phreaking.. sat5jan2002 .. I'll be moving some of these pages to phreak soon because of yahoo/geocities suspending them - see yahoogc.htm
New Years Eve I cycled to Glastonbury then chilled up the Tor. It was cool. Jammed tinwhistle with some drummers. Christmas I hibernated, recovering from Stonehenge. Had ice on the inside of the roof of my bus!
New Year's Resolution - more lightshows
And Tribal Voices tape/CD Five is a big project I want to get done for the 23rd March Glastonbury gig.
Friday10January2002 - I've moved the Stonehenge Campaign homepage to phreak, if my javascript works - please tell me of any bugs. Do the sounds work? (I can't test them over this 9K orange phone modem!)
Rainbow gig @ Glastonbury Saturday 2nd Feb 2002
thu31jan2002 - dental success, bus travelcarded,
visited Wells, Frome, Shepton and Glastonbury,
where I met some good friends,
and heard some great music,
and jammed a bit of tin whistle with guitars
and flutes, then ran to the bus, to Wells, then cycled and pushed it
uphill back to my bus.
Misty full moon.
Subject: [dicenews] egroup email from george ~ wed30jan2002 Date: 30 January 2002 23:13 There's something on in Glastonbury Assembly rooms Thursday night. And on Saturday 2/2/2002 is a Rainbow Benefit, opening circle 6pm, helping earlier. I think it'll be packed so come early! And please bring some words and/or art for the Rainbow Circle newsletter which is soon and I'm going to the dentist tomorrow, I cracked a front tooth with the bus starting handle when it backfired last month - ow - I'm my own worst enemy! (and to digress ... if you got all my friends in one room there'd probably be a huge fight! ~ [JOKE] ~ ) Now parked up just north of Priddy in Somerset, beautiful country: Stones and tumuli. This email is powered by The Land Is Ours windmill which I rescued off Wandsworth Eco Village Roundhouse. ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-}
moved from shepton a few miles (Wed 16 jan 2002), now a little north of Priddy campsite
tues5feb2002 00:04 05/02/2002
early morning/late last night watching Dances With Wolves
on telly.
after the rainbow gig dancing i slept round friends in glastonbury
then did some visits and caught the last bus back towards bristol,
got off at the top of the hill and walked the five or so miles to
where Im parked up from Priddy.
Good exercise with a heavy rucksack of computer bits and
stonehenge leaflets Jes gave me.
From: "george [email protected]" [[email protected]] To: [[email protected]] Cc: [[email protected]] Subject: [rainbow-circle] the rainmaker archetype Date: 01 February 2002 21:14 my favourite poet in 'Knowing Woman' wrote of the Rainmaker archetype (in males and females, her 'man' means 'human' - not male only)... In those rare moments when all the opposites meet within a man, good and also evil, light and also darkness, spirit and also body, brain and also heart, masculine focussed consciousness and at the same time feminine diffuse awareness, wisdom of maturity and childlike wonder; when all are allowed and none displaces any other in the mind of a man, then that man, though he may utter no word, is in an attitude of prayer. Whether he knows it or not his own receptive allowing will affect all those around him; rain will fall on the parched fields, and tears will turn bitter grief to flowering sorrow, while stricken children dry their eyes and laugh.
Wednesday 13th Feb 2002 - in my bus, up Priddy.
Last week to London for Stonehenge meeting,
(English Heriticage's plan is same as last summer), then to
where we formatted a new hard disk for this laptop
(it should be 20G but came out at 8Gig - loads of room I thought,
expanding from 2Gig, but by the time we'd transferred sound software
and samples for Tribal Voices Five there was only a Gig left!)
Then to Victoria cybercafe where I tested my webpages,
the slideshow didnt work,
but the sound samples did.
Yesterday I finally got the laptop connected to an external
box with a CD reader, next step it to suss writing CDs, hopefully in
time for the TV gig and Stonehenge meeting in Glast
Oh, and we're being evicted again soon...
nice windy weather for the windmill
Broken windows - i've lost the fonts from wordpad,
aargh i want to be editing webpages and art
not programming operating systems, failing to write CDs...
The egroups are OK (27feb2002)
cold, there's a cold wind and i've got a cold -
perhaps from sitting out at a campfire at Hatfield last weekend
playing tinwhistle and flute with guitars at a rainbowy party.
Days later I found my tin whistle was clogged with fluff -
that's why i couldnt play it quiet. I danced to Kangaroo Moon,
but I find a slowness in their music because Mark (or Marc)
the keyboarder/flautist plays sitting down,
bands are more danceable when they're standing up.
And I'm a bit jealous cos they're so much faster than me on the flutes.
Still. I wouldnt have got my flute if my tin whistle wasnt
fluffed up, and it was nice to play it again,
the difference of sound between a tinwhistle and flute is
more to do with that a flute is blocked at one end,
than because a flute's blown sideways.
There was a diagram in my A Level physics book of vibrations
in a closed pipe and an open pipe, one and a half in a closed pipe,
an odd number of halves, i should draw a diagram.
ha! sinewaves are hard to draw on this silly laptop touchpad.
and i'm no artist. perhaps the curve tool in paint would do it.
Two CD writers have failed to materialise, this one here doesnt work, perhaps I'll pay top dollar for one, I've spent months planning these CDs for Tribal Voices, I want some draft CDs ready for the 23rd March gig in Glastonbury , and then I'll have time for more new projects ... Festival Eye?
datelist updated (Sunday 10 March) - I've been walkabout - Rainbow Circling in Hereford, computering in Dorking, Music at Farringdon , rebuilding my computer at Rory's, visiting and playing with kids , Stonhehengeing at Torriano, and preparing for the Glastonbury Tribal Voices Gig and Stonehenge Talking Circle on 23/24 March
And visiting my mum in her home for the bewildered here in Gosport
Back to my bus in Somerset tomorrow, do some mechanics and more investigating making CDs for Tribal Voices
Glastired: Sunday 17th march 2002: yesterday I visited Glastonbury, picked up some Tribal Voices CDs, planned next Saturdays Gig at the Assemblies, met friends, saw a band called Feud at the Liesure club, then went to a rave in the Assemblies where I danced like a Spiral Tribe hippy/punk/mutant.
Then did some computing with
Seizmic Richie , slept, Sunday picked up some more music,
then bus back to the crossroads and a three mile walk,
my rucksack heavy due to papers and computers and disks and wires..
a satisfying ache on my shoes.
dont know if i'll get to Stonehenge
for Thursday Equinox sunrise, 50/50.
