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was annoying ]
Yesterday I woke cold, snuggled back under, later turned on the radio, snuggled back under, herad that there was snow in Somerset -came out, opened a curtain, an extra brightness, yes, snow, I got up, then we (me and the two boys) shovelled and scraped snow into a pile, now, today, that's all that's left.
I got back from walkabout on Saturday, in the car with Angel, Nick and Sunch,
delay, delay, delay,
we got here ten minutes before dark,
I lit a fire, lit the tilley,
then we drove off to Glastonbury for the Rainbow Circle Benefit gig,
but when we got back the fire was out,
it was cold, cold.
Sunday afternoon they fled back to London.
Monday we shovelled snow.
Tuesday was today.
I got two loads of wood from the woods,
played with the boys for a few hours,
chucked Ash out twice
(once for squashing apple on the carpet,
once for throwing metal cars)
did some stencilling,
tested my bus lights (they work
(and therefore the battery has at least some power)).
Nobody knows this but tomorrow I'm thinking of starting the engine, driving forwards and left twenty yards, then backwards and left twenty yards, so the bus ends up left a few yards, because the weather radio says tomorrow will be a minus 4 degree frost, the coldest there's been since we've been here, and it's rained a lot, the ground is muddy. I'm stuck in the mud (though the wheels are on boards) but I've hidden the bus in a dip so it doesn't annoy the new houses over the road, which means I'm trapped down here unless it's really hot and dry like august, or frozen like tomorrow,
I've got a great long list of things I was going to do today, this week, this month, write them down in a notebook, a page a day usually, I feel when a thing's written down it's half done, and that's as far as most go, I should do my index, my datelist, my accounts, my legal stuff, go through the website, change the tash URLs, but I lunched it out again, If more men instead of jumping up in the morning and thrusting into their cars and going to work and making deals and consuming trees, instead stayed in bed and had a wank... then the world'd be a calmer place, (there's something in the physiology of the male that when it's come, ejaculated, scored a possible future baby, does relax.
something Julie Burchill wrote in her Saturday Guardian column last Saturday about the two types of people. the Breeders and the Readers.
I used to be amused by CJ Stone in the Guardian, because he talked about people I knew, and I met him at Westminstonia/Artillery Mansions, but what Julie Burchill's got that he hasn't is balls.
Tomorrow I may try again, but I'm aching all over. I proved that the bus works - it started, and that the battery, while not holding enough power to turn the starter, has enough oomph to provide sparks.
At night I created a new webpage scnotes.htm ,
to contain the old notes which were clogging up the Stonehenge Campaign homepage
stonecam.htm , which was very big.
It still breaks web design guides,
they advise that webpages should be less than 30K, including images,
But if someone's gone to all the trouble to find the page
I want them to get a feeling for what's going on,
to see a few great pictures of people in the Stones,
and to have something to keep if they print it.
Then Friday I bought a map and walked across Bristol to the Maplins shop where I bought a few Dichromic lightbulbs and fittings, I'm experimenting on how to convert my lightshow to run off 12volts, for green festivals this summer, pedal powered?
somebody dug a hole in the woods path, just at the start, and the earth has disappeared, so it isn't a shit pit, about two wheelbarrow loads disappeared, right in the middle of the path, why? shitting in the doorstep, where's the earth? the only thing I can think is someone put it in a car and drove off with it, but what an annoying place to do it no theory fits the facts its annoying my brain,
bachelors cooking tip:
boiled eggs are better than fried eggs.
because you dont have to wash up the pan.
I was balancing my trombone on the handlebars when I noticed it was rubbing the front wheel, I front braked and fell off to the right, but the trombone was bent, I took it back to my bus and tried to straighten it with pliers but the slide wouldn't go up and down, so I left it, cursing my stupidity, and cycled without it.
At Rob's shop I was told he'd left as few minutes ago, for the Tor, I caught up with him by the Riflemans, decided to go up with them, (a nutter, NN drove past hooting her car horn and shouting, but I was up on the pavement with my bike safe behind railings) I pushed the bike up the Tor, going to the left so the wind blew us up. We sat watching people smile as they neared the top up the back path, then were blown down to the mud. How we laughed. Then I cycled down (almost all, only on the very steep bit I decided I was going to fast so I braked and somersaulted off gracelessly.
Then cycled to Bridies yard where the music Gathering was. At the London Gatherings there were usually lots of musicians to hide behind, here there was Maggi's voice, Sally's Cello and my flute and whistles, and a few more people, and several energetic noisy kids, I enjoyed it.
then cycled to visit Rob, nice meal, blagged his office keys off him, visited Tim about Tribal Voices and got him to proof read my song (The Only Time I Lied Was When I Said I Didnt Love You Any More) (which I might publish in Festival Eye magazine) then snuck into Rob's office (saying hello to Bruce from Greenlands turned on his Mac and downloaded his hundreds of emails and my dozen or so. It crashed several times. I couldn't get the ZIP drive to appear on the desktop, I wanted to backup to it.
I slept.
Monday Morning I finished off, then Will from CIA came round to help with the office work, he sounded vaguely interested, I taught him how to use Simple Text on the Mac. Then Rob came round, things got confusing with he three of us, so said "thanks" and left. Halfway "pop" went my back tyre, so I pushed the bike back home
I'd left a folder with my current projects behind. ow
The reason I fell off my bike was I was going too fast, I was overconfident. I was flying because of that gig last Thursday, Dice George Light Show in Bristol with Theo and Shannon of Seize The Day and the Space Goats. All 18 lights worked, we all enjoyed it, it was like a family reunion and new people too, and everyone was good, and no-one fell over, and I got quite pissed , and was doing my lights, and dancing like a lunatic as usual.
today, Wednesday, I took the 2 boys into town visiting, where we watched the Disney's Jungle Book video, because we've read the book many times,
The cat's come aboard, pushing itself against my finger here as I type.. 87ui9\ typed the cat
It works, I went for a drive. I set off at about one a.m. on Saturday morning, after several days' work preparing, drove to Wells petrol station and then to Bristol, to the Malcolm X Centre somewhere, I'm not sure where, jason was co-pilot and directed me. There I parked, and slept, got up Saturday afternoon, bought milk and Guardian, took my lights into the hall and set them up. One socket was faulty, I'll mend it tomorrowish.
