Conditions may include No dogs, No fires, No camping, No electric music, no climbing, No helicopters, No riot police, no vandalism, Self-Policing , and that we all leave at 7a.m.
[Whilst individuals from S.C. were involved in meetings with E.H. the open and democratic Torriano and Glastonbury meetings were not invited or informed. When the 3rd May 2000 meeting was told of the probable conditions we welcomed it. It would be innappropriate to have Hawkwind nearby this summer (like in 1984) , regrettably!] [g]
See Stonehenge Campaign homepage for more info,
and Arthur's webpages
English Heriticage webpages
and PADRAS webpages
and hotlinks.
from Arthur's webpage: Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 09:31:46 GMT
After a long running Battle with the Authorities we are pleased to announce that Stonehenge will be Free and Open to All This 2000 Summer Solstice Dawn and hopefully for the foreseeable future Solstice’s and Equinox’s The Royal Courts of Justice at the High Court, The European Court of Human rights and Salisbury Magistrates Court Have been but Three of the Theaters of operations in which this Battle has been fought. Arthur Himself picketing the Henge throughout the Winter of 1990 and becoming a Ninth degree Dungeoneer He being the Dragon and Wiltshire Constabulary providing the Dungeon nine years running for his annual game of Dungeons and Dragons. This year However there will be NO so called Exclusion Zone in and around Stonehenge over the Summer Solstice and English Heretics have agreed to open the Inner Circle of Stonehenge from late evening until Solstice Dawn allowing Free and Open access for ALL who come in peace and for Spiritual reasons. Those who would come to create trouble will only put negotiations back Fourteen years and will not be welcomed by the assembled company. In any event there will be no reason to come for them as effectively the fences are down and the cordon lifted. Glastonbury festival will be happening as usual on the following weekend.
Blessed Be King Arthur Pendragon Ninth degree Dungeoneer ooOoo |
From: "Mason" [[email protected]]
To: [[email protected]] Subject: Solstice 2000 Date: 14 May 2000 09:18 Tribal Gathering Tribal Gathering Can you hear the drums Tribal Gathering Under a mid summer sun. Tribal Gathering Do you feel the summons of the stones The meeting place of the clans In the temple of the sun. The pipers are piping The drummers are drumming The fire dancers are swirling Do you hear the call Put on your marching boots And take to the old road To the grasslands of wiltshire Your ancestral home. Copyright ARMason |
The Stonehenge Peace Process is organising independent voluntary Peace Stewards who are willing to help at the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge, You are not required to follow the specific instructions of any human agencies, although the path of harmony may often be that you will choose to do so. George Firsoff 0117-9542273 SUMMER SOLSTICE 2000 AT STONEHENGE - For those interested in the Stonehenge Peace Process Document TRC9 is particularly instructive - this is a report of an emergency meeting held last year to review what happened at last year's Solstice, with the Police Commander, the Manager of Stonehenge, and eyewitnesses telling what really happened! No, you don't have to believe what you read in the press! Because it's a pile of crap!! -- George Firsoff
"Though the road may be long
And so my Love we are now come, where Giants once did dance. And this then is their Fairy Ring, a marker worth a glance. A frozen moment, set in time, for ages yet to be. An astronomic sub-atomic singing vibrancy of stone tonality. Blessed Be W. L. de Vine 4/4/2000 |
Radio announcement 11th may 2000 radio 2
Free access during summer solstice 2000 The parties really moving now
STONEHENGE 2000 by Rollo Maughfling
![]() Its been twelve long hard years since Stonehenge was closed in 1989, during which time the Glastonbury Order of Druids and the Loyal Arthurian Warband and others have kept the home fires burning by performing ceremonies for all at both solstices and both equinoxes on the road next to the Hele Stone, with no trouble and everybody welcome to join in. At the 1997 autumn equinox English Heritage finally relented and started letting us and the public, i.e you good people, in again at autumn, winter and spring. At the 1998 summer solstice they let us and about 100 members of the public in under a heavy police presence, and although we were able to scatter John Pendragon's ashes, we actually felt very uncomfortable not being with the rest of the people who wanted to come in also. Last year, not surprisingly, people took matters into their own hands and went in anyway, as there was some nonsense about the stones being closed even though the exclusion zone had been scrapped. We were happy to do ceremonies in the old festival field instead and were glad that we were with the public again, even if we couldn't get in the Stones. This year at last English Heritage has listened to the legal arguments we have been putting forward about "access for all" under ancient druid statutes that go back to 1176, and have agreed to let everyone in from 11.30 p.m. until 7.30 a.m. Apart from wishing everyone a very happy Solstice we hope to be inside the Stones with everyone for a short space of time just before sunrise and sincerely hope that everyone will be their own steward and make this a success. If there's no trouble, we have fun, respect each other and clear up behind ourselves afterwards, then there is every opportunity for this event to grow organically year by year. After all, King Charles II granted us a charter for a fair in 1685. But for this to happen, we have to prove that we can keep it together, leave on time, and make the residents of Wiltshire feel happy to have us back again.Its up to you. Meanwhile, handfastings and baby namings are back in business! Happy Solstice !!
