Stonehenge Equinox access is closed due to foot and mouth paranoia:
almost everyone thinks it best nobody goes,
not even to the A344 pavement.
Please come to the Stonehenge Meeting in Glastonbury on Sunday 25th March at 2pm. English Heriticage have not invited S.C. to their Round Table meetings, probably because we want more festivals. There was a Stonehenge Festival June 2000 - singing and dancing and drumming and pipes - Live Acoustic Rave - but no electriconics. English Heriticage are planning open free access to Stonehenge through their gates for the night before solstice sunrise from 8pm Wednesday night June 20-21st 2001; and to let drivers sleep in their carpark Thursday afternoon. People are planning a rave or festival or parkup somewhere nearish for the weekend after Solstice (see website). Westminster are talking about a cut and cover tunnel for the A303, destroying archeology etc. Tribal Voices Come to our gig in Glastonbury on Sat 24th March 2001. Now Age Radio / Mandala records have confirmed they're playing and bringing their PA again. Cameron and Lez may record Tribal Voices 5 this Spring at Glastonbury. 07759-165-893 01458-840306 Tapes 1,2, 3 and 4 are on sale again. The Tribal Voices Co-operative has grown from the magic of the campfire, from the sense of comradeship we have found, coming together as one people to fight against the destruction of our common heritage... There are over a hundred musicians on the tapes. phone 07970-378572 or 01458-831753 ==Letter From Karelia === June 2000 was hundreds better than 1985-1999 when everything was banned, let's not get it banned again - Stonehenge wasn't built for war, the chalk banks weren't that high: Avebury, Old Sarum and Amesbury hillfort were defensible - so is Stonehenge female? === 07970378572 === ![]() |
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From: [email protected]
Date: 27 February 2001 10:19 Here's what I, representing no one but meeee, would like to see for special access to the stones. Keep special access as it stands apart from the solstices. From midnight before the day of the solstice I'd revoke special access and make it open access to all from midnight to midnight of the solstice and then I'd close stonehenge to all until dawn the following day. (the "fundamentals" of my paganism might be:) Mainly that I have no more rights than anyone else, but perhaps a few more responsibilities. Much love The Queen of Sheba (I say I am, so I am, and Gods help anyone who says I ain't.) |
From: "mark pryke" [email protected]
I can`t help feeling that you are creating a false dichotomy between religious and secular. Of course there are many paths, as many as there are people as the Buddha said and all are deserving of respect. It is actually the "religious" groups who try to drown out the "unfocussed mob" with their claims of spiritual authority. "Being there" is as about as spiritual as it is possible for a human being to be.
Yours Fraternally
Mark Pryke
![]() Sent: 21 February 2001 11:36 This is an interesting question for me, would you and others, the "secularisers" ban all religious practise, by drowning it out by an anarchic and unfocussed mob, who just want to "be there"?
As to what is, more or most "holy", individuals have to make their own
decisions about that!
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 07:59:36 EST the future is being written as we travel this journey - its up to us how the future will look - we shape it by the choices we make in the present moment
if we act out of fear and suspicion, the reality that we create will be a
reflection of that
Solstice Call!
| As you are probably aware we held open Solstice Celebrations at Stonehenge in June 2000. We hope for an even better event this summer - perhaps we'll even see the sun rise instead of drizzle. I think it would be really nice to have a large Rainbow Presence at the Solstice. My vision is to have a chanting circle - a sacred space, formed by living human beings - an open and welcoming space, a space which everybody can join, but which holds the energy of this most sacred time. Unfortunately, when the Great Goddess distributed her gifts she didn't think fit to give me the ability to sing either in tune or in time. Anybody from my Rainbow Sisters and Brothers who would like to take part in such a chanting circle
please contact me
on 0117 955 1852.
Sunday 25th March a Stonehenge Talking Stick Circle 2pm Glastonbury Assembly Rooms. In a Listening Stick Circle we sit in a circle, so everyone can see everyone, and a stick (or feather or broom or chillum..) is passed around the circle, whoever has the stick talks (or remains silent) and we all listen. Short respectful points of information or jokes could be allowed, but concentration can be lost (dice) george 07970 378572and on Saturday night a gig also in the Assembly Rooms
S.C. Appeal ~
Stonehenge Campaign Appeal
The Stonehenge Campaign exists to lobby, campaign, attend meetings, raise public awareness, and maintain links with interested parties for the reinstatement of the Stonehenge Peoples Free Festival and of religious access to Stonehenge itself, and to protect the Stonehenge landscape and environment.
The campaign hosts monthly meetings in London from September to May (except January) to which all are welcome.
Stonehenge Campaign c/o 99 Torriano Av, London NW5 2RX
, ______ _________ _______ , , / Free \ / The \ / Stones \ , , \________/ \_________/ \_______ / , , ____ ___ ___ ____ , , / \ / \ / \ / \ , , | | | | o | ! ! ! , , | | | | m | ! ! ! , , , , Stonehenge Campaign c/o 99 Torriano Av, London NW5 2RX , , ,