I hacksawed some aluminium scaffold bar to improve the table for my switchbox. I adjusted the colours. One band set up and practised, the Rhythmites waited. At 8.34pm Kebele Martin arrived with some excellent food, abut said that Starlight PA had let him down, and werent coming, so there was no PA and the gig was cancelled. I ripped down my lights, packed them in my bus, then drove to Stonehenge
Drove into the track OK, there were about ten vehicles there, and a fire, I did a U turn OK , then parked. Lit my fire. Most people were by one fire, listening to a car's engine and a generator which was powering an ultraviolet neon light. I went to the other fire, where and listened to rave tapes someone was playing from their car, with a mediumish speaker out the boot. A van passed by - hello george. They came visiting. With them was Roger Moon, he's seven now, two and a half years since he came to stay on my bus at Wandsworth Eco Village, and then we'd gone on to the Big Green Gathering.
over a hundred of us followed Rolo the alleged Druid into the Stones, we there from about six to seven. Someone was drumming, I played along on my tin whistle. Later I had several visitors, all taking it turns to hold Ellie's new baby, and chat and plot.
Then I drove back to Wells, up the bump onto the common,
then got stuck in the mud.
Now's the first time I've turned on a computer since I turned off the festival eye computers a week and a day ago and caught several buses back here. I'd been there a week working on the Mac and PC all day and all night, with brief gaps for food and sleep. Once we went for a walk with the kids.
Saturday I blagged a lift off Marky, Unloaded the lights, they hummed and erred and at 7pm banned them because "they're home-made", but I've got an RCD and everything's earthed, and it runs off a standard plug with a 13 amp fuse just like a kettle, but without the water, so it's much safer than a kettle, but "it's more than my job's worth" so no lightshow, so I danced.
The profit was £13.00, which we gave the Assembly Rooms towards the £20.00 we owed for hire of the hall on Sunday. I cycled back to Wells (with my red light flashing), a pedal fell off but I made it.
Sunday I slept a bit, got up about 12, but the clocks had changed, drank more tea, cycled off, but puncture at the bottom of the hill, so I pushed it back and fixed it, got to the meeting at about 3.
There were about a dozen people there, most from outside Glastonbury (Nottingham, Dorset, Bristol), but it was well worth it, a recent legal case theoretically means that the police can't stop us walking peacefully to Stonehenge for this summer, but they will if they want to, it's up to them, we're going as usual. See Stonehenge webpages
Then I went to the Galatea CyberCafe in the High Street to collect my email, it crashed 3 times, but I managed to get about six messages to disk, including some of the Stonehenge Campaign newsletter , but not all the pictures..
There was birthday party in the King Arthur at 8, but I cycled back to Wells, (getting another flat tyre at the bottom of the hill), got back to my bus, went to sleep.
Today it's raining, so I'm collecting rainwater, I'll be able to wash, hurray - it's been too dry for days.
I've left my bus and lights
in Somerset.
It's nice to go to sleep to the noise of the sea, waves lapping against the M25,
and to wake to the sound of chirping mobile phones!
I've had several adventures since I last updated this page, but they're saved on a disk in Somerset. works NEW - - dice george hot links, does it work for you, how could I improve it?
I've spent the last few days resting, I caught a bit of a cold at the Diggers camp. Most of us did.
I didn't get enough sleep - one night I went to bed three times and got up again because the music and chat from the campfire sounded so good. And every morning there was so much to do, and the breakfasts so good.
I set off late afternoon on Good Friday, 2nd April, packed my bagh and walked down the hill towards Wells Bus Station. Walking down the High Street someone hailed me - 'George' - it was Chris the guitarist who I'd played with years ago at the Kentish Town Rainbow Centre, and at Wandsworth.
I said I was off to London, he said he was too, he'd give me a lift tomorrow, but first into Wells Cathedral to hear a choir, then walk along footpaths to sleep in a small roundhouse at a camp.
Saturday we drove up the A303, arriving at Walton on Thames and parking. There were the people with banners and flags, several I knew from here and there.
I nipped into the chemist and photocopied a few dozen dicenewses,
"I'm an Eco Warrior (She might only be 11, but Poppy chooses to spend her free time protecting trees from bulldozers
from the May 1999 Sugar magazine, page 95.
And I bought other essentials - milk powder, teabags, biscuits, antiseptic cream, micropore and condoms (unused, not that it's any of your business).
Perhaps 300 of us colourfully processed to St George's Hill. We passed through the churchyard and onwards, to St George's Hill golf Course.
We were joined by a handcart, and on it a memorial stone to Gerard Winstanley, 1649, the Digger who wrote the pamphlets about the Land being a Common Treasury for All.
I carried my rucksack for the hour's walk, and so felt comfortably tired when we reached the Golf Course.
There were speeches and a photo opportunity with the Stone, we cheered when Tash said that since a recent House of Lords ruling we are now allowed to walk down a pavement in twos, and so can walk to Stonehenge this summer.
Mostly I ignored the speeches, and bimbled round the edges. Angel and baby Sunshine arrived.
A rumour was passed round that instead of going straight home there was a land squat next. Leaflets had said so, I didn't know where, I didn't need to know, I didn't want to know, I thought we might be bussed back to the site of the demolished Wandsworth Eco Village but no, we walked out the back of the golf course, along two roads, and then into some forested waterboard land, smack in the middle of the exclusive private millionaires estate, Cliff Richard and All.
I stayed at the back of the walk, helping the three pushchairs, (Lawrence Van DerPost says he stays at the back when expeditioning through the jungle - that's where trouble starts), so I was able to call the steward when a stupid car barged through the end of the procession and hit a push chair. These people think they're born with a silver BMW in their mouth, but the car is probably responsible for more destruction than Hitler! (I'm a hippycrite, I too love cars, mine is the biggest and best and worst, but I only drive about a hundred miles a year - I cycle loads more).
an email from [email protected] a musician playing an eclectic mix of styles, he wrote:
Dear Friend, I am a member of the 'SpaceRock ' community at and I'm thinking about coming to England in the Fall ( around Fall Equinox). I'm looking for like minded musicians/artists etc... Here in the states, my "scene", is quite small, and it appears that what I'm trying to get more involved with, is still quite a lively thing in England, what with Stonehenge, Glastonbury, Hawkwind etc. Anyway, thanks again for the info. Sincerely, Mike Burro
Chrissy from Bath asked me to check out ,
and Rebecca said has stuff about Australia 2000
(but I'm not going to drive there, or waste aviation fuel
Where next? That's a decision for Monday.
