zincberg on the net

worthless life

dear zincberg,
Is life worthwhile? I often find it to be worthless... I can't tell my parents that I'm depressed though...

Bob Tamale

dear Bob,
Yes...life is worthwhile. It is easy sometimes to think that life has a worthless property to it, when things seem bad...however, life can be an enormous amount of fun. Normally, people who find life has no meaning...are spending alot of time thinking of the negative aspects of their lives. A good trick is to attempt to think of the things in life that can be fun. Things like..listening to or playing music...visiting friends...going for walks on the beach after sunset....getting your shots updated at the hospital after treading on a needle at the beach in the previous example....pegging then spinning babies on a clothesline....stopping the babies from spinning with a shovel....things like that. I am sure you would be surprised to know that your parents would probably really like to hear about your depression if you are feeling as miserable as it would seem. If you feel that somehow you may not be able to talk to them..because of the nature of the problem...then there are many places you can get some help. Alot of schools have councillers if you are of schooling age....sometimes you can talk to a doctor or someone in the mental health industry like a phsycologist.there is also a good site i think may help you a little bit...it is here ------>Reach Out!
thank you for your time

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