I'm still trying to make Tribal Voices Five
on my new burnproof CD Rewriter, but Nero software
writes the data track first (with webpages, pictures etcetera)
and on some old CD players that makes a horrible white noise
which could damage loudspeakers if played loud,
pessimisstickily thinking.
friday 22 march 2002: back in my bus.
ive slept well, two nights worth.
Wednesday at Stonehenge I was up all night.
Jes played great guitar and i tried to play along on my tin whistle.
We did 'Our Stones' from Tribal Voices Four, and stuff I hadnt heard before.
Hope to play with him again on Saturday.
It took hours to get there by buses,
in between buses at Salisbury I visited the library
and read about CD-ROMs, and checked my hotmail.
If I'd gone on Tuesday then I'd have been in time for wednesday's
TRC meeting,
but I'd have got wet in the drizzle,
and didnt want to spend two nights out wet and cold.
As it happened it drizzled a bit as I walked from amesbury to stonehenge,
I stopped to put on my waterproof(ish) over-trousers,
but stopped when I got there.
thursday morning they said theyd let us in through the gate but some druids slowed us up for half an hour waiting for a car to arrive late which is outrageous( I think, obviously they dont think that, or they wouldn't have done it.)
In the Stones I ambled about, chuckled cos the Druid's north was about twenty degrees northeast, showed someone Stone Eleven, then noticed that of the two big ones at the back, the one thats fallen over and broken in two is about a foot thicker than the standing one next to it. And the one standing is so relatively thin that I began to doubt whether the stone lying nearby which I'd assumed was off the top was wide enough to have been safely put up there.
The people who built Stonehenge would have known of the dangers of huge buildings collapsing, thinking of the huge trees they built with.
And earlier, by the campfire at night in between music and chatting I wrote a line in my notebook that could be the foundation stone of a whole philosophy of life which I should write, as fundamental and enlightening as the famous Cogito Ergo Sum of Descartes - [I think therefore I am] - (which actually isnt as self evident and deniable as he thought - he presupposes that the word 'I' which is used twice represents the same thing (or idea)).
Warm at last,
in my bus.(27march2002)
The gig and meeting in Glastonbury were great,
so much goodness, nine out ten,
I played my best ever version of CCTV and Stange Family
sitting at a table while Jes and the angels were on stage,
remembering TVtape4 and Stonehenge.
Now thinking of Tribal Voices CD5 and CD6...
(anyone got CD-enhanced burning software links?),
and getting towards Rainbow Circle Beltane Camp -
I volunteered to put up the bogs!
Lazed today, was going shopping tomorrow but its easter (when baby jesus was born out of chocolate egg) and half the shops will be shut - I've been reading Science Fiction and listening to radio plays. But now I'm going online to search for CD burning software. but sont be able to do much on this 9K modem! (I've got pictures turned off - but couldnt download megabytes , the connection isnt fast or reliable enough, and the phone batteries wont last that long!)
been too busy to write (monday8april2002):
Last week went to see my mum in her 'home for the bewildered'
and Fighting Cocks music where there was a flautist
so much faster than me... then Stonehenge Meeting
then campfires up hempstead heath with old friends from the
Rainbow church and new friends -
hello Isis - and tried to jam with
pok spacegoat
but though i asked him three times to tune up he wouldnt tune to concert pitch
so me and the two flutes were stymied until he shut up then I
jammed with the drums - remembering a saturday night
in the fake stone circle at a
big green gathering
a few years ago-
seven drummers and me, for hours and hours,
it was like tripping on mushrooms...
there's disasters on my webpages - the feedback forms dont work and they say I've got to learn CGI to get new ones - I havnt got the batteries leave alone the brain cells or time, I wish it was easier, I want to create new dynamic artful webpages not fix broken windows - still wordpad wont change fonts or fontsize, aaargh....
Yesterday kerry from Dead Womans Bottom came visiting with some of her kids, and Ash stayed over, and we did an Ash News and reading and writing, he's seven now, says he was three at DWB, counting on the ages of his brothers who weren't even born then!
He got a joke off of Go For It on Radio Four -
What did the policeman say to his tummy?
You're under a vest!
You've got to laugh
(or you'd cry)
a friend's mum died today, or yesterday.
Me, if I go loo loo or la la or Alzheimers
and shitting all over the place,
and dont know what I'm doing or who I am,
please I want Euthanasia.
I havent started my bus for months.
I tried today, pulling the rope on the starting handle,
pouring petrol down the air hole in the carb,
taking out the spark plugs and sandpapering them,
pulling out the wire from the coil to the distributer
and hotwiring a spark plug onto it I saw a spark there -
but the bus didnt fire.
It was so cold and wet in January and February I dont blame it.
But I promised to try to build the toilets at the
Rainbow Beltane ,
and thats in a fortnight or less
several counties away...
the odds on my getting there are, I guess, fifty-fifty,
it'd be nice to tidy up a few loose ends in somerset before I leave,
get the Tribal Voices tapes covers photocopied,
get TVCD5 ongoing... (I've sussed audio'data CDs, given draft pre-releases to
Clive and Pok - how much artistic freedom will they give me as producer of TVCD5 -
the live sound with real mistakes!?
more sherry?
rainbowing (Sunday 28 April), somewhere between Ludlow and Leominster,
I left in my bus on Saturday and got here on Wednesday,
electrical problems ...
thanks to Richard for co-piloting, pushing, making tea etcetera
gosh its beautiful here in this field
i think theres something wrong with my emails, I've lost a lot since trying to reinstall windows and moving from somerset
rainbowing (Sunday 28 April), somewhere between Ludlow and Leominster,
I left in my bus on Saturday and got here on Wednesday,
electrical problems ...