There's a cyber cafe in Shepton, I'll cycle there next and see if I can
insert this disk, upload this webpage and dicenews.htm ,
and grab my emails.
I did.
He's driven off to his kids' mum's place,
he'll drive them to skool in the morning
then arrive here at nine,
finish the magazine,
then take the hard disk to the local printer's
where they'll connect it by plug and wire to their computer,
perhaps a SCSI, I don't know exactly,
but then they'll try and open it in Quark Express,
and see if it works, if all the fonts and the pictures work,
then they'll print out some kind of master film
which'll go to the printers.
Or perhaps they'll produce one huge file from the quark and pictures
and email it to the printers computer.
This time last year I was stuck at my parents house
while andy was frantically phoning me
asking where the picture files were...
However I shouldnt be woffling on this keyboard, I should be over on the mac
Festival Eye Magazine is back from the printers, but I haven't seen a copy yet. Hundreds of mistakes, no doubt,
I worked on it non-stop from noon Sunday 16th May to 6pm Monday..
Friday/Sat 22nd May I updated some Cannabis Hemp webpages
and uploaded a 1999 datelist with festivals etcetera, for more see FE
The diggers /LandIsOurs want the Wandsworth Eco Village windmill back for their next land reclaimation, it's bolted onto my bus powering my batteries, radio, phone, computer, aaargh - anyone know where we can get a second-hand windmill or two (it's a Rutland Windcharger) - please phone
Stonehenge Campaign Newsletter due out very soon, I'll get mine at Kingston-on-Thames Green Fair on Monday, or at the start of the London Walk on Tuesday (1-3pm, Battersea Park Peace Pagoda)
ga99drug.txt thu27may1999 (this letter will probably wind you up, specially the first paragraph, thats why its a letter not an article, but it'll wind up the cops even more! dont print this bit, or my phone number 07970-378-572 respect! [george] ================================================================= Letter to Green Anarchist (I'm not 100% anarchist because growing people experiment with their shadows; some sensitive policing is better than lynch mobs; but in a perfect world I wouldn't start from here). About DRUGS: Sugar is the worst. Some of my friends are junkies but it hasn't improved them (but alcoholics have caused me more trouble). Cannabis herb is illegal in britain which is crazy - this leads to millions of lies and truth-decay and disrespect in general day to day life. I haven't taken acid for quite some time now, a few weeks, there was a lot of us, it was great in the kitchen, I was fluting so good when suddenly I realised what a worthless lump of shit I am and that I should go crawl off and die quietly - bummer! Later my impy instinct emotional side said to me: "nah, george, smile, keep larking about, you're not a suicide". But I am going to change a little bit, and try to be a bit less grumpy and a bit more open, just a bit. []
I hitched to London for the Kingston Green Fair,
there are loads of minor mistakes in ,
Festival Eye ,
on Tuesday the Stonehenge walk left London,
I walked for a day, then to Mandala
Records , Dave gave me a free
Tribadelica Space Goat CD SG23
of my tin-whistling on Pixies Jinx (track 6).
I'm dismantling and improving one of my lights
and I sold one Festival Eye, and gave a battered copy to Tipi Jean who wintered at Llangybi 1984-5 with us
I've been painting my bus, etcetera
Over ten years ago when in the Young Liberals
I proposed that United Nations Peace Keeping Forces
be sent forthwith to a troubled place,
(but I can't now remember which, there have been so many,
Palestine, Eritrea, Angola, East Timor, Tibet, Belfast,)
I've alluded to these things in my recent writings in Festival Eye,
Stonehenge newsletter, and others,
but that logical warlike part of my brain has been busy
in my little battle with DC3024Lovell, or with the system he obeyed,
perhaps underpaid and overworked and overstressed
and feeling subconscious guilty from the British Police's
failure to detect Fred and Rose West's murders for years.
I'm waiting for the official reply to my Complaint Against the Police,
depending on what they say I'll think about it,
and then "take approriate action"
(as we used to write in flowcharts when lazy).
When I get my Saturday Guardian first I turn to Julie Burchill
because sometimes what she says really annoys me,
she says the stupidest rubbish sometimes,
and sometimes the wisest, and sometimes the most obvious,
strong writing, freedom of speech
It's 8.30pm, I've spent 30 minutes writing this,
so don't take it as gospel, it's how I feel now,
but how can you know that these words mean the same to you
as they do to me? Of course they won't 100%
because we're different people, cousin.
3pm: I've just read "The Acid House" by Irvine Walsh,
(he wrote Trainspotting" which I havent read: wow, a powerful book
about scottish lowlife, junks, boozers... some very funny bits,
and human, believable... how glad I am that I never got that bad..
I played flute and tinwhistle round the Rainbow Circle Crew's campfire, near where I was parked in the Undle Ground. On the Thursday afterwards I got quite very drunk, but nobody noticed because they were drunker.
I invited someone back for tea several times but she didn't come
On the first Thursday I danced to
Seize The Day
in the Greenpeace tent
On the Friday I cycled into Shepton to photocopy covers for
Tribal Voices Tapes ,
(but someone left them to get wet so we didnt sell any);
and to upload webpages, but the cybercafe virus-checker
trashed my disk, and Geocities was closed for "improvements".
On Sunday
I saw Al Green on the Pyramid Stage,
and Burning Spear on the jazz stage.
I missed seeing Patti Smith and Suzanne Vega.
Monday to Sunday I socialised, as old friends found my bus, etcetera.
1-21 August Moonshadow Eclipse Green Futures Camp. phone: 01819416277 -
I'm taking my LIGHTSHOW?
last monday after I'd cancelled my MOT appointment
because of the waterleak, and realised that I wouldnt make it to Cornwall on in my bus for the eclipse lightshow,
I borrowed two books and read one in teh day and one in he night.
and since then I've read a book every night,
all of them Dic Discworld books by Terry pratchett.
"Moving Pictures" has many film references too clever for me,
but even I understtood the finale, the King Kong ape librarian climbing the tower
and fighting the well built blonde.
