Held on 18/5/01 at Maddington Hall, Shrewton.

1. Appointment of Chair

It was agreed that Roy Gillett should chair the meeting

2. Appointment of Scribe

It was agreed that Carrie de Fey should take the minutes

3. Introduction around the table

Those present were

George Firsoff - Secretary of T&RC
Roy Gillett - President of Astrological Association of GB
Penny Wyrd from Oxford
Kasia Morris - Pagan
Carrie de Fey - Acting Press Officer and Representative of King Arthur
Cathers - Carrie's daughter
Adrian from Shrewton
Dice George - Stonehenge Campaign
Jamie from Bristol
Nora - PF

Arrived Late -

Dave Griffiths - Government Office SW
Paul Aitken

4. Apologies for Absence

Thomas Daffern - King Arthur Pendragon - Clews Everard - Tim Abbott

5. Minutes of last meeting

George had asked that anyone with disagreements arising from the last minutes should email him. As no one had, they were accepted as a true record.

6. Announcements, Events

George announced the PADRAS Summer Gathering on July 27th and that Thomas Daffern's foot and mouth campaign and petition were now up on George's website

Carrie announced a protest march to highlight the plight of Silbury Hill on the 19th May to be led by King Arthur

7. Report from press team

Carrie said there was nothing to report but could people send her email addresses for the press as hers were lost due to computer problems.

She also relayed a message from Arthur asking that his name be removed as Press Officer on mailings etc. as he had resigned before the last meeting.

8. Stonehenge Summer Access - Roy reported on Summer Access Planning Committee and Round Table meetings.

(a) current status of the access and of foot and mouth in Wiltshire.

He said that Wiltshire was on the point of being officially declared foot and mouth clear and nearly all byways about to be opened. He also said that at the last Round Table meeting the possibility had been discussed of the return of foot and mouth and free and open access having to be cancelled. If another outbreak should occur, from what had been said then, it seemed that the different groups involved would network support for a cancellation of access (as happened very successfully at the Vernal Equinox) only if the Stones had been closed and were to remain closed to tourists as well.

(b) policing Stonehenge

Andy Tatem will be in charge of operations but Andy Hollingshead will be around on the day. Andy Tatem's previous position will be taken by Jerry Wickham

Dice George asked that it be recorded in the minutes that - We (Stonehenge Campaign?) believe in self policing and don't need the police there.

(c) illumination and spontaneous events

Roy said that it was said at the Roundtable meetings that lighting would be as last year, but there will more lighting behind the Stones, and this is possibly were a welfare tent would be situated

Roy pointed out that there can't be specific areas, as this might suggest EH were organising an event, for which complex licensing procedures were needed. Also, braziers are unlikely to be accepted, because of a whole range of regulations. However, as the lighting is arranged, there is nothing to stop things happening organically for example Sacred Dancers, talking circles, chant circles etc to take pressure off the inner circle, so that everyone can spend some time within the stones - even if there are many more people attending than last year. It is very important to encourage people to come and do these things, several small events are better than one large. He hoped it would be possible to further encourage this by what would be given out on the day.

There is still some question as to fire jugglers

George is trying to bring in powerful women and an effigy of the Goddess and will be arranging a pageant and will publicise 'legal' activities on the web.

Kasia is arranging a chanting circle with Rainbow Circle.

Dice George suggested lights were put further away.

Penny would like to see more catering available. If it was too late for this, Roy suggested it be brought up early in next years agenda.

(d) stewarding

George informs us there is a camp being organised for stewards, but it needs promoting. He will be providing badges for stewards.

Roy asked whether Rollo would be arranging for magic stewards this year. He will remind English Heritage to hand out leaflets as people arrive in cars. He also said that several druid groups had discussed a ceremony to be taking place, as people enter the Stone site. He pointed out that it would be a new moon and therefore very dark.

Carrie says Arthur is organising robed stewards from moots, conferences, covens, orders and groups.

Roy encouraged litter collection, black bags will be handed out as before. Roy said that English Heritage had said it was their policy to discourage people from standing on fallen stones.

'Crash barriers' are to be erected to guide people into the Stones, anyone with glass will be directed to the slow lane. There will be toilets inside the fence.

(e) other aspects

Roy read out English Heritages Terms and Conditions which had just been released from the EH Office, which can be read here

Stonehenge is currently open, however, access at the Summer Solstice is conditional on there being no outbreak of Foot and Mouth in the vicinity.

Roy said that these terms and conditions were due to be posted on the English Heritage Website on 21st May. This draft is less officious than the one English Heritage first produced

No camping between cars in the carpark is likely to be strictly enforced. There will be better arrangements for dogs.

It was suggested that EH use sacking to protect fallen stones but sacking can make any damage worse.

Penny felt that disabled access was very poor, saying she waited over two hours to get back to the car park as there was no minibus running in the morning, she would like orange badge holders to be able to use the Stonehenge Carpark and she would like more appropriate transport adapted to the needs of the disabled. Roy said he would bring this up at the next Planning Group meeting

9 Other locations for parking up and events this Summer

It was said by George that Andy Hollingshead had got back to him after T&RC 18 when the use of the disused airfield at Andover was discussed as a site for a party, Andy had made enquiries and found the field had construction work in process and suggested Middle Wallop as a more likely venue.

The general consensus of oppinion was it would help if somewhere suitable was found and that if the present situation was abused it would ruin things for the future and if a peaceful tradition was established it will continue.

Penny suggested trying "The Land is Ours" for information.

George had no luck when he approached the MOD

Paul said that an approach had been made to the Commandant over Barton Stacey, Nora added it was an excellent site and under the command of Aldershot, Paul said he would consult with Willy X

The meeting gave George the authority that, should it be appropriate and he deemed it would be helpful in obtaining formal permission for a site, he could write an encouraging note on behalf of the T&RC to the land owners Willy X is dealing with.

10. Future plans and aspirations

(a) Eisteddfod and other events and gatherings

George said Mickey James wants an Eisteddfod organised by Druids in the future,

(b) Peace Process outreach

George suggested that people should start talking to local politicians, land owners etc. and this should be ongoing, he asks if there is anyone willing to do this.

(c) Stonehenge College of Ritual

George asked that those who do rites should get together and discuss matters

Roy added that the druid groups at the Round Table Meeting are trying to arrange a ceremony at the Summer Solstice.

(d) any other wild dreams

George said his dream is that there would be a move away from peoples apprehension, a healing of problems and to bring in Goddess energy.

11 Other business

Roy said there could be a lot more people than last year

It was decided that any press releases should be left until the next meeting

12. Next meeting - Sunday June 10th

Agreed though venue still to be announced.

George Firsoff (Secretary)
Tel 0117-9542273
[email protected]

Carrie De Fey (Scribe) Tel 01252-659701
[email protected]

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