We always need help with - money, stamps, stationery, artwork,
info and dates of events, gigs, demos, festivals, gatherings, etc.
or type into the Feedback Form
Some of us are druids, some are not.
See the Stonehenge Druids webpage
See the letter from Rev Scobie
in our newsletter.
Rolo McDruid blowing a conch
stonehengepeace egroup
join the
stonehengepeace egroup - see
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stonehengepeace for archive of messages,
post to it.
The egroup moderator is
George Firsoff
English Heriticage
English Heritage
claim to "own" Stonehenge.
But Cecil Chubb 'gave' it to the nation.
But the English only arrived in Britain after the Romans
when Stonehenge was already a ruin!
English heritcage have plans to
Stonehenge on a grand scale, with restaurants and millions of tourists.
They have plans for a a Stonehenge Park,
with which we agree in principle;
and they say they want to close the
A344 road
which cuts Stonehenge - so why haven't they???
Above is the
new logo
English Heritage are going to use to 'promote' Stonehenge. They paid £10,000 for it.
We've been visiting Stonehenge every Solstice and Equinox (
Spring ,
Summer ,
Autumn and
Winter) )
since December 1985,
sometimes getting into the Stones, sometimes meeting outside the fence
see our Newsletters webpages.
FIN Free Information Networks
Lots of groups have set up Fin Cells.
See our
Contacts List @ait and
stonefin.htm .
If there isn't a FIN cell in your area then start one!
GUILFIN are on the web.
was a massive contacts list with hyperlinks and more!
but it's now being pruned - see our
contacts list above
Stonehenge Free Festivals
From 1974 to 1984 there was a Free Festival at Stonehenge.
It was 90% great. Someone should write more about it here.
see the Stonehenge Free Festival webpage
Tash has a pictures at his
Helen has a photo of the Solstice in 1984 ish
played 'rock music' at Stonehenge Free Festival in 1984 (and many other years)
There exists a video of them then, has anyone got it,
could you grab it and put it here?
Now (January 1997) I'm developing a
frames version of the website,
to ease navigation (and for a CIT certificate).
click the lower left flag window several times and see Sarah wave her
psychedelic translucent flag!
If you're not using frames,
almost everything can be accessed from our homepage,
stonecam.htm .
(if you view this webpage's source code, you'll see that
target="_top" is the HTML code
Click here to reload this webpage
scintro.htm with no frames
stonegeo.htm - Stonehenge Campaign @geocities with Frames
stonecam.htm - Stonehenge Campaign @geocities - No Frames
Stonehenge 2 @ait in this frame
Stonehenge 2 @ait - No Frames
1997 Stonehenge Campaign @WPB with Frames
1997 Stonehenge Campaign @WPB - No Frames
vestone.htm - Stonehenge VE Day Book in a new window
We have links to some of our friends, such as
Tash, King Arthur, Squall, Schnews, etc
See the jumper block at the bottom of
most webpages, or for a longer list visit our
weblinks bookmark page.
Here's a place I'm going to put links to lots of Georges!-
I'm dice George ,
known to my friernds as 'george' - not to be confused with
Boy George, a popstar, or
George Firsoff, who edits Greenleaf ,
a pagan newsletter,
and moderates the stonehengepeace egroup.
George Monbiot see
King Arthur is an honourary George!
Glastonbury : Sat 15th and Sun 16th March 1997
We've been meeting at Glastonbury Assembly Rooms most springs,
our next meeting there is from 10am to 5pm on
Sunday 16th March 1997.
Please come along, and to our Benefit Gig there on Saturday 15th.
see: glastone.htm
Help us please..
always wanting ideas, words,
pictures, stamps, music, sites, webpages, links,
enthusiasm, time, money, guitarists, love,,,
Link to Stonehenge
is a page for you to download
and then paste into your website to link back to these Stonehenge webpages
- see #websites later on in this page
Musicians Network
There's music on our Videos page
It'd be nice to have Stonehengey music on the web - help please...
We've been printing our
newsletter quarterly,
and distributing it free at Stonehenge equinoxes and solstices.
Stonehenge Pictures
stonepic.htm is a page with thumbnails and links to
some pictures of Stonehenge,
more are in our printed newsletters, badges, and teeshirts,
send us yours ,
and we'll probably stick it here on the web,
or, better, put in links to them on your websites,
and include it in our next newsletter.
Two Roads at Stonehenge
See stonerds.htm for more information
the A303 road
The A303 is the London to Cornwall trunk road,
it passes a few hundred yards south of the Stones.
For a report on a
roads conference
in Salisbury see our December1995 Newsletter.
There were many plans to gouge out a wider road, or a tunnel,
or a bypass through unspoilt land, but a report in our
September 1996 newsletter suggests that they've abandoned all these plans.
But they really want a dual carriageway "euro-route"
from London to Cornwall
This road cuts through Stonehenge inches away from the HeleStone,
on the other side of the road is the Avenue,
two banks which are an integral part of Stonehenge I.
They should close this road forthwith,
at least the hundred yards from the English Heriticage visitors'
centre to the A303 junction) forthwith,
cars could triangulate from the A303 roundabout
and continue to use EH's car park
until their grand redevelopment plans are implemented, years from now.
The A303/A344 junction is bloody dangerous, and unnecessary.
more road news at
Stonehenge 2 ?
see the sitemap at gsitemap.htm
There are two solstices every year, in the
winter and in the summer .