Terry Pratchet is cleverer and funnier than Tom Sharpe, and Douglas Adams,
as the blurb in one said
allegedly Free Rob Cannabis has a new webpage at
is my link from my links page
to fraser at
is... working?
I'm listening to the Space Goats CD for the first time, it's an improvement on the tapes - see my popstar webpage, or earlier notes here.
I still havent got power sorted in my bus ,
where can I get a second hand windmill?
and they're still looking for a water pump seal - eek!
I went to Portsmouth Smokey Bears yesterday, the police were being silly and hassling everybody, arresting people for possession of crumbs of cannabis, stopping drummers and guitarists and cassette players, they cautioned me for selling a few Festival Eye magazines. Orders from above? And I thought Portsmouth had a Liberal MP.
oxo my javasript Noughts and Crosses game doesnt work in the bottom left frame , I think it's a bug in the browsers Netscape 4 and IE3, because it usually works in a window of its own.
i dont like it but its there, in 1998 i was wrongly accused of child abuse
and arrested by DC Martin Lovell after voluntarily meeting them
and making a one and a half hour taped statement.
I've two official complaints of shoddy work which they've shrugged off...
if I was a nonce then people would have found out when I was drunk
and I'd have been disappeared years ago
it could take over 100% of my life,
but i wont let it take over more than 10%,
But this isnt who dicegeorge is,
I've just been playing flute to myself so dicily,
how much do i put on the web,
how much do i write to myself,
how great if id written my innermost thoughts these years,
there'd be books and books of stuff,
but i dont want to be known as george who was once accused of child abuse by a neurotic...
i'm dicegeorge the flutist, writer, undiscovered popstar,
happy to bimble off in my self not being discovered,
content to live with who I'm living with,
take what life throws up,
I'm an introvert,
but there comes a point in 99% fluffy which is 98,.
its this word "respect",
which is not only self respect,
and there are aspects of nazism in the word,
it doesnt mean i respect you because i'm scared you'll beat the shit out of me if i deny you,
no, its the opposite.
this here needs a focus,
am i literate/powerful enough to write, to function,
one point:
I'm not allowed to go to the USA
because I made a conscious decision and
and walked into glastonbury police station
with cannabis in my pocket
and got myself a criminal record,
which means I'm not allowed into the USA because I've got a drugs conviction,.
any true american would have done the same,
in my boots,
in the spirit of Thomas Paine,
and the US constitution of life and liberty.
we dont have a constitution here in britain, I remember the Young Liberal motion beginning: "Our primary political value is love.."
From: "Ken Kesey & Ken Babbs" [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Bristol guestlist dicegeorge please Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 07:18:33 -0700 I think the Bristol gig has been I went to the Fighting Cocks in Gosport, and played some tin whistle: John Bowman from Somerset was there, afterwards we sheltered from the rain under the bridge and played some more music.
i sent out an email to the people who's emails I put on scem1999.htm but i know I've lost a lot of emails, hopefully backed up on a disk somewhere
mchengist sent me an email, and to all these others too! To: "Dice George" Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 10:47:12 +0100e Dear fellow human being, I would have thought the purpose of a "stonehenge campaign" would be something other than to intercept the thoughts and words of it's communicants and re-transmit them. Somewhere in that process should be thought, sense and rationale but I cant see it. Many of the items are out of date and cannot be answered now, others have a relevance only visible to initiates of the music industry\festival scene, from whence the campaigning ethics of mammon are drawn. As I see it the Stonehenge Campaign is an insane hippie bureaucracy, do we really need it?
Learning trombone is taking a lot longer than I thought it would have, practising loud and soft, trying to understand which notes and how and why, but also to know it intuitively without pause. I was playing solo flute for about half an hour, or more. How can I say it in words? I can not. one riff i got going from the sound of bells, of alverstoke church bells, four bells i think, but thats very few.
have I ever written my way of tying bootlaces?
You have your boots loose, with the ends of the laces tied together
so can you get your feet in and out like slippers,
(so the laces probably dont go through all the lace holes).
Thats using boot s like slippers for casual use.
when you have to run at night or cycle
then you tie your laces up tight as follows:
first pull the laces knot outwards until the boot is tight,
(around four inches of lace out),
then tie an overhand loop knot in the lace so that it's tight at the boot,
then wrap the end of the lace down under the bottom lace,
then up again to the top lace,
then overhand loop it once or twice
(this keeps the end of the lace from hanging loose
and getting trod on or stuck in bike gears etcetra).
Do the same for the other boot. Run.
Its easy to revert to slippers by untying the top knot.
last night i read Kurt Vonnegut Jr's book Slaughter House Five.
I woke up thinking about it, have been remembering it all day often.
thats not a very elegant sentence - "all day often",
but it says what I wanted to say, that book I regard it even now,
the way he plays with time telling the story of Billy Pilgrim and the
Childrens Crusade, so it goes.
Seven Billion people on this planet I think some one said , or will be soon, and they all want dignity.
Worse than that, they all want cars and to travel in jet planes, no, not all of them, but the noisy cocky "successful" ones want cars, and they're the ones we hear.
Is it time for more trombone practice? are the neighbours asleep?
Inside, on the roof of my bus,
I drew a circle around a plate with a black marker,
cut it into twelve slices with a straight edge and pen,
then wrote in the Circle Of Fifths
( C G D A E B Fsharp Csharp Gsharp Eflat Bflat F C G D A...
I went all the way round the circle on my flute yesterday,
the first time ever.
Its nice to learn something knew.
(OW - I used that word "nice" - I hate that word - its so middle class,
look it up in an etymological dictionary to see how its meaning's changed..)
In Slaughter House 5, that book, inside were books by Kilgore Sprout,,
50's sci fi space ship abductions
and all true and happening to our hero Billy Pilgrim
in a four dimensional body with thousands of legs,
baby legs at one end, and old legs at the other.
I almost hitch hiked off tonight on the quest for the Bedford waterpump,
but it was wet and rainy,
and I've got to go that way next week anyhow,
tot he Stonehenge Meeting
so i'll now do the other little jobs, tidy up a bit.
I wish I could remember that flute tune..
like the music was flowing through me not from me,
When I was at gosport
last week I heard for the first time the
space goat CD SG23,
my five minutes of stardom in Pixies Jinx.
