Drunken walk
Dear Zincberg,
If 0+0=0 and 1+0=1 how come I can't ever seem to walk straight when I'm drunk?
Dear durnk
The answer to your question is quite simple and its essence is the equation you have mentioned. Let me explain, firstly...lets look at the first part of your question.. "If 0+0=0 and 1+0=1". lets take the answers to both those equations and add them together. 0(first answer) + 1(second answer) = 1.(lets call this "a") Now let look at the second part of your question..."how come I can never walk in a straight line when I'm drunk?" I think you can walk in a straight line when you are drunk, perhaps you are just aiming too far. What do you need for a straight line? two POINTS! If we say that the distance between those points is called a STEP...Then all you need is steps to walk in a straight line. How many steps? (Now watch this carefully!!!)...well the obvious answer comes from "a"...and that is 1. So...to sum up.. in order for you to walk a straight line you only need to take one step. Whether you are drunk or not...it is impossible to take one step any other way than in a straight line...so the answer to your question is....YOU CAN WALK IN A STRAIGHT LINE WHEN YOU ARE DRUNK....BUT ONLY ONE STEP AT A TIME.
thank you for your time
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