Stonehenge marks them both.
see datelist
Summer Solstice
Not only the helestone and the horseshoe of five tritholons,
but also the Avenue (which was originally two white chalk banks)
point to the the point on the horizon where the sun rises
at the summer solstices, the north-east-est sunrise of the year.
it's wonderful.
Torriano Meeting House
We've been meeting at 99 Torriano Av since 1985,
at 8pm on the first Wednesdays of September to May (except Januarys).
Many thanks to John and Susan, the caretakers.
See the datelist
for details of our future meetings, please come.
At the meetings we open the mail.
Stonehenge Videos Page
Stonehenge Videos webpage has links to
several quicktime movies, most from
VE Day 1995 .
There's a video of Hawkwind playing at Stonehenge Free Festival 1994,
if anyone know's of a copy, or how we could grab it,
or who could, and with other such help please
at kiss provided links to about 40m of quicktime movies
of us lot in stonehenge,
with music from musicians from heathens all, and others.
.. but they deleted them all - some are now restored,
but most are not, most are backed up to mac 230mb
optical disks, but i no longer have access to
the optical drive, or video grabbers, so if you
know of any clues as to whereto or howto,
then please email. there must by now be a better
was of compressing videos for the web, i did them at
one frame a second but still they were huge,
and i suspect that most of the filesize was taken up with sound data...
VE Day, Monday 8th May 1995
On VEDay 1995 we jumped the fence at sunrise and spent all day in the Stones!
It is the centre of my life.
our Stonehenge VE Day book project
many poems, pictures, videos,
Stonehenge V.E. DAY in J's joint by KJ with Star's photo
at Jamiriquai's website?????
Walk/Pilgrimage from London to Stonehenge
We've been walking from London to Stonehenge since 1986, (BC).
This year, 1997 we're meeting at Battersea Park Peace Pagoda at noon on
Sunday the 1st of June
for a picnic ( with musical jam);and leaving the park at 2 (ish).
There's usually a van or boat to carry your kit,
and a free meal at the end of the first day's walk.
see Stonehenge Walks page
Winter Solstices
At the winter solstices the sun rises at it's southest.
Some say the winter sunset is unlucky.
One sunrise, five or six years ago, there was snow,
we'd walked from a friends house in Shrewton and hopped the fence,
I remember taking photos as I approached, but then ran out of film!
There's a movie of a midwinter sunrise on the
videos webpage.
is our links to other sites on the World Wide Web.
It should be importable as a bookmark file.
please send us your bookmarks, raw or tidied
There are now (at least) 4 sites with Stonehengy information:
Stonehenge Campaign at Geocities
(under continuous development,
usually holds the most uptodate webpages,
but sometimes hard to get to from Britain)
Stonehenge 2 @ait:
other site with latest news, calendar and contacts list.
Look here for stop press info from the South
World Peace Builders` Trust 1997 Stonehenge webpages.
development frozen , usually not as uptodate as those at geocities
Many search engines refuse to record websites at geocities,
but they record the webpages at WPB.
And magazines like Squall Festival Eye 1996 printed the WPB URLs.
Many thanks to
World PeaceBuilders Trust for webspace, tea, biscuits
and immeasureables
http://www.kingsway.ac.uk/kiss/stonehenge/ ????
Stonehenge Campaign original 1996 homepages at
KingswayCollege Internet Support Society deleted.
(this site was turned off over the Christmas holidays -
I hassled them politelyish to at least put a link to our new sites,
because the kiss URL is printed in many magazines etc,
but found them too busy and thatcheroid).
It was good while it lasted. Chris Lane, who was my Internet Tutor
was an inspiration - I wonder where he's now?
http://www.gn.apc.org/tash/ /
Tash's pics of Stonehenge, festivals, etc
from the Midlands
[email protected] (somewhere in American hyperspace)
typing into this little laptop in my
bus by windmill power...
twazzock !
Webspace wanted for the 40meg of
videos and sounds
from VE Day 1995 etcetera...
where can they go, should they be shockwaved or quicktimed or what???
For more stonehengy sites see
stoneweb.htm Weblinks page.
Contact us
with URLs etc of any more stonehengish stuff please...
Notes about the WWW, Photoshop, Netscape, etc
- Use Netscape/File/SaveAs (source) to get HTML onto your (hard) disk
- Then edit it with your favourite editor, cut out 90% of the blurbalage
my favourite editor is NOTEPAD.EXE in Windows,
BB-Edit-Lite on a Mac, and Tinyed or SLED here on DOS3.2
- Then Netscape/File/OpenFile to look at what you've got
- repeat
- The right PC mouse button, (or holding down the Mac button)
lets you save images from the web onto your disks,
- Also useful is "Save this Link as", you can save a webpage
directly to disk without clicking into it from your browser
(so you don't have to wait for pictures)
- See the Netscape Handbook, save it to your disk and then print it
- there's a few links to HTML info in my
stoneweb.htm weblinks page
- Netscape/window/bookmark/file/SaveAs "newbooks.htm"
lets you edit URLs from a computer's bookmarks file into your webpages
- However this computer runs MSDOS3.2
(when there's enough wind for the windmill -see
dicenews.htm for some convoluting details/clues/mysteries
This is the end of an Introduction to :
The Stonehenge Campaign