Friday September 29th at Shrewton

George Firsoff (pro tem Chair)
Paul Aitken
Roy Gillett
Adrian Tibbits
Kasia Morris
Nora Morris
Martin Mottram
Dice George
Andy Hollingshead (Superintendant Police)
Andy Pulham (volunteer scribe)

Brian Viziondanz
Dr Thomas Daffern
Mrs Clews Everard (Manager Stonehenge)
Tim Abbott
Arthur Pendragon

Secretary's report:

George received from film maker Rachel Grieve information stating that her footage of Stonehenge & the work of the Peace Stewards would be shown on Channel 4 TV sometime later in the year.

George received email from the American Film Crew at Florida University who taped our last TRC meeting that they have American to European Video Format compatibility problems/technical glitch with their work.

George wrote to Enford Village Hall in Wiltshire thanking them for their help at the Solstice and offering volunteers to help with external decorations

George sent his commiserations to Alan (Tash) Lodge, a festival photographer, who suffered exposure/hypothermia, and was unwell on Solstice night when inclement weather prevailed. The question of first- aid/St.John's Ambulance/a welfare tent was raised.

Andy (Police) In de-brief with English Heritage has raised question of providing moon-blankets in emergency.

George Questioned English Heritage budget/cost/funds for Solstice Event? A general question was mooted for who picked up the tab for the clean-up of Stonehenge or even at football events.

Nora Said she was at Lord Lieutenants evening where question of cost per head of not riot policing this event was raised (i.e. how much had we as Peace Stewards all saved)?

Martin As a local, reminded us that shopkeepers in Amesbury used to pay their families holidays from the Stonehenge Festivals weeks.

Kasia Welfare Tent?

George Tried to make three consecutive points raised from the last Round Table but was interrupted.

Andy (Police) Had to leave the room to make confidential phone call on his mobile.

Roy Spoke as an Astrologer of seeing a sunny sunrise at Solstice 2001. As there will be a new moon so it will be very dark over night. It will also be the anniversary of the 1984 eclipse, too. The 21st will be a Thursday.

George Continued with his three points of focus from Round Table. Good Idea to create alternative activity satellites in area around Stone Circle. We will know by January 2001 what English Hetitage have decided and publicity can then go out.

Question of Event Organisers to begin dialogue with local landowners to come forward NOW to start liaison for young peoples event A.S.A.P.

As there are people who want to hold quiet/special ceremonies in the Stone Circle on Solstice, this is also a question which needs to be debated: a potential problem is foreseen for example between those who wish to hold a silent ceremony v. those who would want to create a lot of noise/celebratory event.

Andy (Police) Returned to room and was put up to speed/on message with progress of meeting. He covered the Round Table de-brief rapidly as: toilets, catering, welfare, first-aid, a camping site and beacons. A question of what will be provided at the satellite events. It was discussed with Mrs Clews Everard/Stonehenge/English Heritage.

Roy Felt that English Heritage might be hesitant re marquees. Any alternative event would need to be organised with the utmost sensitivity.

Andy (Police) Reminded us that Solstice was very much a healing process and thus the authorities acted cautiously. This restraint was noted by those who attended.

Roy Qua Astrologer had distributed to the meeting a sketch plan document for proposed possible site plan which displayed arenas for drumming/dancing/speaking/singing and instruments. This plan displayed a ceremonial layout as per a five-pointed star/pentangle with its ceremonial area at the Heel Stone, pointing to the sunny sunrise.

Dice George Wished it to be put on the public record that he recommends RINKY- DINK mobile pedal power p.a. system. Also opening up the Cursus Avenue for pedestrian access.

Nora Observed this was however a sheep field owned by the National Trust.

George Recalled that we in fact had already walked along the Avenue in procession from Woodhenge en-route to Stonehenge last Solstice.

Andy (Police) Said that the traffic plan is one big issue. Both traffic flow and the emergency services corridor for emergency vehicles to access to, and exit from, the designated TRIAGE POINT (Fire, Police, Ambulances) was located at the Heel Stone area for immediate evacuation.