I prefer this remix to the original version on the tape "13 Moons"
If it hadnt been for that CD
then perhaps I'd have given up this hippy lifestyle
and moved into a house and got flash car and a job
I was tidying some wires in the cab of my bus today,
working towards developing wires coming from various batteries.
The batteries I used to charge from the windmill are now at eleven volts,
if I dont charge them soon then they'll break,
(however it is that batteries break -
plates inside buckle is a car battery is left flat for more that 24 hours,
or something like that,.
Theres a spider coming down a web about three inches to the left of this laptop,
near the cup that had potcheen in it,
the spiders gone up-
there it is going up and down up there,
it must re-ingest the thread it comes down on,
In the jungle it could drop down and grab and ant to eat,
whereas ten ants would have ganged up and ate it if it stayed down below.
I encourage spiders because they eat flies,
and flies eat dogshit then shit on my food,
they spread disease
Spiders are more local,
and the germs it carries are local to this bus,
somehow I find that encouraging,
it gives me hope that we'll muddle through somehow,
pessimist though I am.
The good thing about Pessimism is that is that
sometimes not everything turns out for the worst,
a few of the anticipated disasters dont happen as I feared they might,
and those that happen are expected,
so I'm happier than an optimist who must see their dreams smashed continually.
I sit slumped in front of this laptop, its not tonight I'm going to write my famous book, goodnight, save it to disk, turn it off. Tomorrow perhaps hitch-hike to find the waterpump.
Stunning Peel Session with Bob Marley and the Wailers doing Stir it Up, I hadnt seent that clip before, wow, Bob Marley.
Last week we watched some of the Kesey 60's programs,
I was amazed when Fat Boy Slim came on talking about the Pranksters
and I liked him: having heard the name a hundred times I'd shrugged it off,
but I liked him. There's more of us than I thought,
does my webpage
dicepubl.htm include
the letter I wrote to Festival Eye many years ago
about separating the sheep from the goats,
us lot from them lot,
perhaps to give us that mythy island of fat sid's,
but when the liberals and the socialists
and the country people,
and the methodists and the middling along good old english come along
there'd only be a few thatcherite crusties on their side of the fence,
so we'd let them have the Isle of Wight, ha ha.
someone complained about my phone answering message,
some comical tromboning,
so a few days ago I replaced it with some tin whistling,
about 20 seconds, ,
like as if I was live on TV on Glastonbury Stage One
and GO, dice george.
I did this once with my flute and Invisible Rory guitaring
at Pullens Festival between bands, Rory froze in silence but I went for it.
Perhaps I could take over John Peel's Ivor Cutler eccentric spot!
If I'd turned rightwards in my teenage years I could now be a millionaire Conservative MP, (my grandad's brother would have helped me up), and I could have been far worse than William Hague, who seems a nice old chap, despite the way he seems to be making support for europe a heresy.
A scientist was on the radio supporting the military germ warfare research at Porton Down saying "we need germ warfare research in case we're attacked" 'we' being the british, applying this logically to the hundreds of nation states would mean that every each one of them must research germ warfare, making the chances of an accidental spillage or information leakage sometime over the next hundred years almost certain. Bad logic, boys.
future generations will us
What am i doing to help? Well, I'm not as bad as some. And I'm trying to support Tribal Voices save the planet with music
Now the world news on BBC world Service - confident of a high turn out in the East Timor elections, several thousand people at a polling station in the hills,' rain forests all around, been there since 5 a.m. in the morning before voting was due to start. Wouldnt it be good if afterwards the Indonesians withdraw honourable?
h22:44 just got a phone call - it was Joe the welder from London, he's at Glastonbury with a woman and kids looking for somewhere to stay- (his ex got evicted and is a van in the road, he says) so they're driving here, I may have to give them my bed and sleep on the floor, or maybe the truck next door's empty..
Unfortunately this site isnt safe for little kids, five paces from my front door is the stream, I've got a ladder going down into it which I use to collect water in buckets, it's about ten foot down,
On Friday I got a lift to Glastonbury and went to the Assembly Rooms Gig,
I can't remembr the namer of the band,
It was Cameron's band with Les from the Rainbow Centre
and Stevie P from Heathens all
and others some of whom I half recognised .
My memory is like a whatdoyoumcallit,
metal, with holes in, a colender.
Lots of people from tribal Voices there,
a few from Stonehenge,
from the Rainbow Centre, from all over.
I danced a lot, as I do.
I noticed a certain woman there,
I ignored her, I shunned her,
I turned my back on her and continued dancing.
After half an hour she came at me as if to punch me again,
but I ducked, moved away,
people ushered her out,
they say she ranted in the hallway and was asked to leave,
promised free entrance to the next gig I'm not at.
I heard stories about her smahsing her ex-boyfriends' car up.
I feel so sorry for her little boy living with her tempers and tantrums,
emotional abuse.
It's good that they're in Glastonbury where people understand nutty women.
enough said. I danced all night.
Then I went back to Frazer's listened to some tapes, played some tin whistle, slept.
Saturday I came back to Radstock, read the Saturday
then went up the hill to the Radstock Gala Day and saw a few band,
drank a few ciders.
The last band, the only band people danced to,
had a computer / drum machine on most of the time
dictating the rhythm and the beat,
so it wasnt live heartbeat music,
but it was better than watching telly!
I heard an interesting comment about fox hunting on the radio,
someone saying that if it's banned then
people who get caught on horses chasing foxes will get put in prison,
be criminalised,
because we disapprove of what they do,
but that in a free society we should not make illegal everything of which we disaprove,
that's a totalitarian society,
murder is illegal because it infringes the freedom of the person murdered,
and people are a lot more important than animals or germs.
At the TLIO autumn gathering we discussed the Country Side Alliance,
which was set up by some very rich people who organised a huge
country people demo in London,
most of us wanted to ban foxhunting,
but a few said they live in the country and dont want to oppose it,
so we decided that TLIO should not have a policy on fox hunting,
but is to campaign on other country side issues,
such as rich people buying second homes in the country
and making it too expensive for the children of the locals to live there,
on sensible land yuse, etcetera..I'm not an expert...
Tue5oct1999 evening
h21:05tue05oct1999- on radio2 is an hour about Monty Python,
its 30 years to the minute since the first programme on BBC.
