mein shatz-
that's german! it means "dear." i'm trying to teach myself german. i feel like a big dork, but it's lots of fun. The only longish phrase I've been able to memorize is "Herr Ober, ein bier, bitte" which means, "Waiter, a beer, please." So that's not going to do me much good, but it's a start I suppose. I had an extremely horrible and stressful weekend.
"What happened?" you may ask. "Did you have to study for a hard test?"
Hm. Well.
Remember how I told you that my friend Oasis ran away from his scary, abusive dad? Well. His scary, abusive dad decided that since Oasis and I are friends, I must know where he was and I was hiding the truth from him. Understand I'm under no legal obligation to give up Oasis' location. So this psycho, for lack of any other term, starts calling the house and leaving me scary e-mails threatening to throw me in jail and all this bull. And then Oasis got caught, sent back, and all this stuff. His dad stopped, but he was harassing me, so I'm thinking that I'm going to go ahead and file a restraining order on him. Cocky little b.
Also, that was the same weekend that I had to fast for my mission trip to Mexico (it was a requirement...) and take the SAT's. All on the same day. So I'm stressed, running around deprived of food...yeah, that's the gist of it. And on top of all of that, I'm scared for my life.
Pretty exciting.
Yeah, I like the "Finding Forrester" thing, perhaps with less emotional fits and breakdowns. I've had enough dramatics to last me through the lifetimes of several large redwoods, combined. I am like a tree....
Enough of the whimsy. I must go study for my test. It's an AP English final exam, a real nail-biter. It's the kind that you can only take once, and if you screw it up, too bad, cause it's on the record. Grr...stupid standardized testing. I'm off to be bitter and undoubtedly flounder into oblivion.
Excuse the horrible prose.
Auf Wiedersen, Anemone Ra