thanks to Richard for co-piloting, pushing, making tea etcetera
gosh its beautiful here in this field
i think theres something wrong with my emails, I've lost a lot since trying to reinstall windows and moving from somerset
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: [rainbow-circle] draft No Nonsense RFC Date: 13 2002 May 13 21:26 Request For Comment tues13may2002 draft letter to rainbow circle from me, george please send me comments, clarifications, etc, do my words mean to you what they mean to me? ======================================================= ===== No Nonsense from Karelia.==== ======================================================= Someone said that someone said that I'd written a letter to Rainbow Circle saying that its OK for old men to have sex with fifteen year olds. It is not. I dont think I ever wrote that. If you have a copy of such a letter please let me know so I can explain or retract it. My joke about Fat Sid was unwise and meant in a Jungian way. However I do say that hurting little kids is a worse crime than dirty old men having sex with sexually mature but not emotionally/politically/spiritually mature women. Both are wrong, and I've never done neither, (except perhaps Doris who was 21 and a bit nutty, but wow...) Didn't Jesus say that to sin in the mind is as bad as to sin in the flesh? If so then he was wrong. My inner caveman/dog archetype may pop up as in a dream and tell me that I fancy somebody - I take note of my subconscious but dont obey it. Its when we suppress our subconscious ideas that they can explode and wreak havoc. Thanks to those from Wandsworth and the Convoy and all who've supported me through the years of rumours and misguided drunken vigilante attacks. How we treat our kids is at the heart of our culture, thats why I've stuck with it, not run away. With love from your cousin, (dice) george (miles) 07970-378-572 ===================================================== ~ george ~~ ~ ~ Stonehenge Campaign~~ Tribal Voices ~ ~~~~~~~~~ [email protected] ~ ~~~~~~~~ (emails collected weeklyish) ~ ~ (if after 7pm I'll phone you back cheaprate) ~ orange phone 07970 378572 ~ george ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Out visiting (Thursday16may2002) - and resting,
out of the field for a day or two.
Then I've a week and a half to mend things, then we rebuild the camp for the
Rainbow Circle Kids Camp.
After the five day journey in my bus, turning the starting handle hundreds of time, then three
weeks of total busyness, jacking the bus out of the mud, helping put up marquees,
arranging carpets and furniture and fires and marquee walls and playing with
kids and tin whistling and so many little jobs, I was running for three weeks,
but now I look back
can't write down the many many things that kept me busy and exhausted.
I wanted to help in the kitchen and learn to cook but never found the time.
I didnt leave the field for two weeks, didnt get to the shops, what was I doing?
It was like back at the Kentish Town Rainbow Centre again.
When I was broken down in a Gloucester layby someone offered me a caravan,
it's too wide for my bus, but I've been opening it out into one big room
for use as a library. Kids have been helping paint it.
One day I remember when the kids marquee had been built but not used
we did a big noise , banging things, singing, shouting, tromboning,
that woke things up!
email failures - all recent email to [email protected] have got lost, please use [email protected] until it gets fixed...
Off to Stonehenge soon, it should be open for the night of Thursday20th June - next year lets hope its open in the daytime.
In my bus in the rainbow field, helping tat down the camp, but i've strained a finger. Gosh it was fun - some great music jams, scrumptious food, etcetera.
Friday17may, afternoon, been trying to write a CD for a draft master of Tribal Voices Five but it aint working.. must get a bus back to Ludlow at 2.30pm, then back to site. Drat - something in the intricacies of Nero CD burning isnt quite working, perhaps one obscure checkbox somewhere... and I havent enough power from the windmill to experiment back home in my bus..
and so much to do, i've some notes i wrote when broken down in gloucester, and lots of pictures missing from my websites, emails to answer, a bus engine to fix, caravan to convert, not to mention a life to live!
and a letter to write to festival eye magazine
rainbowing somewhere south of Ludlow,
been converting a caravan into a library,
teaching Ian my song
The Only Time I lied... ,
perhaps he'll record it for Tribal Voices Six...
the rumours against me are becoming absurd,
things are getting better,
this coming family camp should be great!
I think i've fixed the feedback form
I havent spent time trying to fix my bus engine ,
or typed in my notes about its five day journey
from Somerset to here..
From: "[email protected]" [[email protected]] To: [[email protected]] Subject: [dicenews] Glastonbury panics re: Free-Fringe Festival. Date: 19 2002 June 19 22:20 Glastonbury panics re: Free-Fringe Festival.rumours i dont think i'll be there, i'll be fixing my bus (needs bedford distributer bits) for august rainbow circles, fixing my broken websites, reclusing (Me, I got towed to glastonbury in 1983, left in 84, back after the beanfield got evicted in 1985, great times at Greenlands farm, but in June 84 and 85 I went to Stonehenge Festival not Pilton.. ) I went back a few years ago, many people disappointed me, they should have known better wasted years denying stupid lies left a few months back with it 99% sorted, in no hurry to go back for more about this egroup see: see also: (from george - phone 07970-378-572) (I wont send more than one a week, sorry for any mistokes) ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
From: "[email protected]" [[email protected]] To: [[email protected]] Subject: 11/10 correction Re: [stonehengepeace] lost property @ solstice Date: 23 2002 June 23 17:40 i wrote: ] a great night, ] 9/10 but i'd like to correct that to 13/10 i dont want to let one or two thieves and one or two officious english guards (only following orders) spoil a great night, and they didnt spoil it... george though i am pissed off at losing my phone numbers and some original writing on my organiser, but it had my phone number on it so whoevers got it knows its mine.. oh no im being negative again... i had a great jam with jes's guitaring, and the drums and the dancing... now to take a few weeks mending m website etcetera ~ george ~~ ~ ~ Stonehenge Campaign~~ Tribal Voices ~ ~~~~~~~~~ [email protected] ~ ~~~~~~~~ (emails collected weeklyish) ~ ~ (if after 7pm I'll phone you back cheaprate) ~ orange phone 07970 378572 ~ george ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----- Original Message ----- From: "[email protected]" [[email protected]] To: [[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 7:32 PM Subject: [stonehengepeace] lost property @ solstice ] anyone know about lost property at stonehenge? ] ] on arriving at the gate at quarter to eight ] i was told i couldnt take my rucksack in, ] to go to the carpark cloakroom ] but when i got there there wasnt one set up, ] they said leave it behind the fence, ] but when i got back they were gone ] and it was gone - ] lost bags, clothing, phone charger, ] organiser, phone numbers etc etc ] ] anyone know about lost property at stonehenge? ] ] george ] ] PS ] i was worth it, ] a great night, ] 9/10 ] my best flute playing ever ] but where's my phone numbers collection? ] ] ~ george ~~ ~ ] ~ Stonehenge Campaign~~ Tribal Voices ~ ] ] ~~~~~~~~~ [email protected] ~ ] ~~~~~~~~ (emails collected weeklyish) ~ ] ~ ] (if after 7pm I'll phone you back cheaprate) ] ~ orange phone 07970 378572 ~ george ~ ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ] ] ] ] ] To Post a message, send it to: [email protected] ] To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to: [email protected] ] ] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to ] ] ]
sloped in my bus(Monday24june2002)
Stonehenge Solstice was great ,
I'm so glad I went, as I remember back on some of the
friends and goings on,
and wow, playing tin whistle with the drums
was my bestest ever playing,
jamming with the drummers.
today was the first day of the rest of my life, I went into Ludlow and got some new points for my bus, they had them in stock!, came back and fitted them, turned the starting handle and vroom, it started easily, then I decided to pull the library caravan nearer, and park my bus at a better angle to the campfire, I tied a rope to the caravan and pulled it back, the rope snapped, I tried again, another snap, so I drove down to where the caravan was and pulled it forwards, but the bus wheels slipped going up the slope, the caravan continued rolling, almost crashed into me, I handbraked, got out to look at the land, then the engine stopped. It had run out of petrol. So here I am on a slope, pointing the wrong way. Perhaps just as well, the women are drunk at the fire, so I'm not drinking. After what nearly happened when I was too pissed too at Beltane, as the owls hooted and passing trains too-tooed
Ten p.m. Friday 6th July,
just been listening to a great play on Radio Four, about Alititia meeting Charlotte Bronte, written by Charlotte Cory.