John Cleese's Barrister saying "furthermore My Learned Friend is neither
learn-ed nor my friend
before Python some of them did a children's program "Do not adjust your set"
I vaguely remember that,
Terry Giliam says he was just trying to fill up 3 minutes a week with someth9ing,
he'd put them in at the last minute,
all the other stuff was 'laughed in' at script meetings,
we interrupt this programme to annoy yuu, and to make things generally irritating
(eric idle)
it replaced a religous affiars progra,
which resulted in it getting complaints before it even started.
And the BBC often changed the transmission time
the BBC brought in a standard middle class audience,
the result: often nobody laughed at the jokes
sometimes it felt you had to have a PhD to watch Python,
that was one convention the Pythons decided to break,
the way they did it was not prohibitive,
says Michael Palin who hasnt read Proust either.
they didnt assume their audience was stupid,
unlike many nowadays
have you got anything without spam in it?
could I have egg bacon spam and sausage without the spam
Carol Clevedon was the only woman
it was very close to the line-
"intercourse the penguin" because they couldnt say the F word
canadian television took it off the air,
causing a protest by 200 students dressed as Gumby
why do you contradict people
I dont
You told me your did
no i didnt
The Life of Brian not blasphemous but heretical,
not an attack on religion
but on the self serving way some people subvert religions,
saying look what people do with religions-
imagine Christ arriving in the middle ages and
finding people burning heretics in his name...
cleese says
one of the eternal messages is "think for your self"
(thatcher on the radio saying all of Britain's problems have come from europe, and the solutions from the english speaking nations, we're wonderful..-- rubbish)
h22:45 now on radio 4 Salman'Rushdie's The Ground beneath Her feet, episode 12 of 15, I've heard about half of them..
I just went back in the soho ring , to pictures of connlie's mother dying from CJD aka. Mad Cow's Disease
Thursday I was going to Luke's to set up his new computer, teach him how to surf faster,
and upload the September Newsletter from a disk
I was given at the meeting, but he phoned and cancelled. drat.
Instead I crashed at another old friend's at Notting Hill.
I read Ray Bradley's 'Farenheit 451' a great novel about book burning,
a bland censored sterile television soap society conformity, and free thought.
I was offered some heroin to smoke:
I said can I have my share and flush it down the toilet.
Some of my best friends are junkies, but it hasn't improved any of them.
at victoria cybercafe, it just crashed and I lost 3 hours of stuff
getting emails:
John Pendragon's daughter Maria wants news
I might go to Fraser's Warp next saturday after the anarchist bookfair
jon says: From: "jon jones" [email protected]
Subject: arthurswood Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 11:31:05 GMT
george another butiful woodland destroyed by the boabolonug
manchester airport and hoardes of mordor longest tree eviction 8
days up tee climbers in no rush to get us out on 900 pound a day now
bastards hope you are well from big jon
Merric says there's the Godhaven Ink/ Rooted Media site at
Mike (Sloterdijk) has improved his website
A Circle of Peaceful People: Open Discussions says: Next Monday, October 11th, is Columbus Day. For many, this is a day to celebrate an outstanding European discovery, for others it marks the beginning of 500 years of European invasion and conquest. ~~ Approximately 10 million Native people lived here in the Americas when Columbus arrived. Their communities, customs, languages and religions thrived. By 1900, their populations had been reduced to about 100,000.
Guilfin say:
and remember that emails may be being monitored, so careful what you say.
Echelon is a vast oppressive global
surveillance system mainframe set up by the New World Disorder in
order to monitor the world's electronic communications for subversive
Jeremy Hardy, on Radio4's News Quiz said that after the Labour conference we thought they were just like the tories, but now having seen the tories conference we remembered that they're much worse!
Friday's Independent had an article by Ian Burrell their Home Affairs Correspondent which seemed to apply that everybody prosecuted by the CPS for child abuse is guilty, but I know that the D.C. Lovell of the Yeovil Child Protection Unit is inept and prejudiced, does not thoroughly investigate, and tried to fit me up by selective editing of my one and a half hour statement. I'll start a webpage about it, this aint the place
Letter from Karelia NFA 9x99 Dear Free State Cousins, scientists claim all of us have one unique genetic human ancestor: they've dubbed her 'Eve'. AJ Ayer analysed 'knowledge' as 'true justified belief'. But greater human truths are expressed in poetry: Kipling's 'If', Matthew's 'Sermon on the Mount', the eco-songs of Tribal Voices, that poem you wrote when distraught. In 1983 I fell in love with my best friend's wife, declared dishonour on Margaret Thatcher for sinking the Belgrano offside, quit my job, packed my lightshow pipes and papers, left town, joined the convoy at Stonehenge, bought a mutant bus at Inglestone which conked out in Bath, got it towed to the first safe site we found - Alison's Greenlands farm behind the Tor, 23 months. Kids I played with are now bigger than me! On the bookshelf I found Kahil Gibran's poem 'The Prophet'. Down town I found Glastonbury Assembly Rooms. In the 30's Shavians and Bloomsbury Bohemians would come here for theatre and socialisms. Imagine a hundred lusty singers before these days of prissy blairite curfews. Spike drum machines - rhythm is the heartbeat of music, alive and subconsciously changing every timeslice, looping feedback from dancers and listeners, live acoustic rave. Last New Year's Resolution was to be a bit more open, introvert though I be... rant woffle blah namaste ~ [dice] george [miles] 07970-378572
this morning I cycled up the hill to the photocopiers,
did over a hundred photocopies for my ongoing
Complaint against the Police appears that i forgot to post two letters in august,
so i sent them again today,
to my ex-solicitor in wandsworth,
and the other to the Police Complaints Authority,
complaining of their whitewash of DC Lovell' s inept "investigation".
They nearly got me, how many others has he unjustly attacked?
and i mended my bus roof leaks, and i cycled up the cyber cafe and downloaded some email and got fooled by that msmoney hoax. and this evening I've been here in my bus editing some of the files I've downloaded from what i did over the weekend in London. those nights in london easycafe.
some amazing artwork at Men-an-Tol
who can help convert the videos from .mov to .mpg or whatever, invocate is 538K in .MOV format, but if you've a fast links check it out, we tried to save it on S's hard disk but failed, but it played OK
I've been adding some javascript mouseovers to dicenews.htm my hotlinks page, with the destination and description of the links shown in the middle, the location/status bar in Internet Explorer 4 is usually only about 2 inches long in the bottom left of the screen, and nobody knows how to expand it. I prefer Netscape, but the page should work for those who dont have it. Does it work for you?