Rollo Maughfling, Stonehenge Archdruid.
From: "SLOTERDIJK" [[email protected]]
Subject: Stonehenge re-opened Date: 12 May 2000 09:36 This story appeared in my local paper this morning.. May 12th ,"The Times", Trenton New Jersey, United States. The only source indicator is "From news service reports"...Peace, Mike London- The public will be able to greet the dawn of the millenium's first summer at the ancient stone circle of Stonehenge, the first time in 16 years the site has been opened for the summer solstice. Stonehenge will be opened the night of June 20 for eight hours under tight security, the watchdog body English Heritage anounced yesterday. Camping, fires, dogs and amplified music will be forbidden at the site on Salisbury Plain, 80 miles southwest of London. In the past, Stonhenge- a stone circle erected by prehistoric Britons 5,000 years ago- has been a magnet for unruly revelers. |
From: [email protected]
To: [[email protected]] Subject: Light, laughter, love, peace, passion and poetry Date: 10 May 2000 18:23 Although I am glad to see that we have been granted access to all who come in peace it is still a little patronising as there would be uproar if say for instance Catholics were stopped from going to Cathedrals or Muslims to Mosques, Jews to their Temples. I come in peace with others and with a glad heart will demonstrate through love and understanding to these "authorities" that we are the loving and respectful people that we say we are. Not only is that the best way of achieving anything it is the only way. Light, laughter and love, peace, passion and poetry from your sister - Spacegirl |
Stonehenge continues to flower in possibility as the buzz increase around the
Soltice gathering, there will be a Stonehenge specific e mail later this
week, but in the meantime check: this site is constantly evolving to communicate the developements in "The Summer Solstice Experiment" :) |
TELEGRAPH Friday 12 May 2000
Stonehenge will be open for solstice
STONEHENGE will be fully open to the public for this year's summer solstice for the first time since 1984. But large numbers of stewards will be brought in to try to prevent trouble at sunrise on June 21. Yesterday's announcement by English Heritage, which looks after the stones jointly with the National Trust, was made despite the battles with riot police when the site had a limited opening for the solstice last year. There were 23 arrests. Stonehenge is open daily but was originally closed to the general public during the summer solstice in the Eighties, after fights fuelled by drink and drugs. Sir Neil Cossons, chairman of English Heritage, said: "Our key priorities will be to ensure public order and safety, to protect Stonehenge and to allow people to enjoy the solstice in a peaceful manner." The area will be open from 11.30pm on Tuesday, June 20, to 7.30am the following morning. No amplified music or animals will be allowed and parking will be provided away from the stones. |
Is it true there is to be 'gathering' permitted on the summer solstice at
stonehenge this year?