So many levels of make believe..
And yesterday I finished reading "Wild Swan" by Jung Chang,
three generations in China through Mao's witch-hunts and troublemaking.
And before that "Fear of Flying" by Erica Jung.
Both of them books donated to the Rainbow Library
(To donate a book to the Rainbow Library write
"Rainbow Library" on it.)
And today I drove my bus from the Rainbow field to here,
Hatfield Court near Leominster.
The Rainbow Circle Kids Bus is here, I've cleared it out a bit,
want to sort it a nd build a few shelves before the August camps.
===19:32 2002-07-06
emailing on the roof of my bus behind hatfield court
signal strength two
stuart says that if you go to the egroup members
and click on badbunny
then you get to a porn webpage with viruses
so dont do it!
you know my phone number but i dont know yours!
Wednesday evening , 10 July, last night I cycled to music
in a pub from Leominster.
Gaia from Tribal Voices was singing and guitaring and fluting and drumming,
and Helen and Pete and others - I jammed some blues for a few minutes
drinking beer.
i think theres still loads of bugs with the pictures on this webpage,
please email me of any you notice, i cant test it here!
sUNDDAY 21stjuly20002- at hatfielld, keyboard problems, so i striipped it out and cleaned it,
then the power inputfaailed onn the laptop, so now im usin another,
the parallell port died, so i cant make the tribal voices CDs for the green gathering,
I've two Dell Latitude XPi s niether of which fully works,
anbd whille I was keboarding I was settin up jeremy's laptop
when i broke the cable forcingg it back in late at night by aa 15 watt ligght
with these sunnlasses on -- a Toshiba Stellite 110 CS keyboard neededd, whoops,
i'm plugged into mains electricity for the first time since before
wandsworth, 1995 the rainbow wasnt it?
nxtweek i want to fix my computers and my bus and my lights and
visit my mum annd go to the big ggreen and get new gglasses andd
fix jeremy's computer and teaach him more windows and drive to help set up
auggust's Rainbow Circle camps
and mend the broken images on my websites and do som creative writing -
like the story of my ffive dday journey from somerset which i'd written into
my littlle SharpZQ handheld PDA computer thingy which I lost at stonehenge
when someone stole my
yellow bag - it had my name in it so they now
who they are and who i am , really i dont want to waste any more brain cells
thinking who they are and why - the problems in their head not mine,
and I wont let one baddun spoil a ggreat night, a great summer...
the last book I read was The Wrench by Primo Levi a good read, it got me in the mood for this mending and bodgingg and woodworking the table tennis table legs and wiring the kids bus and tidying and sorting it, loadds of paint left from the May camps...
Flaxleyish: Tuesday 30 July, at
rainbow circle field
downriver from Gloucester on the welsh side
then right into Flaxley Road after the railway bridge.
I drove here last week, had a puncture halfway,
much botheration, then saturday walked to the bus stop,
four buses tto the Big GGreen Gathering which wAs fab,
dancin fluting and babysittin etcetera,
people from alll over my past,
and my future?
then a lift back llast night
in a Majikal Theatrikal flying white ttaxi,
load to write up about it but when?
mmy SharpZQ got stolen, draat...
so i cant type in any old time,
have to boot up this thing wich takes ages
and fifty watts or so which is stupid,
the sharp took two tiny batteries
which lastedd for months
[Mon19August2002] Today I opened 60 cans of tomatoes in the kitchen,
using my keyring can-opener which was admired -
I got it from a camping shop, but I got my first ones from
compo food ration packs when I was in the army cadets.
Its about one centimeter by two, with a sharp bit which hinges out,
they last for years until the metal snaps,
and I dont use any other.
Cant remember much of where the rest of the day went...
collaging, sandpit politics, tea bag battles on my roof,
then after tea some baby sitting, a cute two yearold I've only known a day or too.
Her sister helped.
I should find time for more music, and gate duty etcetera..
Keyboarding: (Sunday25August2002) I got this new keyboard for a fiver at Cinderford,
now I'm typing by candlelight in my bus in the Rainbow Field.
But both my phone modems are broke, so I cant upload this, or check my emails.
Life's so great out in the field, this is the first eveing I've been in for weeks -
last night I did a lightshow in the Cafe tent,
and played tinwhistle with Jez (of Little Green Men) and others..
Friday night I cant remember, Thursday I was down
at Gosport quickly visiting my folks..
perhaps i should've written a weblog every night,
and taken photos of the site evolving,
but for various technical reasons i didnt,
plus my exhaustion and laziness...
I wish I'd done more work, like gate duty and washing up,
what I generally do is wander around having adventures,
often with the kids in this great rainbow family,
often learning more than I teach.
One girl, I think three years old,
told a story with one hundred percent energy
in story-time in the big tipi
about a princess with an axe and a sword and a gun
who chopped off an ogres arms and legs and eyes
and ate them - I said the little kids would be scared
but they thought it was great!
And ive been engaging in the politics of the sandpit,
(as featured in my bit in the newsletter),
with my years of experience I can referee
more impartially than a parent who would
consciously (or subconsciously)
favour (or disfavour) their own child.