A firm in Bath advertised a 486 laptop with 32mb RAM: for me the RAM's more important than a fancier CPU because I dont have mains electricity to waste accessing the hard disk - but when I phoned they offered a machine with much less RAM for much more money, so I wont advertise them here.
Recently I've had letters printed in Glastonbury's Free State , in the Stonehenge Newsletter, and in the Green Anarchist
I've just listened to Under Milk Wood on Radio 3, the digitally remastered original 1954 production of Dylan Thomas's masterpiece, with Richard Burton. And being alon in my bus I heard 99% of it. Wow, the humanity.
My bus is booked in for an MOT on Wednesday, I was patching the exhaust today,
here in a layby on the A361 near Frome, but the engine wouldn't start, tomorrow
I must check over the HT electrics. And hopefully new windows will be delivered,
Mike was going to cut them on Saturday but he phoned to say it was too windy
to risk it in his garden. I phoned Susanah with the news, and for advice,
she laughed = "again!", the combination of alcohol and perfidious person
spreading rumours, lies and half-truths (again).
when does one and one not make two? -
when the one and the other one are the same one.
I am dice George of the Convoy,
the Mutants, Tribal Voices and the Young Liberals, 99% fluffy, a humanist,
with a third class Oxford educated brain,
now teaching and studying in the University of Life,
I'm not perfect, a bit wierd, but I have my self respect, and I still agree with 99%
of my puiblished writings in various newsletters and at
dicepubl.htm , especially my poem on Womens Issues,
which you may notice I signed with my "real name".
Please dont trust the Yeovil Police , I have proof that they're not perfect.
Today's Guardian reports that Gary Glitter has pl;eaded guilty to possession of
over 4000- 4000 disgusting pictures on his laptop, showing children of ages 3 to 10
being sexually abused and tortured. Yeuk.
I can imagine somebody wasting half an hour putting
"hairy black pussy" or "child porn" into a
search engine to see what they get,
but that man spent hundreds of hours collecting pictures. Why?
There were societies wheren rich old nmen had harems with dozens of wives,
and the young men relieved their sexual energies with buggery or whores.
In such societies most women would get pregnant, have children,
the children would be fed and would grow,
the tribe would increase. But a tribe where children were tortured and raped would die out.
Children are naturally cute, it's genetically evolved that adults find kids fascinating,
comfort crying children, entertain and educate them.
Middle class Victorian fathers were strict with their children
not because they hated them but because they thought it best for their childrens'
chances of success in their world.
But we are not slaves to our genetic predispositions.
If I see a woman and fancy her I do not immediately grab her bum and propose we make babies -
no, because I have honour and respect,. and self respect,
and others would not tolerate such behaviour.
So what of Gary Glitter and his hundreds of pictures?
Can he claim freedom of speech, that he was harming nobody?
he was harming himself, his own self respect, by collecting such pictures.
And the children were harmed by posing for the photos,
even if they were make beleive with tomato ketchup blood,
because for children playing, fantasy and reality
are not so separated as for us adults.
I'vbe read books by John Holt and others, and played with hundreds of kids over the years.
They often test the boundaries and want to know there are limits,
if a little boy pulls out his willy the correct response usually is to go "yeurrgh",
a mild amused disgust, but no big deal.
I remember nothing of being potty trained,
of getting my disgust of pooh, but it must have happened!
I'm very liberal believeing that what consenting adults get up to in private is their own business
and no concern of Government of police,
as it long as it harms nobody .
But they should close the curtains..
I think it's wrong and embarrassing that family newsagents dsiplay soft porn mags, tits and bums,
where children and women see them, but I do own a few such mags which I "use" some nights -
as I wrote in Festival Eye 1999
the male mammal after ejaculation gets sleepy.
Once a girlfreind asked me to pretend to rape her,
I refused, that's a place I dont want to go or imagine,
sex and violence are both powerful
Once years ago I could have killed a man. He'd punched me several times over weeks,
was often drunk and abusive,
and I didnt deserve it.
That night I was drunk, he'd punched me again.
I put on two leather jackets, and boots, and armed myself with an iron bar.
He came knocking at the door of my bus -
"Sorry George". I never let him know how close I came.
But I remember.
If it ever happens to you use a wooden stick-
then you can prove it was manslughter not murder-
show the police the metal bar and say
"If I'd meant to kill him I'd have used that"
That's alcohol.
My present enemy once described me as "non-violent", usually I am,
I wear glasses and had no brothers sio I'd lose at fisticuffs,
but philiosophically I'm 99% fluffy,
sober and rationally,
if I was in the right and it was very important and there was no better way.
My 1983 letter to the NME about
Thatcher's Belgrano guilt was such an occassion.
there's a point at which I'd go to war, but I'm in control of my "inner dog".
(Monday: cycled into Westbury for provisions, feasted on Corned Beef sandwiches, coleslaw and chocolate...)
11pm tuesday16november 1999:
The saturday Guardian has a guide to the weeks TV and radio,
I dont have a telly here but I do have a radio,
and what treats were on today-
this morning on Radio 4 politicians Gaffes,
Claire Short came out as an honest common sense politiician,
Tony Banks' joke about William Hague being a foetus,
and how the tories wished they hadnt voted against abortion-
I missed Melvyn Bragg's Routes of English and the play
because I was driving and conking out,
but tonight I heard Milton Jones' comedy,
then to Radio Two at 9pm for the Elvis Presley story, part One,
early songs up to Hound Dog I remember hearing at Stan Parks house,
but I didnt appreciate then what a star he was,
listening to his early radio interviews,
after he'd shocked America wiggling his hips on television he said
in a 1956 radio interview:
Whatever you do there'll be someone doesnt like you,
Jesus Christ, people killed him and he was a perfect man,
if everyone was the same then they'd all marry the same woman
and drive the same car"
in other interviews Elvis was also intelligent and perceptive,
they said not only did the girls like him the men did too,
and listening I could see why,
his songs in his high boys voice
and then deep low bits,
so tempting to sing along too,
Then after that part one of the Ella Fitzgerald story,
before tonight she was just a name to me,
she went to an amateur night as a dancer
but at the last minute sang instead,
they said she wasnt pretty enough and that her skin was too dark,
but when they heard her voice they gave her the job,
they'd give her a song and the first time she'd play it perfect
and the fourth time she'd play it better than the writer had imagined,
and it's true, her voice is fab.
