<-- the wont work when copied to geocities --> Stonehenge VE Day Book at World PeaceBuilders

08@geo Stonehenge Campaign VE Day @ Land Is Ours
page11 Stonehenge@wpb

Stonehenge VE Day Book @ World Peace Builders

- lest we forget
On Monday 8th May 1995 a hundred or so of us occupied Stonehenge all day to commemorate the 50th anniversary of a defeat of nazisim.

A few of us remembered the Stonehenge Free Festivals 1974-1984, but most were in the Stones for their first time- many were from the new generation of "rainbow warriors" and "eco-activists from Twyford, Newbury, Fairmile, Glastonbury and London's Cooltan and Rainbow Centre,.

I've got the black book some of us wrote in in Stonehenge on that VE Day, May 1995.

Latest: ReLunch 7/8 May 1997

This pandimensional VE Day Book is distirbuted over several websites:

Any more words, photos, art, videos, information, ideas, dreams etc for a MultiMedia mag/vid/CD-ROM please
c/o Stonehenge Campaign
99 Torriano Av
London NW5 2RX
[email protected]

This is the end of a page for Stonehenge VEDay 8May1995

The Stonehenge Campaign c/o 99 Torriano Av London NW5 2RX

,            ______      _________    _______            ,
,          /  Free  \   / The     \  / Stones \          ,
,          \________/   \_________/  \_______ /          ,
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thanks to:

Geocities: Get your own Free Home Pages!

World Peace Builders Trust

Kingsway College
and Kentish Town Learning Centre

Kingsway Internet Support Society
(temporarily deleted December 1996 ???)

Respect to Tash

and to Paul

Stonehenge Campaign c/o 99 Torriano Av, London NW5 2RX (UK)
xxxxxxxx deleted lots 24feb1998ggg ?????

mailto: [email protected]
... and/or mailto paul [email protected]
(End of http://www.algroup.co.uk/wpb/stg/vedaywpb.htm )

DiceGeorge HOME BASE Page here @ WPB.
Last upload - Sun 04 May1997 by George @ TMC Studios

www.dicenews.com [hotlinks]