Once Franqui said she'd been watching me
and that I'm good with kids because of my inner child,
I added that I'm also aware of my inner grandparent,
theres a welath of experience and perspective beyond that of
'first time parents' who tend to heap all their hopes and dreams
on their own young child which, in extremes, could swamp a child,
and is what I'd call 'laying their own trips on the kid'.
emailing to my egroup
dicenews 2002.09.08 sunday 8th September 2002: Friends, Romans and dicey men... here's an email just for my dicenews egroup so if you get it twice theres something wrong... go to and fix it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2pm Wednesday 11 September 2002 TRC 26 Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Stonehenge - @ THE GEORGE HOTEL, AMESBURY 20-22 September 2002.: Reclaim the Streets invites you to RECLAIM THE FUTURE - An action-packed social event on For venue details, please ring 07931 560 569. ?? 21 Sept Reclaim the Future event: All-day event, starting at 2pm with workshops, kids area, stalls, spoken word, cabaret & exhibition. BIG FESTIE PARTY in the evening Mon 23 Sept Stonehenge Equinox Sunrise Autumn Equinox: 04:55 GMT sunrise: 5.57 GMT BST ends? Wed 2 Oct 8pm Stonehenge Campaign meeting at 99 Torriano Av, Kentish Town, London 26-27 Oct 2002 Rainbow Circle AGM at Leominster Community Center Friday 1 November Woodside Evictions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yesterday (Saturday) I had many adventures driving my bus back here to Hatfield Court, I'm here for several weeks I hope mending things etcetera after a happy summer rainbow circling... i'm computering on the roof of my bus - its the only place i can get online with mobile phone signal strength one or two and computer infra-red crashes every few minutes and spam has exceeded my hotmail limit so i may have lost a few of your emails.. ha ha but wow, that was a summer to remember, where did all those days at flaxley go... I remember my lightshow on Friday night, a Live Acoustic Rave, I sulked at so few dancing to the drums, whilst most sat back in their tents, then thought 'NO, celebrate the dancers, quality not quantity' and lets do more and wow, that last Sunday night, playing tin whistle with those great new drummers and guitarists and singers, was it Dave Insane from Weston? from ten pm till dawn, my bestest ever 'Ground Control to Major Tom' yeah And meeting so many old and new friends, that tiny baby so delicate and Tara learning to talk so fast and so many twins, and P. and J. now teens, and I talked to someone who used to be in Here and Now!
Hatfielding: (tuesday 10 september 2002) Its 11.30 pm and I cant get a signal on my mobile phone, even on the roof of my bus . Perhaps it needs clouds to bounce the signal off at night? So I cant get online. And if it was raining it would be no good - cos im using an infra-red connection this laptop would have to be on the roof too, and rain would stop play. And theres trees around so the windmill doesnt often charge my battery. So Im not in an ideal spot. On Sunday I spent 3 hours doing emails, whenever the infra-red connection failed I had to restart everything.
Yesterday I lay on my bed and read a book: Mikhail Sholokhov's 'And Quiet Flows The Don', cossack families in the time of revolution and war.
wed 11 september: My lift to the Stonehenge Meeting this morning
failed to arrive, I dont know why.
I sent her a rude text message which was probably a diplomatic mistake,
but why? I blamed her subconscious.
I used my anger to cycle to Bromyard
where I found the famous scrapyard and got two wheel nuts to replace two
which I'd damaged after a puncture driving to Flaxley.
(I'd tried to loosen them anticlockwise with a scaffold bar lever
but offside wheelnuts go backwards - as I knew from 1984 if I'd remembered)
And they're sorting out some new old tyres for me,
and windscreen wiper motors.
Gosh it was scary driving here on Saturday when it started raining
and I discovered the windscreen wipers didnt work.
Like cycling in the rain, except I was risking other people's lives
not mine. So I stopped in a layby.
Then it's MOT time again.
someone's been searching my website for Suzanne Vega , well i've got a cassette of hers i play some times... (thu12sept2002)
here's an email i got...
Hey George! We e-spoke a few years ago about Mac computers. You've robably forgotten... I'm writing an SF-English-Fantasy novel set entirely in Festi/Pagan/Underground culture, could you link to it off your links thingy page? (the one where the address and comments pop up would be great, but, hey.) Part of this novel, that's being published via the Wildside Press (who've just brought out my most recent two), is on my own website: If you could link to this, that'd be great. And when the book's ready I'll do loads more webby/promo stuff. (Do download the initial chapters, and if you read them, let me know what you think - hey! do you want a cameo appearance?) Nice one! Oh, yeah - great fluting man, on the Tribadelica CD. Cheers, TEVE... PS. Hope the bus is OK now.
(tuesday 24 september, h23.59, @gosport,)
been to the music pub,
jammed some tin whistle,
there was a flautist who was faster than me,
she played some minory tune,
i tried to play a counter melody below it,
I asked if she'd written it-
"no - its finnish".
Friday I had a lift to Leominster,
whence I caught a bus to Birmingham,
and stayed at Nicky trombone's.
Saturday up early, bus to the centre,
then train to Oxford,
where I met cousin Will and we were picked up by other cousins
and taken to S and J's wedding.
Saturday night slept.
Sunday a lift to Stonehenge.
Lit a fire, sat by it all night,
played some tinwhistle with Jes, Roo, Ronnie and others,
borrowed a spade and bike off mickey (thanx)
then in the morning into the Stones for a quiet hour.
Then a lift to Brighton
where i tried to record with Jes but his
DAT recorder kept stopping.
Today, Tuesday, a bus from Brighton to Gosport,
reading a Dreamweaver manual I got at Oxfam in Leominster,
then to the music pub.
Tomorrow visit my mum in her hospital,
then perhaps a Stonehenge meeting on Thursday,
and then a Glastonbury Assembly Rooms meeting,
then back to my bus at Hatfield,
must fix the windscreen wipers and MOT it...
TVCD5 postponed
To:Subject: [tribal-voices] TVCD5 postponed Date: 28 2002 September 28 19:48 TVCD5 is postponed indefinitely. Ive been working in it for ages but in Glastonbury this morning I met Sim who says he doesnt want me to use the live recording of him at the March2000 Glastonbury Tribal Voices benefit gig. But that is my favourite track of the whole CD, and both Pok and Jes thinks its fantastic, its the center of the CD as ive mixed it but sims the artist, its his copyright, so it would be wrong for me to go against his wishes so goodbye. However loads of people out there believe in tribal voices, those few, like me, whove got tapes 1-4 find them a great help in times of stress, and beautiful, so i wont resign from the project, (its been sitting in a cardboard box for years) unless you all want me too (because the lies in glastonbury high street are scaring you?) sorry to be negative, but that tracks so great and live and direct... i'll concentrate on reissueing tapes 3 and 4 as CDs, and perhaps send a copy of TVCD5 to sim and hope he'll have a change of heart cos im his number one fan! ~ george ~~ ~ ~ Stonehenge Campaign~~ Tribal Voices ~ ~~~~~~~~~ [email protected] ~ ~~~~~~~~ (emails collected weeklyish) ~ ~ (if after 7pm I'll phone you back cheaprate) ~ orange phone 07970 378572 ~ george ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jeremy's ill.