Then to radio One, John Peel,
he played some tracks from 1972,
"My Friend the Sun" by Robin Wyatt,
and "I love you still, Caroline" by Family,
that a song I've only heard before live,
there's a man at the
Gosport Folk Club
who sings it most nights, it's a lovely song,
there he sings it sweet and pure.
But the original is cracked, like this guy isnt a great singer,
he's got these words and song to put out,
its so important and real he's gotta do it though he aint a great singer,
like Neil Young, and I like it.
That's what I'm like, with my song ,
but I'm much to scared to perform it,
and I cant remember the words, even though I wrote them,
that's why I want someone else to record it
and get it to number one for Valentines,
and send me the songwriting dosh!
if you find any child porn on the net you could
report it to the Internet Watch Foundation
(but dont send them any child porn -
if you do then they might nick you!
If you click an innocent looking link and get a child porn picture,
or if someone sends you one in an email,
then it's in your cache on your hard drive and
technically you're guilty of "producing" pictures of child pornography,
But most police arent that stupid.
I once found some soft porn pictures on a geocities site
which was near to mine, this is against the geocities guidelines,
on investigating I found that the web author lives in a wheel chair,
I sent him an email telling him he was naughty, but I didnt grass him up.
Its a matter of conscience, and proportionality - buy trees online to offset your CO2 emmissions. - joion in 500,000 smiley self protraits nitpicking inconsitistencies in movies mailing list service web resiources free web resources Ordanance Survey 10 downloadable maps site search counter for mike reports on broswers visiting page to dicenews a firewall between you and me Browserola - imitates different browsers 6% commission to sell goods - american dollars CWordPad
This laptop's screen has died,
I'm typing this in blind, hope it saves ok!
(I'll edit the speling later)
bicycle powered sound system
allegedly have cancelled the email forwarding from, thus many emails are lost and will continue to be lost, instead of [email protected] please use [email protected] . However I've included that email, and [email protected] , in loads of webpages and newsletters and mgazines and publications - how annoying! If you know how to please tell thinkpix how annoying and disruptive and unprofessional they are, and beg them to reinstate our email!
for more real audio sounds,
and a few videos too!
unfortunately they wont play here, I cant test them,
please email me if the real audio streaming works!
does this load
frames and then put dgflutes.htm into the main frame?
Tim Sebastian had asked me to light in Bath on the 14th, but that gig was cancelled. Steve was doing the 18th gig in bath to celebrate 20 years of something, I was perhaps going to take my lights, but they said they already had a lightshow.
So on Saturday 18th I didnt drive, I cycled to the bus stop at Mells. It was raining melting snow, my hands got red and frozen, hard to brake. After half an hour on the bus they thawed and hurt a bit.
In Bath I visited Microfinder again, after some chat I bought this 486 laptop for £200, they said they could upgrade the RAM from 16K to 64K, and then windows95 should fly. But when I tested it later I found bits of Windows missing (such as the UK keyboard and Internet Connection) - I'll be back! I'll save this to disk and cycle to upload it somewhere sometime, Radstock or Frome or Bath or London, mayber tomorrow, maybe next millenium!
At the gig I drank a lot and danced. Their "lights" were four disco lights and a projection of bubbles. huh. I didnt sulk too much because driving my bus through all that snow and ice would have been a nightmare.
I went back to Steve's, plugged in the laptop, explored it, then slept.
Sunday I slipped on ice in Bath walking to the bus stop, buses to Mells were cancelled, I took the one to Frome then walked the 5 miles home.
Down the hill out of Frome was scary ...
Walking down I generally kept to the right because the moon was on my left, and there was more light away from the hedge's shadow, plus the snow and ice was more melted on the right from the earlier unshadowed sun.
There were black tracks where car wheels had been, I walked down these, but at times they got slippy with ice, I then found it better and safer to walk down the crunchy white frozen snow.
Once I could have sprained my ankle (it's weak from a month ago) it hurt , but I survived (digression: "I will survive" was a hit on the disco floor in Jyvaskylla in Finland when I visited december 1979ish + Diana Ross sung it on telly when I was in London ( I also saw David Bowie's band on telly, great, his voice is magnificent, the depth from 'Heroes'...)
see photo of boy on my roof that evening, with Stonehenge in the distance.
I got sorted, then walked to the campfire, discovered that the end had fallen off my trombone, went back looking for it, found it. Drove my bus neared the fire. E. and our site baby arrived. Lots of people visited. I took a few catnaps. I cooked a veggy stew. much talk, some sleep, two or three kids were playing cards, baby slept warm...
Around seven we went out and were let into the Stones for about an hour.
see photo (taken that morning in bad light)
As always it was over so soon, but if we'd done a sit in occupation then they wouldnt let us or others in again, and anyway we'd sort of promised to get out when we went in through their tunnel, and it was cold and wet
I played tin whistle with two guitarists, the
Diggers Song:
"In 1649 I ragged band they called the diggers
came to st georges hill
in nineyty nine, we came again,
reclaimed regained renamed Georgina's hill"
Wednesday afternoon got my bus pulled of the mud by J and W's truck,
turned right and drove towards Shrewton and Somerset,
it started raining,
the windscreen wipers stuck together at the top centre,
I stopped in the road blocking traffic,
jumped out, spannered it,
the bus stalled,
I put it into gear and rolled it down hill on the clutch,
then let out the clutch: it started...
drove a few miles to the petrol station,
stalled on the corner coming out,
starting handled it going again,
stopped in a layby and adjusted the distributer manually
then it was worse, struggling uphill,
I adjusted it again, drove the the nearest safe parkup,
a turn off for tanks on exercise on Salisbury Plain,
got under and adjusted it again, then turned off the engine and made tea.
see photo
It was dark and the risk of conking out in a dark narow road was too much. " Sorry" I said to my passengers - They phoned a friend who came and rescued them in his van.
hardest driving today was here in the yard: a 23-point turn to get parked
so the engine's not over a puddle, so i can work on it.
Got a sniff and a bit of a cold.