Trojan Name & Port # list borrowed from modified to make useable in txt by kM / begin list Trojan Name Port# (TCP/UDP) *Default to TCP The tHing 6400 NetBus 1.x 12345,12346 NetBus Pro 20034 BackOriffice 31337 SubSeven 1243 NetSphere 30100 Deep Throat 1,2,3.x 6670 Master Paradise 31 Silencer 1001 Millenium 20000 Devil 1.03 65000 NetMonitor 7306 Streaming Audio Trojan 1170 Socket23 30303 Gatecrasher/Net Control 6969 Telecommando 61466 Gjamer 12076 IcqTrojen 4950 Priotrity 16969 Vodoo 1245 Wincrash 5742 Wincrash2 2583 Netspy 1033 ShockRave 1981 Stealth Spy 555 Pass Ripper 2023 Attack FTP 666 Satans Backdoor 1 666 Satans Backdoor 2Beta 666 GirlFriend 21554 Fore, Schwindler 50766 Tiny Telnet Server 34324 Kuang 30999 Senna Spy Trojans 11000 WhackJob 23456 Phase0 555 BladeRunner 5400 IcqTrojan 4950 InIkiller 9989 PortalOfDoom 9872 ProgenicTrojan 11223 Prosiak 0.47 22222 RemoteWindowsShutdown 53001 RoboHack 5569 Silencer 1001 Striker 2565 TheSpy 40412 TrojanCow 2001 UglyFtp 23456 WebEx 1001 Backdoor 1999 Phineas 2801 Psyber Streaming Server 1509 Indoctrination 6939 Hackers Paradise 456 Doly Trojan 1011 Solero 14456 FTP99CMP 1492 Shiva Burka 1600 Remote Windows Shutdown 53001 BigGluck 34324 NetSpy 31339 Hack´99 KeyLogger 12223 iNi-Killer 9989 ICQKiller 7789 Portal of Doom 9875 Firehotcker 5321 Master Paradise 40423 BO jammerkillahV 121 AOLTrojan1.1 30029 Hack'a'tack 31787 The Invasor 2140 SpySender 1807 The Unexplained 29891 Bla 20331 FileNail 4567 ShitHeep 69123 Coma 10607 Bla1.1 1042 HVL Rat5 2283 BackConstruction1.2 5400 Kuang2 theVirus 17300 Xtcp 2.00 + 2.01 5550 Schwindler 1.82 21554 Doly trojan v1.35 1010 Doly trojan v1.5 1015 Vampire 6669 DeltaSource 6883 Trojan Spirit 2001 a 33911 Maverick's Matrix 1.2 - 2.0 1269 TCP, 1025 TCP, 1025 UDP Total Eclypse 1.0 3791 OOTLT + OOTLT Cart 5011 Eclipse 2000 12701 NetMetro 1.0 5031 Illusion Mailer 5521 InCommand 1.0 + 1.3 + 1.4 9400 TCP, 1029 TCP, 1029 UDP NeTadmin 555 Logged! 20203 Shitheep 6912 Schoolbus 1.6 54321 Schoolbus 2.0 54321 Chupacabra 20203 TheThing 1.6 6000 AimSpy 777 NetMetropolitan 1.04 5032,5031 Transcout 1.1 + 1.2 1999 SoftWar 1207 Ambush 10666 Der Spaeher 3 10666 Insane Network 2000, 2001, 1000, 1001 The Prayer 1.2 + 1.3 9999, 2716 Host Control 1.0 6669, 11050 Yet Another Trojan 37651 NetRaider 57341 TCPShell.c 6666 PC Crasher 5637, 5638 Mini Command 1.2 1050 Mosucker 16484 Rat 1.2 2989 TCP, 2989 UDP FakeFTP 1966 TCP Intruse Pack 1.27b 30947 TCP Snid X2 3586 TCP, 7609 TCP, 1784 TCP Freak 88 7001 TCP Asylium 0.1&0.11&0.12&0.13 23432 TCP Prosiak 44444 TCP, 23 (telnet option) Traitor 2.1 21 (creates ftp banner of its name) SSFS 1.0 21 TCP Connection 60411 TCP Host Control 2.6 10528 TCP, 11051 TCP, 15092 TCP, 7424 TCP, 7424 UDP BIONET 12349 TCP Rux.PSW 2208 TCP CrazyNet 17490 TCP, 17500 TCP Rux.Backdoor 9876 TCP, 4245 TCP Infector 1.x 146 TCP, 17569 TCP NetDemon 1.0 15000 TCP Rux.Tick 1700 TCP, 22222 TCP NetTrash 23005 TCP, 23005 UDP Y3k 1.3 5882 TCP, 5888 TCP, 5889 TCP, 5882 UDP, 5888 UDP /end list