Monday30Sept: back at Hatfield,
but Jeremy Sandford's ill in hospital.
I'm sorry I missed the peace demo on Saturday-
all the buses from Bristol were full,
(Friday I'd visited JJ and all which was good)
and I'm sorry I missed the huge Countryside demo
the week before - four hundred thousand people
must have been an experience!
rainy tuesday night:
===20:11 2002-10-01 Tuesday Evening
Its dark and raining, with no moon...
i was going to cycle in to leominster for Gaias CD launch
in the music pub, I could if I really really wanted to,
but instead I'm here, typing, in my bus at Hatfield Court.
On Friday in Somerset my phone rang, Jim telling me Jeremy's
in hospital. He'd collapsed, and only today I hear that he's
talking again.
Susie had found him collapsed in the garden and got
an ambulance - everyone else was away.
Today I did a bit of clearing in his house,
three wheel barrow loads of fire ash,
and loads of rotten apples, etcetera.
And he has hundreds of files, apart from his famous
"Cathy Come Home" he's done loads more work, and had it published.
Me, I've a hundred excuses why I havent published even one book.
Mainly cos I'm too lazy, and, cos actually I'm not a great fan of
dice george, I philosophise and doubt at home whilst others
are out saving the planet.
The day in Kentish Town when I'd copied almost all of my poems
and published letters into a webpage
and found that everything fitted onto one floppy disk!
And that was in the days of DD disks without the second hole!
I've been reading about Blogs, 'web logs',
this dicegeor.htm ,
which I've been writing since 1996ish.
The Guardain recommends:
===20:08 2002-10-05
i went to Glastonbury to dance at the
Altered Native gig
but I got the date wrong, that was Thursday,
but theyre playing tonight, saturday, now.
Im backing in my bus in Hereford,
on radio 2 just beginning is David Bowie in concert.
I saw him at Pilton a few years ago,
my hero.
As Jonathon Ross said in his introduction,
most artists have perhaps five years of creativity
and then they coast, whereas Bowies's still growing.
hes playing his new single,
about when people die but you kid yourself
theyre on holiday, but theyre not coming back,
sort of about his fathers death
realeased, coincidentally,
on the anniversary of marc bolan's death
the radio four play today was another stunner
about a mother who went missing,
police dug up their back garden
in case her boyfriend had murdered her
but in the end it turns out
she'd run away and changed her name,
betrayed them.
whats my worst betrayel?
i suppose i betrayed my parents by being a hippy,
not being a yuppy or a tory they could boast about
to their middleclass friends,
Im thinking of that poem
'your parents they fuck you up'
which i heard fully for the first time on the radio recently,
its actually saying that they dont try to mess you up,
they do the best they can, but we're all human,
(which is far more compassionate
than the famous short quote)
===20:42 2002-10-05
Now bowies playing Rebel Rebel,
at first I thought he was doing a cover version,
then I rememebered its one of his.
got your mother in a whirl shes not sure if your a boy or a girl, hey baby your hairs all right hey baby stay ourt tonight..when i first knew that song as a teenager i was so innocent, I didnt even guess that Freddy Mercury was queer!
==00:41 2002-10-09 (9october)
cycled back from town with a slow puncture,
the back tyre getting flatter and flatter
until i pushed it up hill
then freewheled downhill
leaning forwards trying to get as much wieght as possible
over the front wheel..
coming up the big hill from town
I sussed why drunks are famous for zig zaging up the street,
its because to get sufficient speed uphill
its easier to zig zag whilst cycling tin the lowest gear,
its like another gear,
instead of cyccling ten yards uphill,
because youre zigzging,
your path is eight yards left then eight yards
which is sixteen yards
to the same point up the hill as would have been ten yards straight,
which is like you're in a lower gear,
theres a certain speed below which
I'd fall off my bike and have to walk,
but zig zagging i can get up -
though getting off and pushing is a good move on steep bits,
it rests the cycling muscles and uses other ones,
a change is as good as a rest...
the music pub earlier,
well, it was good
but i didnt get a chance to play my whistle,
perhaps cos i got there late,
cos i was visiting friends listening to a beatles documentary on radio two,
and playing with Paul's new laptop,
windows XP,
setting up outlook express,
when i found a strange looking email,
allegedly from HOTMAIL -
theres a spam i said,
and clicked it -
then aaargh
it came up like russian characters in notepad -
a virus?
it wouldve been ok on my laptop,
cos i have the preview pane turned off,
and file extensions turned on,
but i really dont know what clever things theyve got turned on in
windows XP by default -
perhaps i virused pauls PC, and it sent his details off to the internet,
i dont know,
i got him to start downloading virus updates,
and hope its not too late..
but, ow, i should have known better!
= 01:13 2002-10-16 (16october)
ow my left ankle hurts,
i was cycling up the main road from the pub in the dark
when the bike slowed due to the uphill slope,
so ip ut doewn my left foot to stop and push it
but instead of a verge there was a ditch and i sprained my left ankle.
i lay for some minetes bfore stting off again
but from then onwards whenever there was a slope upwards
i had to get off the bike ad push it.
every time i got off i feared my left ankle could collapese
aand pushing my bike uphill with both hands on the handlebars pushing down
and my right foot stamping but me left foot
cushioning downn trying to be tenpercent or less of the downwards force.
and then one bit freewheeling downhill in the dark i thought id taken the wrong turning .. I didnt recognise the fileds to the left
or the trees, but couldnt be sure,
and knew that tpo turn back would be bad until I dfinitely knew
I'd gone wrong
which i'd know if I reached at the castley sort of thing on the left where i'd got it worng before..
.. so i continued onwards
(onme bit fligy gl flihg woedownhil ll on the bike,
andother slogin phio tryihg o sue m ri8ght foot and my arms,
reiting km st[rianed elft.
and then came the building on the left so i definitely knew id missed the turning,
so turn and back til i found the turning id missed
and then fast downhill and pushing it up,
leaning on the handlebars to rest my left ankle ankle'then that light,there is it hatfield? must be,
the drive,
then i crashed to the floor and lay there some minutes,
a stuggle limping to the door,'then the string to my key from my pocket seemed a bit too short to reach the keyhole
- then i got it open, and staggered in here,
but a kettle on the gas and turned on this computer,
waited for windows to ponce about,
and here i am typing in - so whats the moral?
let it be.'
it seemed natural that i should cycle back here drunk and stoned,
thats life.