We shall be there anyway but it would be especially nice to be able to reach the .... Last year we felt targetted at the Stones because we were playing drums, this is not the only occassion either. It seems that they feel somewhat threatened by the drums and actively search them out. This our experience anyway..... Well whatever we shall be there with our drums and good vibrations.... see u all there.... peace, love and light
-The Spiral Collective-
After 16 years, Henge to open for solstice
WITCHES, druids and community leaders spoke out last night over the plan to open Stonehenge to the public for the summer solstice, and their reactions ranged from horror to delight. Members of the public will be given free access to Britain’s most historic landmark for the first time in 16 years next month after years of trouble, restrictions, violence and exclusion zones. Security guards and police will attend the 'managed open access' at the 5,000-year-old monument on Salisbury Plain between 11.30pm on Tuesday, June 20 and 7.30am on Wednesday. English Heritage believes the time is now right to allow anyone into the monument for the solstice and is confident there will not be a repeat of the rioting, violence and mayhem of previous years. If the first summer solstice of the New Millennium passes off with little or no trouble, then English Heritage anticipates free annual access in future. Rollo Maughfling, the Arch Druid of Glastonbury and Stonehenge, said: "It’s terrific - we’ve spent 12 years working for this. Everyone being allowed in eliminates the resentment factor among those who are not allowed in, which in the past has led to problems." However, white witch Kevin Carlyon, leader of the UK’s largest coven with nearly 1,000 members, said: "They must be barmy - I foresee 100 per cent trouble. I’m really surprised at this decision." Mr Carlyon said: "I feel that certain people will use this to cause trouble and I fear for the stones." County Councillor Ricky Rogers (Salisbury, Bemerton) who has for years called for open access during the solstice, said: "I am delighted - at last common sense has prevailed." Councillor Rogers said enforcing the annual police exclusion zone around Stonehenge from 1989 to 1998 had cost the taxpayer well over £4 million. He said: "I think we have moved on from the trouble of the Eighties and this decision has got to be good news." However, Allan Peach, the Tory county councillor for Amesbury - which includes Stonehenge - feared the open access would be abused by a minority intent on trouble. He said troublemakers caused mayhem last year when they invaded the site and disrupted an 'invitation-only' gathering. The last time the general public experienced the solstice at Stonehenge was in 1984. It was closed the following year, provoking scenes of unprecedented violence which culminated in the notorious Battle Of The Beanfield. |
ITV Teletext 11 May
STONES TO OPEN DURING SOLSTICE Stonehenge is to open to the public over the summer solstice for the first time in more than 10 years. Sir Neil Cossons, chairman of English Heritage, said there will be managed open access with tight security. The Wilts site was shut during the summer solstice in the 1980s and a four-mile exclusion order was put in place following disorder problems. |
ITV South Teletext 11 May
STONEHENGE OPEN FOR SOLSTICE Stonehenge will be open to the general public over the summer solstice for the first time in more than 10 years. English Heritage chairman Sir Neil Cossons said there will be managed open access to the Wiltshire site in June, but with close security. The move comes just one year after an organised visit for 150 people was disrupted by gatecrashers. |
What are we to expect at Stonehenge for the summer solstice? Wiltshire police are expecting up to 10,000 people, there is parking for 3,000 cars at Airman's Cross. There are, of course, several sound systems preparing themselves as well as other musicians and bands all of which may find that they choose to set up a little way from the stones. Over-policing has caused problems at every large gathering for the last few years and the challenge for us will be not degenerating into a riot crowd. No positive effect of policing has ever been reported at Stonehenge. Ignoring their imposition with dignity is our option one. Druids are turning into Stuids to show us how central they are to management of the site, but will hardly be noticed amongst the numbers of people expected and are way out of their depth. Given the debateable restrictions that they have dedicated themselves to imposing on us mere mortals who are returning after fifteen years exile to a site where our central celebrations have taken place for at least 10,000 years, they will find themselves considering police back-up when their 'magical authority' is not universally respected. At least the druids would have Stonehenge as a living temple where some kind of rituals are performed rather than it be a dead museum fit only for grave-robbers and archaeologists. But are their rituals relevant to anyone but those directly involved? Pliny's comment sheds some light about what should really be expected from a historical perspective: "Magic was practiced in Gaul and had penetrated even to so remote a spot as Britain, where it was invested with such august ceremonies that one might almost suppose that it was from this far off isle that the cult had spread to the Persians". Celebrants would be best advised to honour the full moon on the 16th under the present climate, despite the much lauded cause for celebration. Who knows what beautiful possibilities for the human race and the planet could be generated by simply gathering and communicating in freedom? Anyway the access times are too short and if the party is to be extended it will not be likely to be after the solstice but before, unless you count that Glastonbury thing.
