discussion on the matter of representation on the SWCF from the Christian Churches and from the Asian Faith Communities; on the nature of questions that might be raised by the Council in the Regional structures; and on the dissemination of information from and between religious groups in the Region. We were reminded on the need to realistic about expectations on what the Council could achieve given the limited human resources available and absence of financial backing from the groups represented.

6.Kevin Tingay agreed to meet with Heather to discuss how minimum administrative support for the Council might be provided.

7. The South West Forum, whose membership was being re-established, was having a Conference in Bristol on the 28th February on Reconstructing Society.

8. Heather reported that some �480M was being allocated to a 'Children's Fund', and that a Multi Modal Study on an 'Integrated Approach to Transport' was in process. She will report back on any developments that might have relevance to the Council.

9. Jan Mugrabi asked if it might be possible to produce a Calendar of Inter Faith Events. It was felt that the Council did not have the resources to produce one for the region at the present time. Various educational bodies such as SHAP produced annual calendars of festival and significant dates and local interfaith groups attempted to liase at the grass roots level.

10. The next meeting was fixed for Saturday 26th May from 11am to 3pm at the Catholic Chaplaincy Centre at the University of Exeter.

Heather has listed the following useful websites which can be clicked on here:

SW Regional Development Agency
Government Office South West Sustainability issues
DETR info on Regeneration
Public Sector info
European Commission
Regional Policy Forum
Govt. Documents out for consultation
Dept Environment Transport & The Regions

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