[file/save alt/F/S]
===01:24 2002-10-16
th kettle boiled an i stppped typing
and made myslef a jam sandwich and cup of tea
but ow myu left foot hurts,
leaning on the desk with my hand
so as not to put any strains on my left ankle,
cycling here pushing hard wiht my right leg
but leaving my left to go as it would...
- and sort of limping with my bike.,
two arms pushing down hard
to save the one ankles pain..
I hope when i get up tomorrow
the ankle wont be too bad..,
but ow that wad some journey getting here tonight, seven miles theoretically,
i sprained my ankle atfter two,
took the wrong turning after five,
zooming donwhil on the bike
i almost crashed into hedges many times
sort of bounced into the edges a few.
the prickly sort of sensation when one finds oneself lying in a verge..
i had a bit of bread without marge or jam left,
so i stood up,
but with one hand pushing down on my desk
my left hand pushing down
so my left ankle doesn hurnt
and my right hand can spread the marge and jam on the bread
which im eating now...
almost blood on my keyboard
where i tried to saw the bread with a bread knife
and jam on the keys
as i try to write about how it is
to be munching white bread and jam and slurping tea with the teabag in
having cycled back from town quite drunk and not been killed by cars.
wednesday evening, i limped around today,
been checking my emails,
reinstalling windows on jeremy's laptop.
He's still in hospital, getting better slowly...
its the anarchist bookfair in camden on saturday,
i was thinking of going,
but better see how painful my ankle is in a few days..
then next weekend, 26,27 october,
Rainbow Circle AGM here in Leominster
Date: 28 2002 October 28 20:55
From: "[email protected]" Cc: [[email protected]]; [[email protected]]; [[email protected]]; [[email protected]] Subject: [stonehengepeace] E-greeting Card Deception Spurs Spam Attacks Date: 28 2002 October 28 20:55 ] 1. E-greeting Card Deception Spurs Spam Attacks ] In another illustration of spam out-of-control, Permission Media, an ] unscrupulous marketing firm doing business out of Panama, is guilty of ] misleading computer users gosh im wasting more time on windows and all this virus rumours when i could be being creative! If youre using Outlook Express I advise going online only with the preview pane turned off (by View/Layout.. or customize the Outlook Express Toolbar by rightclicking it and adding the preview button) Then go offline (file/work offline) and delete spam without seeing it. and hotmail tools/synchronise folder downloads headers but not text bodies so you can delete without downloading ~ [email protected] ~~ ~ ~ Stonehenge Campaign ~~ Tribal Voices ~ ~~~~~~~~ (emails collected weeklyish) ~ ~ (if after 7pm I'll phone you back cheaprate) ~ orange phone 07970 378572 ~ george ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----- Original Message ----- From: [[email protected]] To: [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 6:03 PM Subject: Virus Alerts & Virus News: E-greeting Card Deception Spurs Spam Attacks ] ] Virus Alerts & Virus News. Monday, October 28, 2002 ] ****************************************************************** ] ] **** ] ] 1. E-greeting Card Deception Spurs Spam Attacks ] In another illustration of spam out-of-control, Permission Media, an ] unscrupulous marketing firm doing business out of Panama, is guilty of ] misleading computer users who receive their email message. Users are ] conned into thinking the link provided will take them to a personal ] e-greeting card. In reality this is a social engineeing ploy that sends ] unsuspecting users to the web site where they are ] told they must launch an ActiveX control in order to see their card. The ] ActiveX control does not display any card but rather automatically pumps ] out unwanted marketing material to each address in user contact lists. ] ] One can imagine the result when users working in large corporations fall ] for this ruse - jammed and choked with spam email servers, costing ] organizations huge amounts in time and money. In effect, Permission ] Media's e-greeting card message, though technically not a virus, is ] having the same costly and debilitating effect as many successful email ] worms. ] WWW:,
===18:50 2002-10-29 Tuesday 29 october 2002
im at a friends,
babysitting and co-driving,
tomorrows her driving test....
just watched the simpsons,
the dreams of various characters as they slept in church,
homer and marge were adam and eve,
and 'lisa' helped moses get the israelites out of egypt,
and david and goliath,
up to the end of the world,
then they woke up asleep in church,
Id been telling my friends how the Simpson Hero is Lisa,
and wow, she done good!
(with dysfunctional parents -
a pig ignorant dad and a blue-rinse mum
and a (loveable) brat delinquent brother
shes clever and sassy and everything
and plays great sax!)
The rainbow circle AGM went well, I almost resigned on Saturday but the shit got cleared and we muddled through to another day and another season, several people said they'll join the egroup which adds another layer, another way, one good thing about email is unlike phones (which can ring at the most inconvenient times) you can do your email when you want to (but I wish i didnt waste hours fighting stupid broken windows complifications)..
raining (tuesday 12th novemeber)
back in my bus.
I went to London, to the
Stonehenge meeting
then visiting Willy, Angel, Sunch and Rory.
Spent Sunday night in the cybercafe,
debugging my websites,
staggered to the bus station in the morning
and caught a coach to Birmingham, buses to Leominster,
then cycled back here.
Slept on Tuesday,
then a lift to the music pub with Twig and Graham
of DWB ,
cycled back.
Collected the emails I'd sent myself from London,
trying to fix some of the bugs I'd found.
Had a bit of a flood in my bus,
I'm drying it out.
And today I cooked my first vegetable stew for ages
- autumn is here.
Tears in my eyes
trees: ===14:59 2002-11-15
Tears in my eyes from the Radio 4 Afternoon Play
(Till the Words come Back) - a cheeky boy called Liam
was knocked off his bike by a bus and wheelchaired,
his sister Katy mum and dad couldnt hear him but we could,
they wheeled him to Lourdes where he saw others in the same
situation, and some who looked OK but had something
bad in their heads, at the end he was taken to check out
a special school, his mum and dad went for a tour whilst
he was shown the computer room, the teacher said he
had a great sense of humour - 'What - you knew him before?'
asked his mum, but no, he had a suck/blow device
in his mouth to the computer and had been writing-
'Tell Mr Jones his gnomes had better watch out'
mum cried out - 'Our Liam's back'.
Tears in my eyes. Jeremy's
getting better after his stroke.
My mum will never recover from her Alzheimers.
And out in the third world many starving kids
never get a chance.
Its not fair.
Listening to Sorry I havent got a clue on Radio Four.
===18:34 2002-11-25
Today I did some tidying at Hatfield Court,
cleaned out the old toilet - it needs a new china
Yesterday I got almost to the top of the dead tree
(higher than the house)
tied myself on, then started to saw one of the dead branches.
After only a few strokes it broke off -
shocking - I tough I'd have to saw half way through it..
