dg dgplaces.htm: I'm Dice George ,
Here's a webpage about some places:
Bean Field? Coventry? [Dead Womans Bottom] [Evesham Street] [Gosport] [Greenlands Farm 1983-1985] [Glastonbury Assembly Rooms] [Karelia] [Stonehenge] [Beanfield] [One World Rainbow Centre, kentish Town 199??] [Radstock] [Wandsworth Eco Village]

Dead Womans Bottom, Somerset 1997-1998

see whatley.htm

Evesham Street see Rogers obituary
 from the roof of my bus at evesham street


There's a cyber Cafe, but when I visited last month I said "can I insert my disk" and they said "no"

Glastonbury Assembly Rooms phone 01458 834677

see http://www.phreak.co.uk/stonehenge/psb/glastass.htm In the High Street, with a great cafe, we've installed new sound proofing, but have failed to get a lottery grant for a new roof, wheel-chair lift, etcetera.
It's community owned, shares are £500.00 each, but nobody's allowed to own more than two.

Greenlands Farm, Glastonbury

in 1983 I bought my bus, the engine blew up, it got towed to Greenlands Farm, Glastonbury where I lived in it until December-ish 1984, when I drove to Wales etcetera.
In summer 1995 I returned to Greenlands, we were evicted in December.
so much I could say here, given time


(a small town on a peninsula opposite Portsmouth Island)
see gosport.htm , which was to be a webpage with the ten best things in Gosport,


see karelia.htm my bus

One World Rainbow Centre

in 199? I lived outside the Rainbow Centre, a semi-squatted ex-Church in Kentish Town , London. Many projects were there - Agenda 21, artspace, library, Friday drumming, Belly Dancing, meetings, Talking Stick Circles, gigs...

see karelia.htm for a picture of the building and dglights.htm for a picture of my lightshow in the library


see stonecam.htm (Stonehenge Campaign homepage)

Stonehenge Beanfield 1985

see dicepubl.htm#???


in 1999 I drove my bus to the old railway line at Radstock, Somerset
(half way round the oneway system, through the townhall carpark
see dice1999.htm#radstock

Wandsworth Eco Village 199?

see the Land Is ours Website, and dice1996.htm and dicepubl.htm and Wandsworth Eco Village


[ Dice News]
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