Roy Opined that as an Astrologer the Heel Stone area is a very important ceremonial area.

Andy (Police) Observed that it was very dangerous for pedestrians from Amesbury crossing the A303 here. Especially so as Roy had reminded us that it would be very dark (a new moon). Using his mobile, Andy Hollingshead rang the Pilton Farm number to ask for confirmation of the forth-coming Glastonbury festival dates in 2001. This information was added to the general informal discussion. Said the whole motorised transport question is something to be sorted out in the future whenever the redevelopment/management plan/vision for the future of Stonehenge occurs.

Dice George Recalled there is an underpass like a disused cattle tunnel somewhere along the A303.

Martin Used its correct nomenclature as a "creep". This magical underpass was then vividly discussed from others intimate knowledge of the terrain, the history of the lands tenure, the building of the new road through it (A303) and from these insights a fairly accurate/probable location of an otherwise unknown/lost/secret pedestrian underpass was made.

Andy (Police) Stated that the A303 is LETHAL to pedestrians.

Kasia Took this serious question of public safety to some lengths and in response to her

Andy (Police) agreed that for him too, this issue was paramount concluding that with more time this year there should be the possibility of more and better public information on all these issues and expressed from Clews that she felt that the Autumn Equinox was a gold star event and that all went really well.

Roy (Astrologer) Added that on the Equinox the cloud parted for precisely sunrise to a magical Autumn Libran day.

Brian's Web Page open access.

Rollo Maughling was missed.

Andy (Police) Gave the meeting English Heritage's Web Site and announced that English Heritage's Stonehenge Management Plan 2005 was on C.D. ROM available free to download. Dice George and Paul (PA) swapped technical information/megabytes talk on what PC systems and software power would be needed to access it free. [since the meeting it has been confirmed that this information is at: http//]

Paul Raised some fairly sensitive questions of special access at Stonehenge for various groups and asked whether it (Stonehenge) really is open for all? - since it has been experienced that exclusion logically follows from exclusivity.

Andy (Police) Asked to be reminded of the next Round Table's meeting date which was agreed would be a Tuesday in early November 2000. Previous focal points of camping/a car park-up would be a really good idea.

Dice George Told us that a fund raiser for the Stonehenge Campaign was possibly going to be booked at the Glastonbury Assembly Rooms for the afternoon of Sunday 25th March 2001.

General Information Glastonbury Festival 2001 will be following the Summer Solstice (a Thursday 21st June), on 22nd, 23rd and 24th June; the mood of this meeting was that for this year there would be somewhat less pressure therefore for an alternative music/dance/rave site. However, contacts with local land-owners for the future would be made informally by Andy Pulham, Festive Events Consultant.

Names mentioned ranged from: Sting (ex The Police band) Farm Manager? Local Earls and Lords:- Earl of Cardigan, Savernake Forest,- Lord Bath of Longleat, etc.- to the local farmers/land-owners group known as Bunnies Corner Gang.

Andy (Minutes) Having listened to the meeting's advice to recognise that much of this area's terrain were recognised SSSI's (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) or owned by the British Army whose Land Agent would need to be approached, felt that it was more of a political nature, a role which he felt the previous Green Mayor of Wilton, Mr Tim Abbott, was more adept at. However, if Mr George Firsoff of the Stonehenge Peace Process could forward any of his data bank/information/contacts network then some progress would be made.

The pressing problem of FUNDING the TRC was re-stated. G.F. can no longer sustain expenses, now in excess of �1000 and felt this was possibly his last unpaid journey to the TRC or round table meetings, as a struggling, self-employed small business man. The meeting ended within schedule and �15.00 cash was collected, so hall hire was paid in cash, �10.00.

Many thanks to Ms Nora Morris et al for providing refreshment and her typed half-page suggestions for the car park at Stonehenge 2001 celebrations.

[And many thanks to Andy (Minutes) for compiling this report!]

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