It fell onto a lower branch,
there was a huge crunk,
the tree shook,
For an instant I feared the whole tree would fall
and that would be me dead,
but it didnt.
Theres another similar dead branch, with branches under.
Perhaps I'll try it tomorrow,
but not tie myself on,
be holding onto a rope with one hand whilst I saw...
so if the whole tree falls
I'd have a chance to jump into the holly bush
(which might just break my fall).
Or perhaps I should have a rope from the other tree...
I'll think about it for a few days or weeks...
Stonehenge Beanfield program Can now be downloaded and heard on look in the files section
From: "[email protected]" To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: [stonehengepeace] Beanfield on Radio4 Date: 27 2002 November 27 22:48A Good program about the beanfield ambush on Radio 4 today.
Nik Turner is ex-hawkwind
From: "[email protected]" To: [email protected] Subject: [ICU] Nik Turner is ex-hawkwind Date: 27 2002 November 27 23:21I was sad to read that Nik Turner is ex-hawkwind because I want to see everybody who ever was in hawkind together again but Nik Turner is ex-hawkwind and there was a joke on the radio about the statue to the inventor of Coca Cola which the teeth fell out, or can they sue me for trademark defamation but its true. saying that Nik Turner is ex-hawkwind is saying that he once was in Hawkwind and he isnt in Hawkwind any more, so if on a leaflet he advertised Nik Turner is ex-hawkwind he would be helping people realise that Nik Turner is ex-hawkwind that they would not be seeing, some people might see the name 'nik turner' and think 'hawkwind' and go all the way to the gig because they wanted to see Lemmy, or Pogles lightshow then want their money back because the expected everybody who was ever in hawkwind (me i once played tin whistle with hawkwind in the travellers field at pilton near glastonbruy when there was almost a riot with so-called security and I got Bedford engine mounts but thats another story) Nik Turner is ex-hawkwind so he's helping things by saying Nik Turner is ex-hawkwind but im glad they shook hands cos dave's one of my favourite guitarists i get flashbacks just thinking of it another of my favourite guitarists is david bowie, hunky dory, and another is jes from brighton and another is Mary Jane. george (dicegeorge)
> >nik has agreed not to use the name or exhawkwind or > >ex-hawkwind, since dave has trade-marked the name hawkwind, and is > >the only one allowed to use it, or give permission for the use of > >it, and the use of these names may infringe dave's rights.
Saturday 30th November: I've been updating frames etcetera for
Tribal Voices website and CDs.
And Im almost getting swamped by emails..
and K Jims come visiting.
and theres a Stonehenge
meeting on Wednesday.. to prepare December's Newsletter etcetera..
===01:52 2002-12-04
Cycling back from Leominster around midnight.
It was raining a bit and very dark - clouds, no moon,
but I had bright orange water proofs, and
on string from my hand a red flashy light
which I stretch out into the road to give myself a few feet of safety
when the few cars passed, and a torch.
I got off the A road OK,
alone down the little road
when a huge truck came towards me,
I pulled into the left, he stopped,
asked for directions to Hatfield Recreation Ground,
I looked at his instructions,
asked have you come far?
From Dundee
His directions said Hertfordshire
not Herefordshire, he was a hundred miles wrong,
thats a bit north of London,
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, they
published Jeremy Sandford's book
Rokkering to the Gorjios,
but I'm caretaking his house,
Hatfield Court, Herefordshire,
The difference between an E and a Tea!
======2002-12-18 02:18:22===
wow, I've just walked back from the pub,
two hours - and now its frosty-
as I walked back the last bit
there was scrunchy ice in the puddly bits
and now there's ice on the inside of my plastic skylights-
I didnt light my burner today.
What happened was monday night about one a.m. I was listening to world service
on the BBC, how boring I thought,
so I went in the house to look for a book to read
and found An American Dream by Norman Mailer -
I'd heard of him, so I started reading it
and couldnt put it down until about six a.m.
when I'd finished reading it - wow,
the cover says 'The world best-seller "terrific" - Evening Standard'
and only after reading it I see they mean 'terrific'
as in 'terrifying',
that red-blooded american male,
but now thinking back I regret how he betrayed innocent Deirdre
again and again.
So after reading that to the end at six a.m. I slept, woke around eleven, turned on the radio, dozed for some hours, got up and out for a tea and a piss, saw lights were on in the house - burglars? - I went in, found Jeremy lighting a fire, he'd got a taxi in, recovering from his stroke, though many of his words are blurred and unintelligible. Two months ago he was unconscious. Showed him what I'd been doing with the place. Got back - my bus was full of steam, the kettle dry and hot. later on to the pub, then I walked back.
Been a while since I wrote in here.
Tuesday 3rd December I cycled to the pub, played a few seconds of tin whistle, cycled back, packed my bag and lolled around, 8 a.m. bus to town, then two more to Birmingham then a coach to London and a bus to Torriano Stonehenge Meeting, then slept and computered a few days at Willyx's, then another Stonehenge Meeting, about organising a summer gathering, then to Sunch and Angel's, on to Richmond train station, hours waiting for Tim who failed to show up, buses and walking to a party in Surbiton where I sulked cos I didnt want to be there, emailed in the kitchen, Sunday at last on to Twyford Down, Winchester Hill, whereat several old friends for the Rainbow Centre and elsewhere, I showed them the draft CDs of Tribal Voices 4b, and played with little Sunch, then slept in my tent, then a picnic with the Dongas, ( then buses to Southampton and Gosport then a few days with my dad, and Alzheimered mum, and music in the pub, then a bus to Southampton and Salisbury and Bath and fixing M and J's emails, then down to Glastonbury for a dance, then all night in the bus stop, Saturday to Bristol, Gloucester, Hereford, Steens Bridge, then walked the last few miles, and a lift then back to my bus, light fire, Sunday sleep, Monday work on the burners in the house, Tuesday to the pub, walk back which is now! But wow, that book I read last night, An American Dream by Normal Mailer, dated 1966, what it reminds me of now is when I had a fevery flu and I read Wuthering Heights, that mad Heathcliffe character, though he was the invention of a cloistered female brain, whereas Mailer's Rojack was a man's man. He kills five people in chapter one.
Tribal Voices eco-musicians
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or racist material - however I do express strong views, "rude"
in the anglo-saxon meaning, adult...
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2002: (see
dicegeor.htm for latest dicegeorge notes
2001: (see
dice2001.htm for earlier dicegeorge notes
Reload Dice George framed at
[email protected]
End of
(less frames)
Thanks for these webpages.