Lots of love and hope for the present and the future, Jesterdream.
SUMMER SOLSTICE OPENING FOR STONEHENGE Stonehenge will be open to the public over the summer solstice for the first time in more than 10 years, it has been announced. Sir Neil Cossons, chairman of English Heritage, said there will be managed open access to the historic Wiltshire site in June with close security. The move comes a year after a planned visit for 150 people was disrupted. Gatecrashers pushed down fences and climbed on the stones. |
STONEHENGE WILL BE OPEN FOR SOLSTICE English Heritage has announced that Stonehenge will be open to the public for this year's Summer Solstice. It is the first time in more than 10 years that people will be able to see the sun rise over the historic monument without a police exclusion zone. The so-called Battle of the Beanfield in 1985 led to a significant police presence during the solstice. This year the police will be asking people not to play music or light fires for the pagan celebration on June 20. |
Sad to report, the 'Stonehenge Campaign' meeting
at Glast Wobbly rooms was was poorly attended
about half of the stonehenge supporters
who did turn up were strangers to me
willy X, Jes, George and Steve were the only visitors that knew me
so it was no suprise that when I brought up the subjects of
the "Offence against the Fence"
about ten people all started shouting at me at once!
We had managed after peaceful 'negotiations' to obtain permission from national heritage to hold a 'ceremony' and a 'gathering'. That permission was withdrawn after the fence had been breached. I don't want our national heritage to be like some kind of exclusive club but violence is not the answer! I would like our 'free gatherings' back, but we wont get them back by battling against a 'yellow brick wall'. Talking of 'exclusive clubs' thanks to Jes for getting me into the 'Stonehenge Benefit Gig' at the Wobby Rooms in Glastonbury last Sat - the 'Pseudo Hippies' wouldnt let me in. Hoped to see some of my old and new friends at this year's Stonehenge
love and Pleace,
~~ LETTER FROM KARELIA. ~~ Dear Stonehengers, People have met and watched the solstice sun rise over the HeleStones since time immemorial. Our wishes are: Safety of the Stones, free access to all, spiritual calm, music, dancing, lights, Hawkwind... It's impossible to satisfy everybody always but if the ANC and IRA and PLO orphans can compromise and make tea then so can we. Mayday painting Punky Winston was perhaps Kurdish revenge for his warcrimes and collaboration with Stalin (me, I tromboned with drummers) but who painted Avebury last summer and why? Silly cowards who dare not say their name? Painting and climbing on the Stones is like teenage dogs pissing territory: if you've a idea stick it up the web or facepaint. I defined 'Anarchy' bad: dog eat dog gangs, but 'Anarchism' good: self-policing and care. We're all stewards of Stonehenge, of this one planet. ~~~~~ [george] 07970-378572 ~~~~~ |
S.C. Appeal ~
Stonehenge Campaign Appeal
The Stonehenge Campaign exists to lobby, campaign, attend meetings, raise public awareness, and maintain links with interested parties for the reinstatement of the Stonehenge Peoples Free Festival and of religious access to Stonehenge itself, and to protect the Stonehenge landscape and environment.
The campaign hosts monthly meetings in London from September to May (except January) to which all are welcome.
Stonehenge Campaign c/o 99 Torriano Av, London NW5 2RX
, ______ _________ _______ , , / Free \ / The \ / Stones \ , , \________/ \_________/ \_______ / , , ____ ___ ___ ____ , , / \ / \ / \ / \ , , | | | | o | ! ! ! , , | | | | m | ! ! ! , , , , Stonehenge Campaign c/o 99 Torriano Av, London NW5 2RX , , ,