this webpage contents: latest | London Musicians Gathering | Repetitive Squeaks - (my internet single) | tribadelica CD | Brian | Cowbell | the only time i lied | tribal voices | Soar | BGG97 | Space Goats spacegoats 13 moons | wildcard | fossil | samples | lostinspace | end links . |
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DiceGeorge's webpages:
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Sat 24 March 2001: I played a bit of tin whistle with Now Age Radio at the Tribal Voices gig at Glastonbury Assembly Rooms.
5th March2001: recorded the Farringdon Jam, with me fluting and Angel Tin Whistling.
(See the Maggie Nicols Musicians Gathering webpage: )
Friday 10 november: all the sounds disappeared due to improvements
at phreak , do they work now?
all 4 Tribal Voices tapes will be on sale again soon-
lets revive this project, and save the planet with music!
Monday 09 October: added table of sound samples
to end of this webpage.
Monday 11th September 2000 recorded a jam at the London Musicians Gathering, Farringdon, here?
(Jes has some music at http://www.peoplesound/artist/halo
and at
see jesmiral.htm here @psb
Wednesday 3rd May recorded two demos with
Angel in her kitchen on this laptop,
several mistakes in it - after a one minute tuneup
I said go for it and we recorded- I had a meeting to get to
across london. We hadnt played together for a year - and it shows!
angel-ragggle-taggle-gypsy.rm 513K 4mins9seconds
angel-fight-for-your-rights.rm 449K 3mins38secs
24april2000 recorded real audio of me playing my flute- "Belgrano", it was to have been the B side of my single back in the 80s when I was a romantic fool and so angry with Lady Belgrano's killing of those peasant boys. See belgrano.htm
20 april2000 in Glastonbury - jamming with pok and ruthflute 20april2000jam.rm (500kb - 4minutes+3seconds) and 21april2000later.rm (316KB 2minutes+33seconds). Both "recordings" could be for my concept album to put on at the end of parties to get rid of everybody! But they were made using this laptop's inbuilt microphone as a Real Audio file, compressed, only AM radio quality.
6april2000 - South London
jamming with dave and debs lost in space
roly-roly and
jesus-was-a-mushroom.rm .
lower frame dgfluban.htm#lisp
this is dgflutes.htm#lisp
h00:41wed09feb2000 yesterday yesterday monday evening i went to the
London Musicians Gathering
upstairs in a pub in Farringdon,
(organised by Magi Nicholls).
(see her webpage: )
I recorded it with my laptop, real encoder,
and yesterday, earlier tonight, I uploaded the sound tracks
from mick's - thanks.
My favourite "track" is at:
( I can hear me tin whistling in it),
the others are
14 December 1999
I'm at London, Victoria Cybercafe,
earlier, at Simon's in Bath, I borrowed his Mac
and sampled and compressed some more sounds,
and thinking it over on the coach I realise that I have thus published
Internet Single - Repetitive Squeaks
the soundfile being:
see directory
for more real audio sounds,
and a few videos too!
and see
Tribal Voices website
August 1999:
I tin-whistle on Pixies Jinx (track 6) of the
Tribadelica Space Goat CD SG23 ,
for more details see Mandala
Please someone please record my song
The Only Time I Lied
(was when I said I didnt love you anymore)
(as published in Festival Eye 1999
and get it to number one for Valentines Day
and send me the songwriting dosh!
July 1998 - I've bought a trombone, learning to play it at the seaside, an instrument with such potential, such a deep low brassy sound, and analogue, slideable..
though still I prefer my tinwhistles to my flute - or should I say that my lights are my primary muscial instrument?
Tribal Voices
4 tape is out in a limited edition of one hundred, I've got one, been
playing it loads, it's all fantastic apart from the squeeaky tinwhistle in
the little Green men which is me, playing opposite Ruth Space Goat's flute,
with Jez singing "CCTV" and "Strange Family", what a camp that was - how powerful
are the poems and songs on it , such an honour and a privilege to be there -
Invisible Opera Company of Tibet - wow, it grows on me
So they gave me a lift back to DeadWoman'sBum to get my tinwhistles etcetera, and after a few days delay we went to Devon, hung around for a few days, practiced, ate smoke and drank around the campfire. We recorded two tunes three times: "Stone" and "CCTV" (I prefer the first take. There was three guitars, ExSpaceGoat Ruth on beautiful flute, and me tinwhistling.
Someone said that they recorded a hundred and one tracks that week,
enough for several tapes, CDs, singles etcetera.
The best was the first, on I think Tuesday night, In the Golden Moon Marquee with three most amazing guitaring singing women - I didnt ask or remember their names, (whoops)
and one night an amazing guitarist by a fire,
I mentioned the russian astronauts stuck on the broken down
space shuttle, we played Bowie's Starman
and Major Tom, wow;
I asked "can you do any Joni Mitchell"?
(because something in his voice seemed that way inclined)
- he said he'd just done "Clouds" before I came
and the next day I remembered that and was sorrier, and now it seems almost worse, I remember that song from years ago, it's the most amazing poem - but I can't remember any of it now - I'm so sorry he didn't sing it, (I use the words 'remember' and 'amazing' too much)
In 1997 or late 1996 I cycled to Gypsy Hill South London
and recorded 40 seconds on a track
with the SpaceGoats, and they included it on their
cassette tape "13 moons",
I'm on the first track on side one,
the terrible tin-whistling
(the beautiful recorder is
chrissy ,
you could probably buy it via TribalVoices, Guilfin or Schnews
(see dicenews hotlinks
2001: Brian is dead, see a tribute webpage at
Some years ago I recorded me and Belfast Brian onto Ampex quality tape,
"Freedom Festival" and"Dice George and the Drongos".
I made some C90 cassettes from these and other lower-quality recordings,
and sold a hundred or so as a Stonehenge Campaign benefit cassette.
I've written two songs - "Wildcard" and "Fossil", but can't/won't/don't sing.
I play for 40 seconds on the latest Space Goats cassette from New Age Radio
Last year, at the Kentish Town Rainbow Centre we record minutes of a solid jam
(with a beginning and an ending)
on Clive's DCC digital tape recorder with a stereo microphone,
but he's in Australia, I want to transfer digitally from DCC to DAT,
then adjust the sound levels where a child dropped a cowbell -
does anyone out there have the technology
(because there were random unknown people involved this would have to be a
charity non-commercial publication) -
Lord Eric Sugumugu led the drumming..
Monday evenings jamming with the London experimental Music Co-op upstairs at Betsy Trotwoods pub opposite the Guardian
This November I recorded 4 minutes onto DAT at the NewAgeRadio studios, tin whistle and drums, it could be the next DiceGeorge number one single - called "Repetitive Squeaks"
Because I'm an introvert this is enough for me. It's the world's loss!
13feb2000: I remember years ago at Pilton / Glastonbury Festival
on the Monday or Tuesday meeting a guitarist,
and me tin whistling, and asking for Hunky Dory,
and he knew most of the tracks,
we jammed them there for an hour or two-
Kooks and Frank Lloyd Right and the Bewley Brothers
and and and... it's David Bowie's best album
but every other album of his is different (unlike so many bands).
Because of this meeting I missed several connections
and my window got lost for a week
etcetera - but it was worth it.
guitarist's I've met
There's one called 'Clive' I've met 2 or three times
and that one in Ozrics
and Red Ice Brian and
and Andy and Pew and
and Angel and Kerry and ........
2004 - see jesmiral.htm
Sound files: diceGeorge , Stonehenge, and Tribal Voices
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