Phreaky resources compiled by Fone Ranger
No major updates to the site in two years – take it or leave it!
Send comments, questions, death threats and fashion tips to Fone Ranger on the Phreak Phorum.
If you're local to Manchester, see this page for the Manchester 2600 meet.
Some of the better texts
Understanding Telphones by Julian Macassey HTML | Text
Building and Using Phone Patches HTML | Text
uk.telecom FAQ, Part 3 (Technical Matters) – edited for relevance. You can get the full one here.
Combat in the Field: Field Phreaking by Keltic Phr0st
The BT Network Well-researched and comparatively up to date, on Clive Feather's site
MED's Guide to UK Telephonics: Part 1 | Part 2 (somewhat dated)
BillSF's Hitchhikers Guide to the Phone System: Phreaking in the Nineties
Phed-One's Ultimate Guide to Blueboxing in the (Late) 90s
BT Wiring Cabinets: Cold Fire's original text: Updated version
Keltic Phr0st's Pointers in the Direction of Better HP Information (through patents)
BT payphone coin tones (now obsolete.)